jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

In answer to the ritvik-vadis: How Srila Prabhupada specifically asked some of his diciples to act as initiating gurus...






Creado por juancas  del 18 de Abril del 2013

In answer to the ritvik-vadis: How Srila Prabhupada specifically asked some of his diciples to act as initiating gurus...

de Pushkaraksha Das (Notas) el miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012 a la(s) 11:09

Whatever the ritvik-vadis may endlessly write, the truth remains that Srila Prabhupada ordered while he was still on the planet, some of his disciples to initiate and act as initiating gurus after his departure.

In that regard he had many private talks with some of his disciples and also addressed some of them in some Indian languages which his Western disciples could not grasp and therefore did not record... Plus, he also said many things which were not recorded, as he didn't have a mic hanging in front of his nose all the time!  So, the recorded proof or written evidence asked by some may not be there... Still, this existed as per the testimony of those who were ordered...  

Besides, he may have also asked others to become Guru, after his departure, by some transcendental ways, such as appearing to them in dreams and giving them specific instructions.

This method of ordering one's disciples through dreams is a bona fide existing process as in the example of Srila Prabhupada being ordered to take sannyasa by his spiritual master who repeatedly appeared to him in dreams to ask him to do so:

"One night Abhay had a striking dream, the same dream he had had several times before, during his days as a householder. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati appeared, just as Abhay had known him, the tall, scholarly sannyasi, coming directly from the spiritual world, from Krishna’s personal entourage. He called to Abhay and indicated that he should follow. Repeatedly he called and motioned. He was asking Abhay to take sannyasa. Come, he urged, become a sannyasi.

Abhay awoke in a state of wonder. He thought of this instruction as another feature of the original instruction Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati had given him at their first meeting in Calcutta, the same instruction that his spiritual master had later solidified in a letter; become an English preacher and spread Krishna consciousness throughout the Western world. Sannyasa was for that end; otherwise, why would his spiritual master have asked him to accept it? Abhay reasoned that his spiritual master was saying, “Now take sannyasa and you will actually be able to accomplish this mission. Formerly the time was not right.” 

So, rather that building up big theories and trying to rally everyone to them, kindly open up to spiritual reality and to the transcendental spiritual dimension, which may not be recorded on tape recorder or video, or consigned on paper... 

Fortunately for Srila Prabhupada and for us all, the disqualification of some of his disciples and followers, doesn't imply the disqualification of all... 

So please, ritvik-vadis, stop acting as crows looking for garbage, and become like swans; start ppreciating the qualities in others... 

Hare Krishna 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
All glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga  

En respuesta a ritvik-vadis: cómo Srila Prabhupada específicamente pidió a algunos de sus diciples para actuar como iniciar gurús...
Pushkaraksha de Das (Notas) el miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012 a la(s) 11:09

Lo que puede escribir interminablemente ritvik-vadis, los restos de verdad que Srila Prabhupada ordenó mientras estaba todavía en el planeta, algunos de sus discípulos para iniciar y actuar como iniciar gurús después de su partida.

En ese sentido tenía muchas conversaciones privadas con algunos de sus discípulos y también dirigió algunos de ellos en algunas lenguas indígenas que sus discípulos occidentales no podrían agarrar y por lo tanto no registró... Además, también dijo muchas cosas que no se registraron, como no tenía un micrófono colgado frente a su nariz todo el tiempo! Por lo tanto, el grabado de la prueba o pruebas escritas formuladas por algunos pueden no estar ahí... Aún así, ésta existió según el testimonio de quienes ordenaron...

Además, puede haber también pidió otros para convertirse en gurú, después de su partida, de alguna manera trascendental, como que les aparece en sueños y dándoles instrucciones específicas.

Este método de ordenar a los discípulos a través de sueños es un auténtico proceso existente como en el ejemplo de Srila Prabhupada se ordenó tomar sannyāsa por su maestro espiritual que repetidamente le apareció en sueños para pedirle que lo:

"Una noche que Abhay tuvo un sueño impresionante, el mismo sueño había tenido varias veces antes, durante sus días como un cabeza de familia. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati apareció, igual Abhay lo había conocido, el sannyasi alto, estudiante, directamente desde el mundo espiritual, del séquito personal de Krishna. Llamó a Abhay e indica que debe seguir. Repetidamente llamó y movió. Que pedía Abhay tomar sannyāsa. Venga, instó, a convertirse en un sannyasi.

Abhay despertó en un estado de maravilla. Pensó en esta instrucción como otra característica de la instrucción original Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati le había dado en su primer encuentro en Calcuta, la misma instrucción que su maestro espiritual había solidificado más tarde en una carta; convertido en un predicador inglés y difundir la conciencia de Krishna en el mundo occidental. Sannyāsa fue para ese fin; de lo contrario, ¿por qué su maestro espiritual habría pedido a aceptarlo? Abhay razonó que decía su maestro espiritual, "ahora sannyāsa y realmente podrá cumplir con esta misión. Antes no estaba bien."

Por lo tanto, más bien construir grandes teorías y tratando de rally de todos ellos, amablemente abren a la realidad espiritual y a la dimensión espiritual trascendente, que no puede ser grabada en grabadora o video, o consignada en el papel...

Afortunadamente para todos, la descalificación de algunos de sus discípulos y seguidores y Srila Prabhupada no implica la descalificación de todo...

Así que por favor ritvik-vadis, dejar de actuar como cuervos buscando basura y se convierten como cisnes; iniciar ppreciating las cualidades en otros...

Hare Krishna
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias a Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga

Me gusta ·  · 
  • 7 personas les gusta esto.
  • Yasoda Nandana Das prabhupada asked to be guru even to some people outside iskcon.. for example Bhaktivedanta Sadhu maharaja
  • Pushkaraksha Das Can you please explain and give us more details ?
  • Yasoda Nandana Das Srila Sadhu maharaja comes from the royal family of Bihar.. all family is known as a perfect sanga of gaudya's devotees with many miracles, pure sadhus and so on.

    sadhu maharaja did take initiation, as a child, from Govinda Das babaji from Vrindavan...

    when he was a young man, he was not able to harmonize his sadhana and devotion with his prince's and familiar duties..

    so his guru did send him to Prabhupada.. "go to Prabhupada because he is incarnation of the mercy of sri nityananda.. he will help you"

    sadhu maharaja did go to Prabhupada...

    he went to krsna balarama mandhir, but the devotees did not allow him to see prabhupada and wanted to get him out .. He, speaking in hind, said that he wanted to see prabhupada because of his guru's order.. so he did not wanted to move..

    prabhupada did hear someone speaking in hindi and send away all the people calling sadhu maharaja to get in..

    sadhu maharaja did explain his problem and did said to prabhupada about him and his family ...
  • Stefano Notarbartolo Why the devotees didn't want him to meet with Srila Prabhupada?
  • Yasoda Nandana Das prabhupada said to him "you are a rascal.. because i am close friend of your grandfather, he is the most busy man in the world but he' is also a highest pure devotee.. "

    "so you consider yourself like my grand son and i will help you"

    prabhupada called sadhu maharaja to sit with him in the vyasasana and said to him :

    "now follow your spiritual master who is bona fide, do your grihasta life.. when you will be ready, you will take sannyasa and you will be a guru preaching krsna's message all over the world"...

    so, briefly, Srila Bhaktivedanta Sadhu Maharaja did it in this way, and in his fifties he did take sannyasa from a disciple of srila Prabhupada (srila paramadvaiti maharaja) and did started to preach all over the world, taking disciples and giving initiation and teachings...
  • Yasoda Nandana Das ==Why the devotees didn't want him to meet with Srila Prabhupada?==

    because there was some meeting of iskcon leaders... but Prabhupada did hear srila sadhu maharaja and sent away all gbcs to speak with him alone...
  • Yasoda Nandana Das (i apologize for my bad english)
  • Yasoda Nandana Das hare krishna! jay prabhupada, jay gurudeva, jay gaura govinda swami maharaj!!
  • Pushkaraksha Das Many many thanks dear Yasoda Nandana Prabhu for this very very elivening story... All glories to Srila Bhaktivedanta Sadhu Maharaja... All glories to all the pure devotees in the world...
  • Pushkaraksha Das Here is some complementary information, as reported by Mahavegavati devi dasi: 

    "Hare Krsna. Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah. My pranams to you. I am submitting this for the pleasure and information of the readers.

    On Sept 20, 1945, at the exact time when the puja is being offered to Sri Anantadev on Ananta Caturdasi, a son, Ananta Prasad, was born to Raj Kumar Sacinandan Prasad Singh, in the royal family of Munger, Bihar.

    The kings of Munger descend from Kasyapa Muni through King Haya Haya. Ananta Prasad Singh was brought up in this aristocratic family who were worshippers of Lord Caitanya and Radha-Krsna through Ananta Prasad?s grandfather, Raj Raghunandan Singh, (who was also given knighthood by the British at that time).

    Studying in private Catholic schools, Ananta Prasad was taught to worship Jesus while his mother and grandmother daily worshipped Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Radha-Krsna. Attending the best possible schools throughout his life and living a life of luxury where nothing was lacking, Ananta Prasad received his BSC and eventually got married. In his student days he was the owner of five cars (all at the same time, and with chauffers to drive them) including a Rolls Royce with pure gold embellishments. (Obviously this gentleman was not lacking anything.)

    At age 19 Ananta Prasad was married and after completing his degree, he started a business only to keep busy because he was not in need of earning any money. Despite his business, he still continued to hold on to the teachings taught by his mother and grandmother. At the same time, Ananta Prasad was not able to have sound sleep at night. His mind was agitated by figuring out how to make more money, how to spend it, and how to increase his gratification of the senses. Seeing the tranquility of his grandparents, Ananta Prasad started thinking there must be more to life than what he was doing, and from 1970 these feelings became more and more intense.

    While as a child, Ananta Prasad had regularly visited Vrindavan to go to the Munger Mandir his grandfather had built. In Vrindavan, he was regularly hearing from Sadhus. These past practices started having their effect. The final push came in 1974 when Ananta Prasad?s father died. Ananta Prasad, along with his wife, went to his Guru Maharaj, Radha-Govinda das Babaji Maharaj, who had given him Hari Nam initiation in his childhood, and asked for diksha. Radha-Govinda das Babaji Maharaj gave the initation saying, "No need to change your name since it is a name of Sankarsan.

    Now the time has come for you to give more service to Radha-Mohan. Radha-Mohan is your Isthadev."

    Ananta Prasad and his wife, began to spend a lot of time going to Vrindavan, their five children living in the schools where they were attending. Ananta Prasad chanted 100,000 names of Krsna daily, listened to the Srimad Bhagavatam from sadhus, and rendered service to Guru and Krsna.

    In 1976 Srila Radha-Govinda das Babaji told Ananta Prasad to go to see Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, explaining, "Srila Prabhupada is an expansion of Lord Nityananda who has come to fulfull the work of Lord Caitanya." Following the instruction of his Guru Maharaj, Ananta Prasad prabhu went to the Krsna Balaram Mandir asking to see Srila Prabhupada.

    The guard told him that Srila Prabhupada was in an important meeting, could not be disturbed and he would have to come back at another time. Ananta Prasad again asked to see Srila Prabhupada, saying that he would not leave until he got to see Srila Prabhupada, and again he was told no. This time though, Srila Prabhupada called out in Hindi, "Who is there?" When the guard answered, "Some man from Munger Mandir has come to see you. I told him that you are busy." Srila Prabhupada ordered that Ananta Prasada be sent to him.

    Walking into a room filled with sannyasis and GBCs, Ananta Prasad heard Srila Prabhupada say to his men, "So, we have spoken. Now all of you discuss and come back in one hour." With that, the men left and Ananta Prasad was there with Srila Prabhupada alone.

    After some time Srila Prabhupada inquired, "Do you know Raghunandan Prasad?" Ananta Prasad answered, "Yes, he was my grandfather." Srila Prabhupada replied, "Then you are my grandson," and he hugged Ananta Prasad. Srila Prabhupada then explained their relationship and asked if Ananta Prasad was directly involved in the seva of Radha-Mohan. After answering that he was too much engaged with other activities, Srila Prabhupada chastised, "Your grandfather was doing so much and he made time to render direct service to Radha Mohan. Are you so much more busy than he?"

    Not knowing what to say, Ananta Prasad began to feel very guilty hearing Srila Prabhupada's words. Srila Prabhupada continued in His chastisement explaining that Ananta Prasad had a moral responsibility to serve his Ishtadev, Radha-Mohan because he was brought up in a Vaisnava family and had consciously taken diksha initiation from his Guru Maharaj. Srila Prabhupada continued, "If you start doing service for Radha Mohan, you will have to go and preach all over the world. This will come in your life, but you will have to wait for that." Ananta Prasad was shocked by all of this.

    In 1994, while sitting in the entrance of Munger Mandir, a large-bodied sannyasi of Western origin rode up on a small bicycle and said to Ananta Prasad, "I want to see your temple." After being ushered in, B.A.

    Paramadvaiti Maharaj started giving suggestions how to improve on the construction of the temple. Ananta Prasad followed these instructions, then went to see Paramadvaiti Maharaj, and they developed a deep friendship. In 1995 Paramadvaiti Maharaj suggested that Ananta Prasad take sannyas and preach. By 1996, when visiting one of his sons who was living in the USA, Ananta Prasad decided that he wanted to take sannyas. He telephoned Paramadvaiti Maharaj in Miami telling him of his decision, and added, "I want to take it from you." Paramadvaiti Maharaj directed Ananta Prasad to come to Columbia saying that he would receive his sannyas initiation there.

    The ticket was immediately arranged and Ananta Prasad was given sannyas when he arrived. After Bhaktivedanta Sadhu Maharaj got his sannyas, he spent the next nine months in South America preaching there, and has continued regularly going there, as well as to Europe since that time. He will begin another tour of Europe and the USA.

    Submitted for the pleasure of the Vaisnava readers, I remain your servant,"


    "Hare Krishna. Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah. Mi pranams a usted. Voy a presentar esto para el placer y la información de los lectores.

    El 20 de septiembre de 1945, en el momento exacto cuando la puja está siendo ofrecida a Sri Anantadev en Ananta Caturdasi, nació un hijo, Ananta Prasad, a Raj Kumar Sacinandan Prasad Singh, de la familia real de Munger, Bihar.

    Los Reyes de Munger descienden de Kasyapa Muni a través de rey Haya Haya. Ananta Prasad Singh fue criado en esta familia aristocrática que eran adoradores del Señor Caitanya y Radha-Krishna a través de Ananta Prasad? abuelo s, Raj Raghunandan Singh, (que fue también dado Caballería por los británicos en aquel momento).

    Estudiar en escuelas católicas privadas, Ananta Prasad enseñaron a adorar a Jesús mientras su madre y abuela diariamente había adorado Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Radha-Krishna. Asistir a las mejores escuelas posibles a lo largo de su vida y vivir una vida de lujo, donde nada faltaba, Ananta Prasad recibió su licenciatura y finalmente se casaron. En sus días de estudiante, él era el dueño de cinco coches (todos al mismo tiempo y con conductor para conducirlos) incluyendo un Rolls Royce con adornos de oro puros. (Obviamente este caballero no faltaba nada.)

    Ananta Prasad estuvo casada de 19 años y después de terminar sus estudios, comenzó un negocio sólo para mantener ocupada porque él no necesitaba ganar dinero. A pesar de su negocio, él continuaba aferrarse a las enseñanzas impartidas por su madre y su abuela. Al mismo tiempo, Ananta Prasad no pudo tener sonido sueño por la noche. Su mente fue agitado por averiguar cómo hacer más dinero, cómo gastarlo y cómo aumentar su gratificación de los sentidos. Al ver la tranquilidad de sus abuelos, Ananta Prasad comenzó pensando debe haber más vida que lo que estaba haciendo, y desde 1970, estos sentimientos se convirtieron cada vez más intensos.

    Mientras que como un niño, Ananta Prasad había visitado regularmente Vrindavan para ir al Mandir de Munger, su abuelo había construido. En Vrindavan, que estaba oyendo regularmente de Sadhus. Estas últimas prácticas empezaron a tener su efecto. El empuje final llegó en 1974 cuando Ananta Prasad? padre murió. Ananta Prasad, junto con su esposa, fue a su Guru Maharaj, Radha-Govinda das Babaji Maharaj, quien había dado inicio Hari Nam en su infancia y pidió diksha. Radha-Govinda das Babaji Maharaj dio el inicio diciendo: "no hay necesidad de cambiar su nombre, ya que es un nombre de Sankarsan.

    Ahora ha llegado el momento para que usted pueda dar más servicio a Radha Mohan. Radha Mohan es su Isthadev".

    Ananta Prasad y su esposa, comenzó a pasar mucho tiempo va a Vrindavan, sus cinco hijos viven en las escuelas donde atendían. Ananta Prasad corearon diariamente 100.000 nombres de Krsna, escuchando el Srimad Bhagavatam de sadhus y había prestado servicio al Guru y Krishna.

    En 1976 Srila Radha-Govinda das Babaji dijo Ananta Prasad a ir a ver a Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, explicando, "Srila Prabhupada es una expansión del Señor Nityananda que ha venido a cumplir la labor del Señor Caitanya." Las indicaciones de su Guru Maharaj, Ananta Prasad prabhu fue al Krsna Balaram Mandir pidiendo ver a Srila Prabhupada.

    El guardia le dijo que Srila Prabhupada estaba en una reunión importante, no podía ser perturbado y tendría que volver en otro momento. Ananta Prasad nuevamente preguntó a Srila Prabhupada, diciendo que no dejaría hasta que llegó a ver a Srila Prabhupada, y otra vez le dijeron que no. Esta vez, Srila Prabhupada llamó en Hindi, "que está allí?" Cuando la Guardia respondió, "un hombre de Munger Mandir ha venido a verte. Le dije que usted está ocupado." Srila Prabhupada ordenó que se le envió Ananta Prasada.

    Caminar en una habitación llenada de sannyasis y GBC, Ananta Prasad oyó Srila Prabhupada decir a sus hombres, "por lo tanto, hemos hablado. Ahora todos ustedes discuten y volver en una hora". Con eso, los hombres de izquierda y Ananta Prasad estaba allí con Srila Prabhupada solo.

    Después de algún tiempo Srila Prabhupada preguntó, "Conoces Raghunandan Prasad?" Ananta Prasad respondió: "Sí, él era mi abuelo". Srila Prabhupada respondió: "Entonces eres mi nieto", y abrazó a Ananta Prasad. Srila Prabhupada luego explicó su relación y le preguntó si Ananta Prasad estuvo directamente implicado en la seva Radha Mohan. Luego de responder que estaba demasiado comprometido con otras actividades, reprendió a Srila Prabhupada, "tu abuelo estaba haciendo tanto e hizo tiempo para prestar servicios directos a Radha Mohan. ¿Está mucho más ocupado que él?"

    No saber qué decir, Ananta Prasad comenzó a sentir palabras de Srila Prabhupada audiencia muy culpable. Srila Prabhupada continuó en su castigo explicando que Ananta Prasad tenía la responsabilidad moral de servir a su Ishtadev, Radha Mohan porque se crió en una familia Vaisnava y había tomado conscientemente iniciación diksha de su Guru Maharaj. Srila Prabhupada continuó, "si comienzas haciendo servicio para Radha Mohan, deberás ir y predicar por el mundo. Esto vendrá en tu vida, pero usted tendrá esperar." Ananta Prasad se escandaliza con todo esto.

    En 1994, mientras estaba sentado en la entrada de Munger Mandir, un sannyasi grande de origen occidental montó para arriba en una pequeña bicicleta y dijo a Ananta Prasad, "quiero ver el templo". Después de ser introducido en B.A.

    Paramadvaiti Maharaj comenzó a dar sugerencias de cómo mejorar la construcción del templo. Ananta Prasad siguió estas instrucciones, entonces fui a ver Paramadvaiti Maharaj, y desarrollaron una profunda amistad. En 1995 Paramadvaiti Maharaj sugirió que Ananta Prasad tomar sannyas y predicar. En 1996, al visitar uno de sus hijos que vivía en Estados Unidos, Ananta Prasad decidió que quería tomar sannyas. Telefoneó Paramadvaiti Maharaj en Miami diciéndole de su decisión y agregó: "Quiero tomar de ti". Paramadvaiti Maharaj dirigido Ananta Prasad a venir a Colombia diciendo que recibiría su iniciación de sannyas allí.

    El billete fue arreglado inmediatamente y Ananta Prasad dieron sannyas cuando llegó. Después de Bhaktivedanta Sadhu Maharaj consiguiera su sannyas, pasó los próximos nueve meses en América del sur hay predicación y ha seguido regularmente llegando allí, así como para Europa desde entonces. Él comenzará otra gira de Europa y Estados Unidos.

    Enviado por el placer de los lectores Vaisnava, sigo tu siervo"

    Mahavegavati Dasi
    Hare Krsna

  • Pushkaraksha Das It is just that Manu Samhita states that a brahmana who works for sudras, becomes a sudra himself...
  • Pushkaraksha Das So, rather than spend your spare time criticizing ISKCON, and finding faults with others, while dedicating your day assisting the karmis in pursuing their materialistic goals, it would be beneficial for you to meditate on how to develop some humility and kindness (as per mataji's answer).
  • Pushkaraksha Das By the way, Srila Prabhupada had an independent business and was not working under the order and at the service of some karmis... That makes a whole lot of difference...
  • Pushkaraksha Das The disciple will never pretend to be equal or greater than his master. As it is, the disciple remains eternally subordinate to his master as a menial servant. This is the mood of the disciple.
  • Pushkaraksha Das What matters is pure devotion... If one has prema bhakti,, he can infuse pure love of God in the heart of his disciples...
  • Pushkaraksha Das This is not cheap. It is rare... So, we have to worship those rare personalities who have become liberated souls, may they be kripa-siddhas or nitya-siddhas...
  • Pushkaraksha Das Some people are so frustrated and bitter than they only can think of biting like mean dogs... It is a shame and a sad state of affairs... as we have better things to do in life than just spend our days criticizing others... 

    Plus, this attitude depicts a lack of faith in Krishna, as the Supreme Controller... and in Yamaharaja as the superintendent of death, who is in charge of punishing everyone for their sins...
  • Yasoda Nandana Das dear pushkaraksha prabhu many thanks... and obviously many many thanks to mahavegavati mataji for all the nectar about srila bhaktivedanta sadhu maharaja...
  • Pushkaraksha Das I have been running my own business, as a grihastha, as Srila Prabhupada did, not to be working under karmis... So, Tim, I speak from personal experience. Srila Bhaktivinoda was a judge, which means that he was the top man at the court and was in a position to judge others... 

    I understand that one may not have the necessary talent, determination or working capacity to be self-employed, but freedom does also have a cost!

    But one may also bear the good results of dedicating one's activity to Krishna and not just to bodily or family maintenance under the guidance of karmis, as all karmis also do...
  • Pushkaraksha Das Tim, we understood long back that some people have taken up the position of diksha guru, while not having reached the platform of nistha and fell down due to some personal material attachments, or fell down later on, due to offenses... 

    So, there is no need to keep pointing at them, as if they were the center of the world or were meant to be the center of every conversation you may hold... That's giving them too much importance, when there are so many more valuable topics of discussion and of meditation... Don't you think?
  • Pushkaraksha Das Besides, we do appreciate the devotion the ritvik-vadis may have for Srila Prabhupada, no doubt about that. 

    What we appreciate much less is their constant focus on the existing or non existing faults of others... Their denigrating others constantly is not only very tiring, but also offensive, which makes their topic of conversation very contaminating for most, if not all devotees... 

    So, please, tell us about Krishna at least once, how He is wonderful... Kindly contribute to purifying our mind by narrating some nice Gaura or Krishna lila... 

    We're not just crows... We love nectar... 

    Bury the hatchet! 
    It is Kali yuga, the age of the cheaters and the cheated... 
    So, you may not be in a position to change that, but rather are more likely to contribute to the all-pervading disorder, and add to it in your own way... 

    Hence, someone may accept a false guru and be cheated... 

    But, someone may refuse a bona fide guru after having heard from you that all gurus in the line of Srila Prabhupada were meant to be bhogus and then be cheated... 

    So, you have to learn to become equipoised and to trust Ishvara Parama Krishna sat cit ananda vigraha anadir adir Govinda sarva karana karanam... 

    Chant Hare Krishna and be happy !
  • Yasoda Nandana Das amar puri prabhu.. ritvikism is simply speculation, it is very easy to say it because no sadhu outside your group consider it even something intelligent.

    Prabhupada is no more here to check if we understand him and the scriptures properly, so we have to go to the guru and the sadhus to ask if our ideas are krsna consciousness or bhoga.
    So.. you go to any guru or any sadhu of every group and math from sri chaitanya and he will tell to you that your understanding of srila prabhupada's message is wrong...

    This is enough to say that you are in a bad position... and your position is even worse because you not only want to be krsna conscious without guru (that is absurd), but also you blaspheme all pure vaishnavas saying that they're bogus...

    so, please, stop this mess.. search with positive behaviour (=pariprashnena) and you will find someone who you can trust.. this is the statement of sri krsna in bhagavad gita...

    believe it!! 
  • Yasoda Nandana Das prabhu your objection is not so intelligent... Prabhupada is alive as Bhaktisiddhanta is also alive or Gauranga Mahaprabhu; Krsna, Radhika and so ... but you cannot reach them until you are a realized soul... For this reason you have to accept a guru with whom you can have an interactive relationship...

    radhika has not "vani"? yes she has.. but you had to relationate with her vani through srila prabhupada not to become a sahajja.. In this way, if you do not want to develope deviances, you have to follow the prabhupada vani through a pure devotee in an interactive relationship

    and everything has to be in line with sadhus (sadhus that, in their totality, disapprove ritvik cult..)

    another point....

    if i come to your center in bangalore or somewhere else, when i can hear some class or when i can put questions, maybe personal ones, to a pure spiritual master?

    or i can come but i have only to hear and speak with neophites?

    and if i come to make service, to give donations, why i have to being leaded or to give money to people who are not pure devotees?

    how you can call vaishnava group a group where there's no vaishava leading it, preaching, caring for people?

    it is you who seems to be a bogus guru, because you want to speak about krsna consciousness without being supported and connected by parampara' system...
  • Yasoda Nandana Das abhaya charanaravinda dasi

    ===At least the karmis are not pretending to be pure devotees==
    this is ritviks ... having no guru they're not even initated but they want to understand pure devotion...

    ===u cannot change the order of the spiritual master==
    the main order by prabhupada and by the krsna consciousness is to take teaching and instructions from sadhus and masters... and no sadhu and no master says that ritvikism is a right approach and a right approach of prabhupada's message..

    ==becuz the very first thing==
    for bhagavad gita the very first thing is to surrender to a spiritual master that you can approach interactively.. 

    ===“If you become disobedient to guru, then your business is finished.”
    (Srila Prabhupada’s Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture, August 10th, 1974)==
    jay prabhupada! it is a lecture... when i can come to your temple and hear a lecture from a bona fide spiritual master with the possibility to make questions to?
    You have a spiritual name... can you make me speak with your guru to take siksa from him ?

    ===One cannot become happy by accepting a false guru==
    so why i have to accept, if i want to make service with an authentic vaishnava sanga, the leading of some ritvik leader?

    in your group there's no pure spiritual masters, otherwise you did accept them as gurus, so why we have to join some group with no real vaishnavas available?
  • Yasoda Nandana Das ===So it is part of vedic law that the order of the spiritual master cannot be changed==

    i agree... but one point is that ritviks do not understand the order of prabhupada because they try to read shastras and prabhupada's message, but doing it without being connected thru guru and with no blessing from sadhus they cannot .

    No master and no sadhu in the world consider ritviks being bona fide, connected to parampara .. so you cannot be able to understand prabhupada.

    Spiritual science can be known thru guru, shastra and sadhu... you have shastras in your booklet, but no guru and no sadhu in your life, so before speaking about changing or not changing, you have to understand what is the order, and to understand you have to be connected to parampara...

    but none of the parampara says that you are connected...

    you, being not initiated, are not even born as spiritual practitioner.. yes, you have some sentimentalism for prabhupada, it is very nice, but it is not nice that you show such offensive behaviour, because the vaishnavas are the ones that prabhupada loves the most...


    No master and no sadhu in the world consider ritviks being bona fide, connected to parampara, only people from your group that they're not real sadhus or gurus otherwise you did accept as masters ..

    so you cannot be able to understand prabhupada, prabhupada's message, prabhupada's orders, final orders, instructions and so and so..
  • Yasoda Nandana Das mataji... the main point is that you can surely read prabhupada's books and quotes, but if you are not connected to parampara and no guru and no sadhu agree with your intepretation, your vision is only speculation...

    everything you are quoting from prabhupada or shastras is right and nice, but it is against your beliefs.. you will understand only if you take shelter from a pure devotee..

    prabhupada says that the spiritual master is the glasses to be able to read the shastras...

    no glasses, no reading of shastras... no understanding of prabhupada's message..

    so you can quote all vedas, but the result will be the same, simply you are speculating...
  • Yasoda Nandana Das ===The main point is u cannot change the order of the spiritual master ==

    mataji.. you are not able to have a real discussion...

    this is obviously accepted by me and by everyone..

    but the fact is that YOU cannot know what is this order for the reasons i have explained before...

    even it is a blasphemy to krsna and prabhupada, you are free to believe that there's no sadhu in this world... but this puts and end to all krsna consciousness, ritviks included..
  • Yasoda Nandana Das ==YASHODA does that make sense to u?==

    it makes sense to you.. but who is the guru and the sadhu who says you are right?

    You can quote all vedas.. but if you're not in parampara' you can say only bogus things...

    everynthig that prabhupada says is supported by sadhus, so he is right.. it is you that do not understand having no support...

    so you quoted many things, all right and transcendental, but they do not support your conclusion.. why? because no one has this conclusion except you.. and you are not even a neophite..

  • Yasoda Nandana Das i only add something because i live srila bhaktivaibhava puri maharaj and i do not like seeing him used for demoniac purposes..

    I wrote some comments in youtube,,

  • if you read some byography, prabhupada's main service was answering letters.. so, even he was a planetary guru, he constantly tried to have a personal relationship with more disciple possible..

    So it is very difficult to show Prabhupada as someone who thinks that vapu is useless. If you were devotee at the times of prabhupada, and prabhupada did come in your temple giving class, of if you did have the opportunity to speak with Him, you did stay in the room reading books because vani is enough?"""""

  • using srila bhakti vaibhava puri maharaja to support ritviks is real madness.. he did give thousands of initiations...

    if someone thinks that in iskcon there's no guru, right or wrong, he have to take a bona fide guru somewhere else, not that he joins "ritviks" .. srila bhaktivaibhava puri maharaja did give shelter to many people who had experiences of fallen gurus in iskcon.. he gave initiation and siksa, not that he send them to the ritviks... haribol!!
  • Pushkaraksha Das Note: A couple devotees sent me some messages pointing out the fact that some innocent readers may be polluted by the fallacious arguments of the ritvik-vadis, if we allowed them to have an open tribune... 

    In that line, they have asked me, like many of you have already done, to unfriend them, as well as erace and block their comments... 

    Even though I may be inclined towards open debates, I also feel that there shouldn't be an open scope to commit vaishnava aparadhas... 

    So, for the higher cause of protecting the vaishnava siddantha and our Parampara, as well as our cherished readers, we beg apology to the protecters of Srila Prabhupada's Sampradaya if any of the earlier comments of the Ritvik-vadis have been considered as un undesirable tribune for them to express views detrimental to the proper growth of our bhakti-lata, as I do. 

    Nevertheless, I would also like to let the ritvik-vadis know that I am praying for their welfare and protection at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, as I feel compassion for them and do respect what is genuine in their love and appreciation both for Srila Prabhupada and Sri-Sri Radha-Krishna... 

    Hence, they should understand that we are just trying to help them open their eyes to a spiritual dimension they have not been able to envision yet, and humbly beg them to stop their offenses at the feet of the vaishnavas for their own sake and for the welfare of everyone else... 

    We are aware that there has been some flaws in the past and that there might still be some flaws in the future. But we are in Kali-yuga... So, what can we expect? 

    Nevertheless, our duty is to help and assist each other in our journey back home, back to Godhead... 

    Hence, pointing out the would-be defects in others, is neither our business, nor our seva... 

    We are interested in assisting others progress towards the goal, and welcome their help to do so, ourselves... 

    So, I thank you all for your kindness and patience, and beg forgiveness at your feet, for any offense I may have committed, either willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly... 

    Hoping that we may all remain eternally and blissfully engaged together, in the service of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga...

    Das dasanudasa
    Puskaraksa das
  • Gauranga Sundara Das This might be a bit lengthy but it is certainly worthwhile reading regarding the issues at hand: http://www.harekrsna.com/sun/guru-tattva/dor/dor-a.pdf

  • juancas



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    3 comentarios:

    1. Las mujeres son detractivas sexuales porque son impostoras en resarcirme denigrante con la necrofilia voyeurista, por las cuales, tengo una frigidez inestable consistente en un síndrome de impavidez sexual por mi depravacion parafílica y coital dorsal. Las mujeres me discriminan sexualmente por mi voyeurismo parafílico como tambien coital dorsal para calumniarme culminantemente de violador sexual por mis conspiradores y por mis difamadoras circunvecinas de mi vecindario.

      Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
      Documento de identificacion personal:
      1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
      Cédula de Vecindad:
      ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
      Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.

      Te solicito de que regreses a mi colonia para inspeccionarme de mis encarnaciones divinas de los Dioses hindúes paranormalmente porque mis calumniadores te han improvisado de los acontecimientos de mi colonia por conspirarme con los tales. Tambien inspecciona a mis calumniadores y a sus vórtices virtuales incluyendo a sus precedentes paranormales conmigo porque los tales tienen el poder de rastrearme psíquicamente virtual donde ningun ser ordinario puede hacerlo como los tales. Diosa hindú Radhá: no subestimes a los vórtices virtuales porque los tales me hipnotizan de mis encarnaciones divinas de los Dioses hindúes y además los tales son lisonjeros para disuadirte de las sospechas con que te improvisan. Tales vórtices virtuales están especulando apologalmente por mis calumniadores desde el año de 1,992 bajo la calumnia inicial de prevaricador y ahora actualmente de violador sexual masoquista debido a que cuando me difamaban de prevaricador, los tales, me sentenciaron con una necrofilia voyeurista popular frustrada por los tales por motivo de nueva calumnia. Prevaricador es el individuo que disiente sarcásticamente en el desvarío de las consecuencias y de las circunstancias de la moral y de la ética.

      Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
      Documento de identificacion personal:
      1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
      Cédula de Vecindad:
      ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
      Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.

      Te solicito de que regreses a mi colonia para inspeccionarme de mis encarnaciones divinas de los Dioses hindúes paranormalmente porque mis calumniadores te han improvisado de los acontecimientos de mi colonia por conspirarme con los tales. Tambien inspecciona a mis calumniadores y a sus vórtices virtuales incluyendo a sus precedentes paranormales conmigo porque los tales tienen el poder de rastrearme psíquicamente virtual donde ningun ser ordinario puede hacerlo como los tales. Diosa hindú Radhá: no subestimes a los vórtices virtuales porque los tales me hipnotizan de mis encarnaciones divinas de los Dioses hindúes y además los tales son lisonjeros para disuadirte de las sospechas con que te improvisan. Tales vórtices virtuales están especulando apologalmente por mis calumniadores desde el año de 1,992 bajo la calumnia inicial de prevaricador y ahora actualmente de violador sexual masoquista debido a que cuando me difamaban de prevaricador, los tales, me sentenciaron con una necrofilia voyeurista popular frustrada por los tales por motivo de nueva calumnia. Prevaricador es el individuo que disiente sarcásticamente en el desvarío de las consecuencias y de las circunstancias de la moral y de la ética.

      Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
      Documento de identificacion personal:
      1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
      Cédula de Vecindad:
      ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
      Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
