jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Guru tattva: in case one's diksa guru falls down






Creado por juancas  del 18 de Abril del 2013

Guru tattva: in case one's diksa guru falls down

de Pushkaraksha Das (Notas) el domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012 a la(s) 16:12
guror api avaliptasya karyakaryam ajanatah
utpatha pratipannasya parityago vidhiyate 

A guru addicted to sensual pleasure and polluted by vice, who is ignorant and has no power to discriminate between right and wrong, or who is not on the path of suddha bhakti must be abandoned"
- Mahabharata Udogya-parva 179.25 

Avaisnavopadistena mantrena nirayam vrajet
punas ca vidhina samyag grahayed vaishnavad guroh

One who gets his mantra from a guru who is a non-devotee or who is addicted to sensual pleasure is doomed to a life in hell. Such a person must immediately approach a genuine Vaishnava Guru and again accept the mantra from him. - Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa 4.366

guror api avaliptasya karyakaryam ajanatah
utpatha pratipannasya parityago vidhiyate

Un gurú adictos al placer sensual y contaminado por vicio, que es ignorante y no tiene poder para discriminar entre el bien y el mal, o que no está en el camino del bhakti suddha debe abandonarse" -Mahabharata Udogya-parva 179.25

Avaisnavopadistena mantrena nirayam vrajet
punas ca vidhina samyag grahayed vaishnavad guroh

Uno que recibe su mantra de un gurú que es un no-devoto o que es adicto al placer sensual está condenado a una vida en el infierno. Tal persona debe acercarse inmediatamente un auténtico gurú Vaishnava y aceptar otra vez el mantra de él. Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa 4366

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  • Tim Lee OK, this applies to the mayavada tinged gurus, the sahajiya tinged gurus, the smartas tinged gurus etc., but does not apply to the vaishnava guru parampara. It is one of the ten offenses to consider that parampara of gurus are ordinary men: Gurusuh narah matih, narakah sah, anyone who thinks guru is ordinary man is a resident of narakah. Yes, the Nectar Of Devotion also says, these gurus who fall down, they were never authorized to be gurus in the frrst place. "If you do not get a qualified guru, then everything is bogus."-Srila Prabhupada Vrndavana, November 1, 1976. In other words, the idea that the parampara is contaminated with debauchery ruins the whole concept of the parampara as an "unbreakable chain of gurus from Krishna." A chain of people from God cannot contain one iota of impurity, so these falling gurus, they never had the authority from Krishna to pose as His successors in the first place, they are unauthorized mavericks. Nor do we find any mention of our parampara being contaminated with a deluge of falling people in the shastras. Moreover, when the babaji sshajiyas say pure devotees are sometimes debachees, they are considered as "hellish mentality" by Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada told us these babajis who preach that pure devotees are sometimes debauchees are "residents of narakah kunda and not Radha kunda." Srila Prabhupada never preached that the guru parampara is contaminated with debauchees, he forbade this idea. ys pd

    Tim Lee OK, esto se aplica a la mayavada matizados de gurús, el sahajiya con tintes gurús, los smartas con tintes gurús etc., pero no se aplica a la vaishnava guru parampara. Es uno de los diez delitos a considerar eso parampara de gurús son hombres ordinarios: Gurusuh narah matih, narakah sah, quien piensa gurú es hombre común reside en narakah. , el néctar de la devoción también dice, estos gurús que caen, que nunca fueron autorizados a ser gurús en el lugar de frrst. "Si no obtienes a un gurú calificado, entonces todo es falso".-Srila Prabhupada Vrndavana, 01 de noviembre de 1976. En otras palabras, la idea que el parampara está contaminada con libertinaje ruinas todo el concepto de la parampara como una "cadena irrompible de gurús de Krishna". Una cadena de gente de Dios no puede contener ni un ápice de impureza, por lo que estas gurús caídos, nunca tenían la autoridad de Krishna para hacerse pasar por sus sucesores en primer lugar, son rebeldes no autorizados. Tampoco encontramos ninguna mención de nuestro parampara contaminado con una avalancha de gente cae en los shastras. Por otra parte, cuando los sshajiyas de babaji dice devotos puros son a veces debachees, se consideran como "mentalidad infernal" por Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada nos dijo estas babajis que predican que el puros devotos a veces son disolutos son "residentes de narakah kunda y no Radha kunda". Srila Prabhupada nunca predicó que el gurú parampara está contaminada con disolutos, prohibió esta idea. YS pd
  • Tim Lee Akshayananda: “I was recently told by one devotee that the acarya does not have to be a pure devotee.
    Prabhupada: What?
    Akshayananda: That the acarya does not have to be a pure devotee.
    Prabhupada: Who is that rascal?
    Akshayananda: Well, he said it. Who said it?
    Prabhupada: Who said? Who is that rascal? The acarya does not require to be a pure devotee?
    Akshayananda: He said it. Nitai said it. He said it in this context. He said that Lord Brahma is the acarya in the Brahma-sampradaya, but yet he is sometimes afflicted by passion. So therefore he is saying that it appears that the acarya does not have to be a pure devotee. So it does not seem right.
    Prabhupada: So who is that rascal? I want to know who has said.
    Akshayananda: Nitai. Nitai dasa.
    Harikesa: Nitai said that?
    Prabhupada: Who is Nitai dasa?
    Harikesa: Our Nitai.
    Akshayananda: Nitai.
    Prabhupada: Oh, our Nitai? Oh.
    Akshayananda: He said he couldn’t understand it, but he thought, he said that he thought…
    Prabhupada: He manufactured his idea. Therefore he’s a rascal. Therefore he’s a rascal. Nitai has become an authority?
    Akshayananda: No, actually he said that he thought…
    Prabhupada: He thought something rascaldom, and he is expressing that. Therefore he is more rascal. These things are going on. As soon as he reads some books, he becomes an acarya, whatever rascal he may be.”
    (Morning Walk — December 10, 1975, Vrindavana) [Srila Prabhupada eventually kicked Nitai out of ISKCON for saying gurus fall down.]
  • Pushkaraksha Das From Sri Krishña Bhajanämrita, by Srila Narahari Sarakära Thäkura:

    “All the pure Tarun Vaishnavñavas are gurus because all of them, through instructions and pure character, generate devotional energy in the heart of the living entities. Among them the pure Vaishñava, from whom the proper initiation is taken, is the diksä-guru, and from whom the science of devotion is learned is the siksä-guru. What kind of conduct should be shown towards the diksä-guru and siksä-guru?” 
    (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verses 42-44)

    “It is the duty of the disciple to be obedient to both the diksä-guru and siksä-guru. If the initiating guru appears to be lacking in spiritual potency then the disciple may approach a more advanced Vaisñava for spiritual instruction. The disciple should respect the instructing guru, but while receiving instruction, he should not neglect his diksä-guru; just as a good son dutifully brings his earnings to his father and is allocated a certain amount to spend freely, similarly the good disciple presents all he has learned to his diksä-guru, who may then confirm what he has understood and instruct him further on certain points. The bad son who keeps his earnings for himself is considered useless. Similarly, the bad disciple, who does not confirm with his spiritual master the instructions he has received from another, is sinful.” 
    (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verses 45-49)

    “If the spiritual master commits a wrongful act breaking the Vaishñava regulative principles or gives instructions which do not correspond to the sästric injunctions, then in that case one should in a solitary place, chastise him for his rectification by quoting from sädhu, guru and sästra. If by that the guru accepts this punishment with pleasure and rectifies himself accordingly, he is not to be abandoned.” (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verse 59)

    “One should not be fearful because one is confronting or challenging his spiritual master, for it has been prescribed that one must appropriately discipline even a spiritual master, who is inexperienced or ignorant, who has deviated from the Krishna conscious path or if he is bewildered by false pride.”

    “These statements of the revealed scriptures are applicable at all time under all circumstances. This does fairly good to both spiritual masters as well as to the disciples.” (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verse 60)

    “The natural behaviour of the Vaishnava devotee is to take complete refuge of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The very life of the devotees, Vaishñavas, is singing the glories of Lord Krishna, describing and expanding the fame of Lord Sri Krishña and discussing the nectar of His transcendental pastimes. One may take guidance through the instructions from the Vaishñavas as all Vaishñavas are considered gurus or one may use one’s own intelligence duly considering the relevant instructions from sädhu, sästra and guru. In all cases one should continue one’s devotional service.” 
    (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verses 62-63)

    “However, if the spiritual master acts enviously towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is averse to expanding the fame of Lord Krishna or if he personally refuses to accept hearing or chanting about the glorious pastimes of Lord Krishna or if the spiritual master, has become totally bewildered, listening to the false praises of ignorant persons and day by day is more materially contaminated and fallen then the spiritual master is to be abandoned.” 
    (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verse 64)

    “Under those circumstances one should not doubt, ‘How can I give up my spiritual master?’ With a strong desire for achieving spontaneous devotional service and attaining the lotus feet of Lord Krishña, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a devotee accepts the shelter of a spiritual master as the via media to Lord Sri Krishña. However, after accepting the responsibility of serving the spiritual master, if that spiritual master takes on asuric qualities or a demoniac mentality then it is one’s duty to reject such a demon asura-guru and in his place accept a Krishña conscious spiritual master and worship him.” 
    (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verse 65)

    By taking shelter of the strength of a pure Krishña conscious spiritual master’s devotional service, the ill effects or contamination of the previous demoniac spiritual master is counteracted and destroyed. These activities are recommended by all Vaishñava authorities as the authorised conclusion of the sästra. During the pastimes of Lord Sri Krishña Caitanya Mahäprabhu there have been many practical examples of the above.” 

    “This concludes the deliberation by sädhu-çästra-guru on the spiritual master and related matters.” 
    (Sri Krishna Bhajanämrita, verse 66)

    Versículo 35
    Si una persona de pequeño avance espiritual ve un gran devoto dotado de considerable potencia espiritual siendo adorado y dado sentido, si la persona menos avanzada enojarse al 
    ver esto? Por este delito contra la posición espiritual de la persona más avanzado el delincuente tonto arruinará cualquier potencia espiritual que posee. Posteriormente, en el futuro, estas personas enojadas simplemente planear cómo se puede castigar a los que han participado en tal adoración.

    Versículo 36
    Los que están bien versados ​​en todos estos asuntos, habiendo oído bien de las autoridades, los Vaisnavas que con entusiasmo participan en adorar a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios y todos los trascendentalistas que están practicando el camino espiritual, saben las verdades con respecto a estos asuntos . Sin embargo, a pesar de conocer estas verdades, si no ofrecen adecuada culto, entonces ellos serán espiritualmente arruinados. Sin embargo, si consideran que la fuerza espiritual correspondiente o falta de fuerza y por lo tanto ofrece el respeto, entonces sin duda avanzar en la Conciencia de Krishna.

    Versículo 37
    Para aquellos que se refugian en la gran montaña Sumeru ¿qué pueden hacer los demás para hacerles daño? Otros los deben ofrecer culto como devotos con respeto y servicio.
    Versículo 38
    Uno nunca debe involucrarse en la crítica de un vaisnava o dejar un Vaisnava incluso en broma. Para Vaisnavas son tan gloriosa que no hay nada que lamentar, aunque se sacrifica la vida de uno de su beneficio.
    Versículo 39
    Nadie debe criticar con un Vaisnava por sus actividades o el comportamiento. ¿Con quién está libre de la influencia de Kali Yuga o tiene un comportamiento perfecto y pura acción?
    Versículo 40
    Debido a que los devotos Vaisnavas del Señor son siempre meditando en el Señor Sri Krishna, la contaminación de las actividades pecaminosas no puede penetrar en ellos. Porque el cuerpo de un Vaisnava tiene el fuego de Krishna Conciencia dentro de ella, incluso si están caídas, el fuego de la Conciencia de Krishna y quemará a cenizas toda contaminación material.

    Versículo 41
    Sin embargo, aquellos que no son capaces de comprender los niveles respectivos de la potencia espiritual puede refugiarse en este ejemplo. Al igual que en el Ganges hay muchas olas, y algunas de estas olas son más grandes que otras olas, pero todas las ondas se consideran sagrada, una onda que se no se considera más santo que otra ola, de manera similar, todos los tipos de vaisnavas, quienes son espiritualmente fuertes y aquellos que no son tan fuertes, se pueden ofrecer igual adoración. Teniendo en cuenta esta perspectiva, en tales circunstancias, que pueden ser aceptados como adoración perfecta. Aquí termina la conclusión a este respecto.

    Versículo 42
    Todos los Vaisnavas son considerados como gurú o maestro espiritual.
    Versículo 43
    Entre todos los Vaisnavas el inicio guru (diksha-guru) e instruir guru (siksa-guru) son especiales.
    Versículo 44
    Es adecuado para ofrecer estos dos respeto especial.
    Versículo 45
    Entre todos los otros maestros espirituales estos dos (diksha-guru y siksa-guru) órdenes maestros espirituales 'han de ser seguidas.
    Versículo 46
    Si nuestro maestro espiritual iniciador y maestro espiritual instructor es de pequeña potencia espiritual, o en otras palabras, si no plantea un poder especial para dar instrucción espiritual en la adoración por el servicio devocional, entonces uno puede escuchar de la boca de otros grandes Vaisnavas avanzados y entender las instrucciones especiales. Sin embargo, a partir de entonces, el discípulo debe ir t su maestro espiritual para su confirmación o instrucciones.
    Versículo 47
    Uno no debe desobedecer la orden del maestro espiritual.
    Versículo 48
    Así como un hijo fiel puede salir a ganar dinero y luego trae a su padre la riqueza acumulada, más tarde, el hijo puede pedir algún subsidio del padre y todo lo que recibe formar el padre tiene derecho a gastar de su propio disfrute. Del mismo modo, un discípulo puede escuchar las instrucciones fome de otro Vaisnava avanzado, pero después de ganar la buena instrucción que debe llevarlo y presentarlo a su maestro espiritual ganado. Después de su presentación, debe escuchar la misma ganga enseñanzas de su maestro espiritual con las instrucciones correspondientes.

    Versículo 49
    Si el hijo gana dinero, pero no le da al padre y, en cambio, goza directamente la riqueza, que es considerado como un hijo caído y una persona pecadora. Del mismo modo un discípulo que escucha las palabras de otros Vaisnavas, incluso si sus instrucciones son correctas y verdaderas, pero no vuelven a confirmar estas enseñanzas con su propio maestro espiritual y en su lugar directamente acepta estas instrucciones, se considera un mal discípulo y un pecador.

    Versículo 50
    Por esta razón, en todas las circunstancias los Vaisnava se ofrecen como el respeto de las ofertas respecto a un maestro espiritual. Sin embargo, con el cuerpo, la mente y las palabras de uno sirve a su propio maestro espiritual.
    Versículo 51
    Aunque el rendimiento de la las actividades devocional, ha desobedecido al maestro espiritual, todavía uno no debe renunciar a él, sino que debe permanecer fiel a él, porque todas las autoridades dicen que el refugio del propio maestro espiritual es el mejor y perfecto (aunque otro maestro espiritual es más poderoso).
    Versículo 52
    Amablemente entender este ejemplo: Al igual que un padre aspectos de uno como un gurú, su (la del padre) hermanos mayores y jóvenes también son igualmente respetados, pero sin embargo, el padre es digna del mayor respeto. No obstante lo anterior, si el gurú del padre, aunque esté relacionado con la familia, viene, hay que duplicar el respeto, ya que él es el padre espiritual del padre, o el gurú del gurú. Él se ofrece dos veces la puja o respeto. Este comportamiento si reconoce como apropiado por todas las autoridades.

    Versículo 53
    Como si, en la vida diaria, los hermanos (mayores o menores) del padre lo critican, todavía nos refugiamos en el padre de uno, del mismo modo, se permanece a la sombra del propio maestro espiritual, aunque es criticado por su más viejo o hermanos menores dios. Así como uno depende de uno del padre de uno de los medios de vida, uno debe depender de la fuerza del maestro espiritual para avanzar en el servicio devocional.
    Versículo 54
    Si un padre o maestro espiritual o esposo no poseían las cualidades sobresalientes aun así, siempre hay adoración.
    Versículo 55
    Tomando refugio de las personas antes mencionadas se puede incluso estar en desacuerdo con los de alto nivel para uno mismo.
    Versículo 56
    En este mundo, ¿qué clase de persona es ahí que puede permanecer con vida a expensas de su padre o de su gurú de la difamación o la desgracia?
    Versículo 57
    Todo el mundo considera que si su maestro espiritual es muy poderoso que él mismo es poderoso, pero que si su maestro espiritual es menos potente, entonces él es, por lo tanto, más débil, y de acuerdo con la actitud del maestro espiritual, el discípulo adquiere los mismos atributos. Aquellos discípulos que son inteligentes pueden entender los deseos del maestro espiritual directamente a través de su inteligencia. Otros discípulos, dos son menos inteligentes entender al escuchar directamente las instrucciones del maestro espiritual. Estas actividades se están practicando desde tiempos inmemoriales.

    Versículo 58
    Autoridades Vaisnavas aprendidas dicen que estas instrucciones son la perfección de la religiosidad.
    Versículo 59
    Si el maestro espiritual comete un acto ilícito rompiendo principios regulatative Vaisnavas entonces en ese caso se debe en un lugar solitario, enfrentarse a él por su rectificación mediante la lógica y oportunas conclusiones del sadhu, sastra y referencias de guru, pero no se trata de renunciar a él.

    Versículo 60
    Uno no debería tener dudas o temor porque uno está confrontando o desafiar a un maestro espiritual. "Porque se le ha recetado que hay que disciplinar adecuadamente, incluso un maestro espiritual que es: 
    * desconcertados acerca de lo que debe o no debe hacer, que es * inexpertos e ignorantes: 
    * que se ha desviado de la ruta consciente de Krishna, * o si está desconcertado por el falso orgullo ".

    Versículo 61
    Esta declaración de las Escrituras reveladas es aplicable en todo momento y bajo cualquier circunstancia.
    Versículo 62
    El comportamiento natural de los devotos Vaisnavas es refugiarse completa del Señor Sri Krishna, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, aceptándolo como su vivienda principal y el real. La vida misma 
    de los devotos Vaisnavas del Señor está cantando las glorias o Señor Sri Krishna, la descripción y la ampliación de la fama del Señor Sri Krishna, y discutir el néctar de Sus pasatiempos trascendentales.

    Versículo 63
    El curso autorizado de acción es seguir, como antes, con el servicio devocional prescrito. Uno puede tomar la dirección a través o instrucciones de los Vaisnavas, ya que todos los Vaisnavas se consideran gurú o "maestro espiritual", o uno puede utilizar la propia inteligencia, teniendo en cuenta debidamente las instrucciones pertinentes de sadhu, sastra y guru. En todos los casos se debe continuar en el servicio devocional.

    Versículo 64
    Sin embargo, si el maestro espiritual: * actos de envidia hacia la "isvarebrantah ', aquello que está relacionado con el Supremo; * se confunde sobre la ofGodhead Suprema Personalidad; * se opone a la ampliación de la fama del Señor Krishna, se niega a aceptar * personalmente audiencia o cantar acerca de los gloriosos pasatiempos del Señor Sri Krishna, * se ha convertido totalmente desconcertado, escuchando a la falsa alabanza de personas ignorantes y día a día se contamina más material y fallen then el maestro espiritual debe ser renunciada.
    Versículo 65
    En estas circunstancias no hay que dudar: "¿Cómo puedo renunciar a mi maestro espiritual?" Con un fuerte deseo de alcanzar el servicio devocional espontáneo y alcanzar los pies de loto del Señor Krishna, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, el devoto acepta el refugio de un maestro espiritual, si ese maestro espiritual adquiere cualidades "asúricos" o una mentalidad demoníaca entonces es el deber de uno a rechazar un demonio como guru "asura" y en su lugar aceptar un maestro espiritual consciente de Krishna y le adore.

    Versículo 66
    Al tomar refugio de la fuerza del servicio devocional de la conciencia de Krishna maestro espiritual de los efectos nocivos o contaminación del endemoniado maestro espiritual anterior se contrarresta y destruidos. Estas actividades son recomendados por todas las autoridades Vaisnavas como las conclusiones autorizados del sastra.
    Versículo 67
    Durante los pasatiempos del Señor Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ha habido muchos ejemplos prácticos de lo anterior. Con esto concluye la deliberación y conclusiones finales del sadhu, sastra de guru en el maestro espiritual y cuestiones conexas.
  • Tim Lee Right, this is why Sria Prabhupada told us not to read anything except his books. He said we cannot understand these other books without his commentary, and he did not make a commentary on many of these other literatures. He also said many of these books were not translated properly in the first place, and he further said a few of the books that were done properly were later wrongly edited by his God brothers. In sum, he said we need to cite him and his books only, and he says, anyone who says gurus fall down needs to be immediately removed from ISKCON. He also said reading these other books without his commentary is spiritual prostitution. He sent a letter to all temples telling the temples that Nitai is a black snake who says gurus fall down, so do not allow him entrance in our temples. The idea that acharyas fall down was forbidden by Srila Prabhupada. Anyway, now we know why he told us not to read any other books than his, he knew this would water down his ideas. So lets stick with his books, and his letters about Nitai saying that anyone who says gurus fall down needs to be immediately booted out the door, Srila Prabhupada does not accept this notion. Nor does any of this explain why we need to offer bhogha to conditioned souls, which is also forbidden. ys pd
  • Abhaya Charanaravinda Devi Dasi The Vaisnava Acarya or Diksa-Guru Never Falls Down.
    An acarya or diksa-guru in the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya is, by definition, a fully selfrealized pure devotee, or uttama-adhikari, free from all defects or imperfections. In other words,
    such a guru is a fully liberated soul. A Vaisnava acarya, or diksa-guru, being liberated and selfrealized, is never deluded or confused in any circumstance and never forgets Krishna even for a
    moment. The idea that a Vaisnava acarya or diksa-guru may become fallen or degraded is
    apasiddhanta, a severe deviation. Such offensive ideas run contrary to Srila Prabhupada's teachings
    and the conclusions of the Vedic scriptures.
    "A bona fide spiritual master is in the disciplic succession from time eternal, and he does not
    deviate at all from the instructions of the Supreme Lord..." (Bhagavad-gita As It Is 4.42, Purport)
    "The spiritual master must never be carried away by an accumulation of wealth or a large number of
    followers. A bona fide spiritual master will never become like that. But sometimes, if a spiritual
    master is not properly authorized and only on his own initiative becomes a spiritual master, he may
    be carried away by an accumulation of wealth and large numbers of disciples. His is not a very high
    grade of devotional service." (Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 14)
    "A first-class devotee never deviates from the principles of higher authority...." (Nectar of Devotion,
    Chapter 3)
    "There is no possibility that a first-class devotee will fall down..." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta,
    Madhya 22.71, Purport)
    maha-bhagavata-srestho brahmano vai guru nrnam 
    sarvesam eva lokanam asau pujyo yatha harih: 
    "The guru must be situated on the topmost platform of devotional service. There are three classes of
    devotees, and the guru must be accepted from the topmost class... When one has attained the
    topmost position of maha-bhagavata, he is to be accepted as guru and worshiped exactly like Hari,
    the Personality of Godhead. Only such a person is eligible to occupy the post of a guru." (Sri
    Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya 24.330, Purport, citing Padma Purana)
  • Abhaya Charanaravinda Devi Dasi Self-Appointed, Unauthorized Preachers Should Be Neglected.
    Persons who insist on posing themselves as acaryas or diksa-gurus—and who thus neglect Srila
    Prabhupada's clear instructions on this matter—are, in truth, jealous imitators with no substantial
    connection to Srila Prabhupada's mission. Serious devotees should neglect such self-styled
    pretenders, their foolish promoters, and other materially contaminated individuals.
    "A jealous person in the dress of a Vaisnava is not at all happy to see the success of another
    Vaisnava in receiving the Lord's mercy. Unfortunately in this Age of Kali there are many mundane
    persons in the dress of Vaisnavas, and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has described them as disciples
    of Kali. He says, kali-cela. He indicates that there is another Vaisnava, a pseudo-Vaisnava with
    tilaka on his nose and kanthi beads around his neck. Such a pseudo-Vaisnava associates with money
    and women and is jealous of successful Vaisnavas. Although passing for a Vaisnava, his only
    business is earning money in the dress of a Vaisnava. Bhaktivinoda Thakura therefore says that such
    a pseudo-Vaisnava is not a Vaisnava at all but a disciple of Kali-yuga. A disciple of Kali cannot
    become an acanja by the decision of some high court. Mundane votes have no jurisdiction to elect a
    Vaisnava acarya. A Vaisnava acanja is self-effulgent, and there is no need for any court judgment.
    A false acarya may try to override a Vaisnava by a high-court decision, but Bhaktivinoda Thakura
    says that he is nothing but a disciple of Kali-yuga." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya 1.220)
    "If a Vaisnava, by the mercy of the Lord, is empowered by Him to distribute the Lord's holy name
    all over the world, other Vaisnavas become very joyful-that is, if they are truly Vaisnavas. One who
    is envious of the success of a Vaisnava is certainly not a Vaisnava himself, but an ordinary mundane
    man... A mundane person in the dress of a Vaisnava should not be respected but rejected. This is
    enjoined in the sastras (upeksa). The word upeksa means neglect. One should neglect an envious
    person..." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya 2.218, Purport)
    "As soon as a foolish disciple tries to overtake his spiritual master and becomes ambitious to
    occupy his post, he immediately falls down. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado yasyaprasadan na
    gatih kuto pi. If the spiritual master is considered an ordinary man, the disciple surely loses his
    chance to advance further." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.12.14, Purport)
    "...gurusu nara-matir ... naraki salt: One who considers that the spiritual master is an ordinary
    human being...is considered a naraki, a candidate for hellish life." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya
    6.294, Purport)
    "One is forbidden to regard the spiritual master as an ordinary human being (gurusu nara-matir ...
    naraki sail). The spiritual master, or acanja, is always situated in the spiritual status of life."
    (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.4.24, Purport)
    "Presently people are so fallen that they cannot distinguish between a liberated soul and a
    conditioned soul." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.18.5, Purport)
    "If one tries to mingle the worship of yogamaya with mahamaya, considering them one and the
    same, he does not really show very high intelligence." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya 8.90,
    "Intermingling the spiritual with the material causes one to look on transcendence as material and
    the mundane as spiritual. This is all due to a poor fund of knowledge." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta,
    Madhya 16.72, Purport)
    "One may try to support his philosophy by joining some caste or identifying himself with a certain
    dynasty, claiming a monopoly on spiritual advancement. Thus with the support of family tradition,
    one may become a pseudo-guru or so-called spiritual master... All these are pitfalls of personal
    sense gratification. Just to cheat some innocent people, one makes a show of advanced spiritual life
    and becomes known as a sadhu, mahatma, or religious person." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya
    19.160)"Influenced by an envious temperament and dissatisfied because of an attitude of sense gratification, mundaners criticize a real acarya. In fact, however, a bona fide acarya is nondifferent from
    the Personality of Godhead, and therefore to envy such an acarya is to envy the Personality of
    Godhead Himself." (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi 1.46, Purport)
  • Pushkaraksha Das Srila Prabhupada always established a distinction between the acharya, the bona fide spiritual master, the uttama adhikari, who is the best option for one to act as guru and accept disciples, the madhyam adhikari which is the second best (and can turn out to be either a good or a bad choice, depnding on how the madhyam adhikari evolves) and lower levels which are not recommended at all, neither to act, nor be accepted, as guru (kanistha adhikari and lower).
  • Pushkaraksha Das The following is an abbreviated transcript of a room conversation that took place on May 13, 1975 in which Srila Prabhupada establishes the correct priorities for his students concerning how and when to approach the books written by predecessor acaryas.

    Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, I remember once I heard a tape where you told us that we should not try to read the books of previous acaryas.

    Srila Prabhupada: I never said that.

    Amogha: I thought you said that we should not read the previous acaryas' books?

    Srila Prabhupada: No, you should read. It is misunderstanding.

    Paramahamsa: All of your commentaries are coming from the previous acaryas.

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes.

    Jayadharma: But that wouldn't mean that we should keep all the 
    previous acaryas' books and only read them.

    Srila Prabhupada: That is already there. You first of all assimilate what you have got. You simply pile up books and do not read -- what is the use?

    Jayadharma: First of all, we must read all your books.

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes.

    Paramahamsa: Practically speaking, Srila Prabhupada, you are giving us the essence of all the previous acaryas' books in your books.

    Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Yes.
  • Tim Lee Guru must be uttama adhikari : One should not become a spiritual master unless he has attained the platform of uttama-adhikari.

    A neophyte Vaisnava or a Vaisnava situated on the intermediate platform can also accept disciples, but such disciples must be on the same platform, and it should be understood that they cannot advance very well toward the ultimate goal of life under his insufficient guidance.

    Therefore a disciple should be careful to accept an uttama-adhikari as a spiritual master.
  • Tim Lee So this is clear, (A) a person should not become guru unless he has attained uttama, and (B) a seeker must make sure he only accepts an uttama, so from both directions, only the uttama can take that post. And it further explains, when one imitates the post of guru, one will eventually become degraded, as we have seen in countless examples in spades. And we somehow keep avoiding the original question I had in 1979, since we are offering bhogha to Jayatirtha, and he is taking drugs and having illicit sex, how can this be prasadam? I was kicked out for even asking the question, but the answer has never come forward? How can bhogha offered to conditioned souls become prasadam, when we are told to only offer bhogha to the uttama devotee? As for the question of the books, Srila Prabhupada says he is giving the essence, and the essence is, when a person can develop "aversion to the worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead," he was never a guru in the first place, not only that, he was not even a bona fide kanistha, the bona fide kanistha may fail to follow and have trouble with illicit behaviors, but he is not holding inner grudge where he comes to blaspheme the Lord, like some of these gurus have done by saying terrible things about God and guru. Nor is the kanistha generally taking others wives away and so on, he is not that degraded. That means the GBC is not taking any care in their guru selection process, they are making very fallen standards for their alleged gurus. And worse, if the GBC had listened to me, Jayatirtha would still be alive and we would have avoided his whole decapitation murder media muddle. ys pd
  • Abhaya Charanaravinda Devi Dasi DIKSA GURU MUST BE ORDERED-

    "Vallabha Bhatta wanted to be initiated by Gadadhara Pandita, but Gadadhara Pandita refused, saying, "The work of acting as a spiritual master is not possible for me. "I am completely dependent. My Lord is Gauracandra, SriCaitanya Mahaprabhu. I cannot do anything independently, without His order." (CC, Antya 7:150-151) 

    "An actual guru always remains the servant of his own guru and the predecessor acaryas. Attempting to become a guru without one's own guru's order is a materialistic ambition. Accepting followers and circumventing one's own guru is offensive." >>> Ref. VedaBase => MGM 22-11: A Lost Son Visits Home

    "On the whole, you may know that he is not a liberated person, and therefore, he cannot initiate any person to Krsna Consciousness. It requires special spiritual benediction from higher authorities." (SP Letter to Janardana, 26/4/68)

    "One should take initiation from a bona fide spiritual master coming in the disciplic succession, who is authorised by his predecessor spiritual master. This is called diksa -vidhana." (S.B. 4.8.54, purport)

    "Indian man: When did you become spiritual the leader of Krsna Consciousness?

    Srila Prabhupada: What is that?

    Brahmananda: He is asking when did you become the spiritual leader of Krsna Consciousness?

    Srila Prabhupada: When my Guru Maharaja ordered me. This is the guru parampara.

    Indian man: Did it...

    Srila Prabhupada: Try to understand. Don't go very speedily. A guru can become guru when he is ordered by his guru. That's all. Otherwise nobody can become guru. " 

    (SP Bg. Lecture, 28/10/75)

    "Guru cannot be self-made. No. There is no such single instance throughout the whole Vedic literature. And nowadays, so many rascals, they are becoming guru without any authority. That is not guru. You must be authorised. Evam parampara-praptam imam ra... As soon as the parampara is...kalena yogo nasta parantapa, immediately finished. The spiritual potency finished. You can dress like a guru, you can talk big, big words, but it will never be effective." (Lecture, February 27th 1977, Mayapur, India)

    "Self-made guru cannot be guru. He must be authorized by the bona fide guru. Then he's guru. This is the fact...Similarly, bona fide guru means he must be authorized by the superior guru." (SP NOD Lecture, October 31. 1972)

    "Therefore guru must be authorized person, not that bhumi-phala-guru. No. I am guru," no. You cannot become guru unless you are agent to draw out the mercy water from the ocean of mercy of Krsna. That is guru. And therefore a guru is not an ordinary person. He is the representative, bona fide representative of Krsna." (SB Lecture,November 30, 1976)

    "The schoolmasters in the modern days are paid agents for giving some information, but the spiritual master is not a paid agent. Nor can he impart instruction without being authorized." (SB:2.9.43, purport)

    "A Guru can be Guru when he is ordered by his Guru. That's all. Otherwise nobody can become Guru." (SP Bg. Lecture, 28th October 1975) 

    Conversely, a student does not become spiritual master on his own initiative

    The spiritual master must never be carried away by an accumulation of wealth or a large number of followers. A bona fide spiritual master will never become like that. But sometimes, if a spiritual master is not properly authorized and only on his own initiative becomes a spiritual master, he may be carried away by an accumulation of wealth and large numbers of disciples. >> Ref. VedaBase => NoD 14:

    The reason why the GM failed is because they UNAUTHORISEDLY selected an Acarya to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta:

    “Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, at the time of his departure, requested all his disciples to form a governing body and conduct missionary activities cooperatively. He did not instruct a particular man to become the next acarya. But just after his passing away, his leading secretaries made plans, without authority, to occupy the post of acarya, and they split into two factions over who the next acarya would be. Consequently, both factions were asara, or useless, because they had no authority, having disobeyed the order of the spiritual master.” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 12.8, purport) 

    “Why this Gaudiya Matha failed? Because they tried to become more than guru. […] They declared some unfit person to become acarya. Then another man came, then another, acarya, another acarya.” (Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, 16/8/76)

    Srila Prabhupada: "He, [Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura, founder of the Gaudiya Matha] before passing away, he gave them all direction - and he NEVER said that this man should be the next [guru] acharya. But these people, just after he passed away, they began to fight, 'Who shall be the next acharya? "That is the failure. They never thought, 'guru maharaja gave us instruction on so many things, why did he not say, "This man should be the next acharya?"' They wanted to create somebody ARTIFICIALLY as acharya and EVERYTHING FAILED. "They did not even consider common sense - that if guru maharaja had wanted to APPOINT somebody as acharya, why he did not say? He said so many things and this point he missed? The main point? And they insisted on it. They declared, 'Come on unfit persons to become acharya,' then another man comes, then another, then another. So better to remain a foolish person perpetually to be directed by guru maharaja. So that is perfection. And as soon as it was announced that, 'Guru maharaja is dead, now I am so advanced that I can kill my guru and become [guru]'." (CONV 8/15/76)

    “Therefore we may not commit the same mistake in our ISKCON camp.” (Srila Prabhupada Letter To Rupanuga, 28/4/74)
  • Abhaya Charanaravinda Devi Dasi THE DEFINITION OF DIKSA

    Note- First one must know what is the definition of "diksa" as that is why we become a disciple of the diksa-guru or one who gives diksa (bonafide spiritual master).

    "Diksa is the process by which one can awaken his transcendental knowledge and vanquish all reactions caused by sinful activity. A person expert in the study of the revealed scriptures knows this process as diksa." (Bhakti-sandarbha 283; C.C. Madhya 15:108 purport)

    "Diksa actually means initiating the disciple with transcendental knowledge by which all material contamination is destroyed." Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 4:111 purport)

    "The spiritual master can be compared to the lower kindling stick, the disciple to the upper kindling stick, and the instruction given by the guru to the third stick placed in between. The transcendental knowledge communicated from guru to disciple is compared to the fire arising from the contact of these, which burns the darkness of ignorance to ashes, bringing great happiness both to guru and disciple." (SB 11.10.12)

    When a person is serious about accepting diksa, he must be prepared to practice austerity, celibacy and control of the mind and body. If one is so prepared and is desirous of receiving spiritual enlightenment (divyam jnanam), he is fit for being initiated. Divyam jnanam is technically called tad-vijnana, or knowledge about the Supreme. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: when one is interested in the transcendental subject matter of the Absolute Truth, he should be initiated. Such a person should approach a spiritual master in order to take diksa. Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.3.21) also prescribes: tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam. "When one is actually interested in the transcendental science of the Absolute Truth, he should approach a spiritual master."

    One should not accept a spiritual master without following his instructions. Nor should one accept a spiritual master just to make a fashionable show of spiritual life. One must be jijnasu, very much inquisitive to learn from the bona fide spiritual master. The inquiries one makes should strictly pertain to transcendental science (jijnasuh sreya uttamam). The word uttamam refers to that which is above material knowledge. Tama means "the darkness of this material world," and ut means "transcendental." (Nectar of Instruction verse 5 purport)

    "The seriously inquisitive student or sage, well equipped with knowledge and detachment, realizes that Absolute Truth by rendering devotional service in terms of what he has heard from the Vedänta-sruti." (SB 1.2.12)
  • Abhaya Charanaravinda Devi Dasi WHAT IS REAL INITIATION?

    "So anyway, from 1922 to 1933 practically I was not initiated, but I got the impression of preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult. That I was thinking. And that was the initiation by my Guru Maharaja."
    (SP Lecture, 10/12/76, Hyd...Ver más

    "Physical presence is immaterial. Presence of the transcendental sound
    received from the Spiritual Master should be the guidance of life.
    That will make our spiritual life successful. If you feel very
    strongly about my absence you may place my pictures on my sitting
    places and this will be source of inspiration for you."

    (Letter to Brahmananda and other students, 19/1/67)

    "It is sometimes misunderstood that if one has to associate with
    persons engaged in devotional service, he will not be able to solve
    the economic problem. To answer this argument, it is described here
    that one has to associate with liberated persons not directly,
    physically, but by understanding, through philosophy and logic, the
    problems of life." (SB 3.31.48. purport)

    "But always remember that I am always with you. As you are always
    thinking of me, I am always thinking of you also. Although physically
    we are not together, we are not separated spiritually. So we should be
    concerned only with this spiritual connection."

    (Letter to Gaurasundara, 13/11/69)

    "So we should associate by vibration, and not by the physical
    presence. That is real association." (Lectures SB, 68/08/18)

    "There are two conceptions, the physical conception and the
    vibrational conception. The physical conception is temporary. The
    vibrational conception is eternal.[...] When we feel separation from
    Krsna or the Spiritual Master, we should just try to remember their
    words or instructions, and we will no longer feel that separation.
    Such association with Krsna and the Spiritual Master should be
    association by vibration not physical presence. That is real association." 

    (Elevation to Krsna Consciousness,(BBT 1973), Page 57)

    "Although according to material vision His Divine Grace Srila
    Bhaktisiddhanta Sarsavati Thakura Prabhupada passed away from this
    material world on the last day of December 1936, I still consider his
    Divine Grace to be always present with me by his vani, his words.
    There are two ways of association - by vani and by vapuh. Vani means
    words and vapuh means physical presence. Physical presence is
    sometimes appreciable and sometimes not, but Vani continues to exist
    eternally. Therefore, one must take advantage of the Vani, not the
    physical presence." (CC, Antya 5 Conclusion)

    "Therefore we should take advantage of the Vani, not the physical
    presence." (Letter to Suci Devi Dasi, 4/11/75)

    "I shall remain your personal guidance, physically present or not
    physically present, as I am getting guidance from my Guru Maharaja."

    (Room Conversation, Vrindavan, 14/7/77)

    "I am always with you. Never mind if I am physically absent." (Letter to Jayananda, 16/9/67)

    Paramananda: "We're always feeling your presence very strongly, Srila
    Prabhupada, simply by your teachings and your instructions. We're
    always meditating on your instructions."

    Srila Prabhupada: "Thank you. That is the real presence. Physical
    presence is not important." (Room Conversation, Vrndavana, 6/10/77)

    "You write that you have desire to avail of my association again, but
    why do you forget that you are always in association with me? When you are helping my missionary activities I am always thinking of you, and you are always thinking of me . That is real association. Just like I
    am always thinking of my Guru Maharaja at every moment, although he is not physically present, and because I am trying to serve him to my
    best capacity, I am sure he is helping me by his spiritual blessings.
    So there are two kinds of association: physical and preceptorial.
    Physical association is not so important as preceptorial association."

    (Letter to Govinda Dasi, 18/8/69)

    "Anyone who has developed unflinching faith in the Lord and the
    Spiritual Master can understand the revealed scripture unfolding
    before him'. So continue your present aptitude and you will be
    successful in your spiritual progress. I am sure that even if I am not
    physically present before you, still you will be able to execute all
    spiritual duties in the matter of Krsna Consciousness, if you follow
    the above principles." (Letter to Subala, 29/9/67)

    "So although a physical body is not present, the vibration should be
    accepted as the presence of the Spiritual Master, vibration. What we
    have heard from the Spiritual Master, that is living." (General lectures, 69/01/13)

    Devotee: "...so sometimes the Spiritual Master is far away. He may be
    in Los Angeles. Somebody is coming to Hamburg Temple. He thinks 'How will the Spiritual Master be pleased?'"

    Srila Prabhupada: "Just follow his order, Spiritual Master is along
    with you by his words. Just like my Spiritual Master is not physically
    present, but I am associating with him by his words." (SB Lectures, 71/08/18)

    "Just like I am working, so my Guru Maharaja is there, Bhaktisiddhanta
    Sarasvati. Physically he may not be, but in every action he is there.
    To serve master's word is more important than to serve physically."

    (Room Conversation, Vrindavan, 2/5/77)

    "So that is called prakata, physically present. And there is another
    phrase, which is called aprakata, not physically present. But that
    does not mean, Krsna is dead or God is dead. That does not mean,
    prakata or aprakata, physically present or not present, it does not
    matter." (Lectures SB 73/12/11)

    "So, spiritually, there is no question of separation, even physically
    we may be in far distant place." (Letter to Syama Dasi, 30/08/68)

    "I went to your country for spreading this information of Krsna
    Consciousness and you are helping me in my mission, although I am not physically present there but spiritually I am always with you."

    (Letter to Nandarani, Krsna Devi and Subala, 3/10/67)

    "We are not separated actually. There are two - Vani or Vapuh - so
    Vapu is physical presence and Vani is presence by the vibration, but
    they are all the same." (Letter to Hamsadutta, 22/6/70)

    "So in the absence of physical presentation of the spiritual master,
    the Vaniseva is more important. My Spiritual Master Sarsavati Goswami, may appear to be physically not present, but still because I try to serve his instruction, I never feel separated from him." (Letter to Karandhara, 22/8/70)

    "I also do not feel separation from my Guru Maharaja. When I am
    engaged in his service, his pictures give me sufficient strength. To
    serve master's word is more important than to serve him physically."

    (Letter to Syamasundara, 19/7/70)

    Paramahamsa: "My question is, a pure devotee, when he comments on
    Bhagavad Gita, someone who never sees him physically, but he just
    comes in contact with the commentary, explanation, is this the same

    Srila Prabhupada: "Yes. You can associate with Krsna by reading
    Bhagavad-Gita. And these saintly persons, they have given their
    explanations, comments. So where is the difficulty?"

    (Morning Walk, Paris 11/6/74)

    "As far as my blessing is concerned, it does not require my physical presence. If you are chanting Hare Krsna there, and following my instructions, reading the books, taking only Krsna prasadam etc., then there is no question of your not receiving the blessings of Lord Caitanya, whose mission I am humbly trying to push on." (Srila Prabhupada letter to Bala Krsna, 30/6/74)
  • Tim Lee That is why the system is that when a person needs to be censured, monitored, chastised, removed, excommunicated, voted in and voted out and so on, he is a priest, none of these rules apply to the acharyas. All these rules apply to a priest. ys pd
  • Abhaya Charanaravinda Devi Dasi You know what the biggest joke actually is? the ones who are chastising or having to remove these frauds becuz of public exposure and humiliation are also in need of chastising and punishing themselves its just a huge circle of jackals.
  • Tim Lee Right, the same people who voted them in -- then have to vote them out, "here is your eternal savior, ooops, we made a mistake, here is a goofball that is causing scandals." That makes all of them goofballs, (a) those doing the fraudulent rubber stamping and (b) those bogusly rubber stamped, correct. Srila Prabhupada said guru is not made by popular votes, he is made guru by internal empowerment by Krishna (Krishna shakti by chaitya guru). I could not believe it when I read where the GBC wrote that they are "empowering the guru (by 2/3 show of hands votes)." That means, they are taking the position of God. God empowers the guru, of course God also empowers the universe, that is not our job, its His job. And we are fools if we think His job is our job, of course that is how we fell to the material plane in the first place, we thought we could do His job. ys pd
  • Twosita Dasi but have you been in the movement since 1970 like tim lee




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  3. La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
  4. La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
  5. La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011


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BIBLIA - LINKS en ivoox.com

  • BIBLIA I - LINKS en ivoox.com - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
  • BIBLIA II - LINKS en ivoox.com - sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012
  • VIDA de los SANTOS - LINKS en ivoox.com

    VIDA de los SANTOS - LINKS en ivoox.com - domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

    BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - ivoox.com

    BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - ivoox.com - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

    EGIPTO - LINKS - ivoox.com

    EGIPTO - LINKS - ivoox.com - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

    Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - ivoox.com

    Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - ivoox.com - martes, 28 de agosto de 2012


    HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS - jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012


    Archivos Akashicos - LINKS - sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

    Documentales Sonoros (misteriosemanal.com)

    Documentales Sonoros (www.misteriosemanal.com) - LINKS - sábado, 5 de enero de 2013

    OTRAS - LINKS - ivoox.com

    AUDIO en ivoox.com - LINKS

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