martes, 9 de abril de 2013

135JC - Bhakti Sūtra






Creado por juancas  del 09 de Abril del 2013

Bhakti-siddhānta-viruddha—that which is against the philosophy of acintya-bhedābheda.

Bhakti-siddhānta-viruddha — lo que está en contra de la filosofía de acintya-bhedābheda.

Bhakti Sutra. A work composed by Narada on the love and worship of God. The work contains eighty-four sutras; these aphorisms, some of which are famous, do not discuss worldly love, whether of one's neighbor or sexual love, but rather discuss the path of bhaki as the simplest path for the present age. Like the divine minne of medieval Christianity, love of God as demonstrated by Narada is the sole fulfillment of life and its chief goal. The individual sutras are extremely concise and in most editions are supplemented by the commentary of a spiritual teacher, since they are otherwise difficult to comprehend. (The Manurishi Foundation, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Hindu Terms).

Bhakti Sutra. Una obra compuesta por Narada en el amor y la adoración a Dios. La obra contiene 84 sutras. Estos aforismos, algunos de los cuales son famosos, no hablan del amor terrenal, no hablan del amor entre compañeros ni del amor sexual, sino más bien hablan del camino del bhaki como el camino más sencillo para la presente era. Como la memoria divina del cristianismo medieval, el amor de Dios según lo ha demostrado Narada es el único cumplimiento de vida y su objetivo principal. Los sutras individuales son extremadamente concisos y en la mayoría de ediciones se complementan con el comentario de un maestro espiritual, ya que de lo contrario son difíciles de comprender. (La Fundación Manurishi, Diccionario enciclopédico de términos hindúes).

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Nārada Bhakti Sūtra

Buy Online Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
Gopiparanadhana dasa Adhikari


Narad Bhakti Sutra Day 5 - Part 4 of 5
Narad Bhakti Sutra Day 5 - Part 3 of 5
Narad Bhakti Sutra Day 5 - Part 2 of 5
Narad Bhakti Sutra Day 5 - Part 1 of 5

Narada: Bhakti Sutras

 1. Ahora, explicaremos la religión del  Amor Divino.
2. Esa, verdaderamente,es la naturaleza del Supremo Amor de Dios.
3. Y en su intrínseca naturaleza, el Amor Divino no es nada más que la bienaventuranza inmortal  de la liberación (mukti) misma, la cual llega sin ser llamada por la gracia de Dios y el propio sacrificio.
4. Obteniendo eso, el ser humano realiza su perfección y divinidad, quedándose profundamente satisfecho.
5. Obteniendo eso, el ser humano no desea nada más; está libre del dolor y el odio; no se alegra por nada; no se esfuerza en trabajar por interés propio.
6. Realizando eso, el ser humano queda embriagado y fascinado, porque está completamente inmerso en el gozo de la Bienaventuranza del Atman, el verdadero y altísimo Ser.
7. El Bhakti (devoción, descrita como Paraprema o Amor Supremo) no es de la misma naturaleza que la lujuria, ya que es una forma de renunciación. (Leer más)

Narada Bhakti Sutras

Narada Bhakti Sutra is one of the most important sutras
given on the path of devotion by Sage Narada.
Sage Narada was an enlightened master from india
who is very often quoted in ancient hindu scriptures.

Narada was a devotte of Lord Vishnu and a great lover of Music.
He used to carry a simple instrument in his hands
that is known as 'Ektara" in india (a one-stringed sitar)
and used to play it continuously and take the name of god simultaneously.

As per the legend, Sage Narada was a very non-serious person
and was always moving from one place to another
and could travel in all the three worlds as will.
Sage Narada was a friend to all and was trusted equally
by Devas, Devils and human beings.
Sage Narada was considered a well wisher by everyone.

The original sutras are in Sanskrit language
which is also known as the language of gods.
This English translation of Narad Bhakti Sutra
was dictated by the Swami Vivekananda in America.

There are five chapter in Narada Bhakti Sutras
- See more at:
Narada Bhakti Sutras
Narada Bhakti Sutra is one of the most important sutras
given on the path of devotion by Sage Narada.
Sage Narada was an enlightened master from india
who is very often quoted in ancient hindu scriptures.
Narada was a devotte of Lord Vishnu and a great lover of Music.
He used to carry a simple instrument in his hands
that is known as 'Ektara" in india (a one-stringed sitar)
and used to play it continuously and take the name of god simultaneously.

As per the legend, Sage Narada was a very non-serious person
and was always moving from one place to another
and could travel in all the three worlds as will.
Sage Narada was a friend to all and was trusted equally
by Devas, Devils and human beings.
Sage Narada was considered a well wisher by everyone.

The original sutras are in Sanskrit language
which is also known as the language of gods.
This English translation of Narad Bhakti Sutra
was dictated by the Swami Vivekananda in America.
There are five chapter in Narada Bhakti Sutras
- See more at:
Narada Bhakti Sutras
Narada Bhakti Sutra is one of the most important sutras
given on the path of devotion by Sage Narada.
Sage Narada was an enlightened master from india
who is very often quoted in ancient hindu scriptures.
Narada was a devotte of Lord Vishnu and a great lover of Music.
He used to carry a simple instrument in his hands
that is known as 'Ektara" in india (a one-stringed sitar)
and used to play it continuously and take the name of god simultaneously.

As per the legend, Sage Narada was a very non-serious person
and was always moving from one place to another
and could travel in all the three worlds as will.
Sage Narada was a friend to all and was trusted equally
by Devas, Devils and human beings.
Sage Narada was considered a well wisher by everyone.

The original sutras are in Sanskrit language
which is also known as the language of gods.
This English translation of Narad Bhakti Sutra
was dictated by the Swami Vivekananda in America.
There are five chapter in Narada Bhakti Sutras
- See more at:

Bhakti Sutras of Narada

by Swami Sivananda
1. The Nature of Divine Love
Salutation to Para Brahman and Rishi Narada!

Now, we will explain Bhakti.

Notes and Commentary

Atha means now. It is something used in the sense of sequence. It is a word that is used when a subject is begun, to invoke the Divine blessing. Sutra means an aphorism or terse saying impregnated with deep significance. Just as flowers and pearls are arranged or studded on a thread, so also philosophical ideas are studded or spread or arranged in the aphorism. Rishis always have expressed their ideas in the form of laconic Sutras. That is the beauty in the writings of Rishis or seers. That is the sign of God-realisation. The six Darsanas or schools of philosophy are embodied in the form of Sutras only. Without a commentary it is difficult for laymen to understand these Sutras.

Bhakti is defined in the following Sutra. Those who have understood the magnitude of human sufferings in this sense-universe and those who have realised that this world is unreal, impermanent, illusory, perishable, full of troubles, difficulties, miseries, pain, sorrow and tribulation and those who desire to free themselves from the round of births and deaths with its concomitant evils of old age, diseases, etc. , should know what Bhakti is, how to develop Bhakti, who is God or Lord or Isvara, the relationship between God and man and the methods to realise God, or to approach Him or to attain God-Consciousness. (

Book: Shandilya Bhakti Sutra

Author: Shandilya Muni
Language: Sanskrit (with english translations and purport)
Translated and Commented by: Tridandi Sri Bhakti Prajnan Yati
Published by: Sri Nityananda Brahmachari, Sree Gaudiya Math, Madras (Chennai)
Printed at: Mercury Printers, 82, Bazaar Road, Madras.
Year of Printing: 1991

15 May 2012

Narada Bhakti Sutra -1

Rishi Narada

Namaste Brothers and Sisters!

By blessings of H. H. Shri Sadgurudeva, by the blessings, guidance of Shri. Kalki Sharma Guruji, who is just like Sadgurudeva for me, by blessings of H. H. Swami Mrigendra Saraswati who has blessed me and this blog by following and by blessings of all of you, from today, starting to a new series on Gurukripa. This is the detailed Vyakhya, the meaning and elaboration of Narada Bhakti Sutra. I am not a Gyani or a Great Devotee. To write on Narada Bhakti Sutra, I must have the devotion like Devarshi Narada, but I am such an ordinary person, if I think to do something for the devotion of Lord Krishna, I stop without even thinking further.

Lord ShriKrishna is the complete love and I am nothing. What can I really do to express some devotion for HIM? Still I am writing on Narada Bhakti Sutra, then this must be Gurukripa.

I will write on eighty six Bhakti Sutra, is it possible? I didnt have a thought of doubt for a single moment, then this must be Gurukripa.

I pray to H. H. Shri. Sadgurudeva for the complete expression of supreme love towards Lord ShriKrishna by the Narada Bhakti Sutra. I cant write without your blessings.

I am referring the Narada Bhakti Sutra translated by the Sadguru of Mahayoga, H. H. Shri. ShripadMama Deshpande, the translation is in Marathi. Narada Bhakti Sutra are in Sanskrit. My thoughts on every sutra will be based on this Marathi Traslation, mentioned above. I pray to H. H. Shri. ShripadMama Deshpandeji for the blessings and success in this impossible mission for an ordinary person like me. This mission will be the easiest by the blessings of All the Sadgurus. The book I am refering is published by Shripad Seva Mandal, Pune, by H. H. Shri Shirishdada Kavde Maharaj.

There are eighty six Bhakti Sutra. Sutra means in simple words Formula. These spiritual Sutra are expressing the supreme knowledge of the Gyana, Bhakti in short lines of Sanskrit. These are not like Shlokas which have definite verses and poetic forms. The meaning of Sutra like Narada Bhakti Sutra, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Brahma Sutra are very very deep and we can explain in maximum possible words or lines, still the complete meaning will not be expressed.

We will go deep in Narada Bhakti Sutra, as usual by just expressing some simple thoughts.

If you find any mistake in my writing, meaning understanding please guide me, that is all my ego’- ‘Ahankara which is expressed in the form of mistakes, otherwise Gurukripa is always perfect.

1.      Sutra : Athato Bhakti Vyakhyasyamaha

अथातो भक्तिं व्याख्यास्याम : |

Jai Vitthala,

Sage Naradaji Says,

Meaning: I am explaining the Bhakti the supreme devotion towards Parameshwar.

Expressions from Heart on this Sutra :

Here I wonder, at the very begining of the Sutra, Naradaji says, So....’, ‘Therefore’...Why? Naradaji starts with So......’ ?

Whom must he be telling these Bhakti Sutra.

There must be some Jigyasu who must be desperate for the Moksha, and must be curious to know, how to realize the Moksha or more specific a person desperate for Moksha at the begining of spiritual journey thinks how to reachthe state of Moksha? When the Mumukshu realizes Moksha, he/ she realize that there was no begining, no end, no journey I am always Mukta.

In the path Bhakti, nobody says, I wish to reach Moksha. The true devotee thinks that I wish to know that Bhakti by which I will be always mad in love of the Parmeshwar, Lord Shrikrishna. Bhakti is not limited to one specific form of the Parmeshwar. Anybody can love and call the Mother of all Maa Shakti, Mother Goddess, just like Bhagwan Ramakrishna Paramahans used to call always Maa Kali, as Kali Kali. He lived in that supreme love for the mother, the mother of all, Maa Kali. Many devotees love Lord Krishna. All this we will see while realizing further Sutra. This series is the realization for me, even I didnt know the depth of the Sutra and just writing what the heart is willing to express. So this is not based on the theorotical study. Love or Bhakti is not the subject to study but the  eternal feeling to live with,  to live within from the heart.

So....coming back to the point, why there must be the word So....’?
Naradaji might have explained the importance of Gyana, Bhakti and Karma and due to some reason he is explaining the Bhakti which later has become the series of Narada Bhakti Sutra.

What must be the reason?  Is the reason explained in further Bhakti Sutra? Is Naradaji explaining only Bhakti from the begnining or after explaining Gyana and Karma or He is just explaining everything and Narada Bhakti Sutra are part of all His Preaching?

If the imporatance and reason of explaining Bhakti has been told earlier by Sage Naradaji, then why it is not in the Sutra from begining or it must be written or added in different scriptures?

So...the reasons may be many, but here my reason to explain all this is to share the process of reasoning. We cant get the satisfaction by just reading the meaning and remembering the Sutra. Curiosity and questions never stop and should never stop, this is the glory of Hinduism, the Bharateey culture and philosophy.

This may be a bit irrelevant, but many people ask and spread that Hindus dont have a single book to refer, so many books and so many Gods  - as per their understanding, is it right? Simple thing is yes, its the freedom given to everyone, freedom of reasoning may it be foolish sometimes, freedom of asking questions, freedom of seeking the truth and even freedom of rejecting what is being thought in Hinduism. The basic purpose of Indian culture and Indian spirituality is that a Human should realize the purpose of Human life and experience that he or she is not different from the Almighty. This makes a human free from all the bondages, the cycle of life and death and all the pains of life. Without allowing a person to grow as an individual or to ask questions or even to think, will not ever make anybody spiritual or free from the material bondages.

So the thinking and independent thinking, asking questions is most imporatant while living the life and even more impoartant while moving on the path spirituality.

So far, we have read so many things, scriptures, so many verses about Hinduism. But have we try to feel what writer, the Sage wish to convey us? From today, we will try to read not by eyes but by heart, by the eyes of the soul.

The questions further after reading the first Sutra are,

Can we really define the Bhakti?

Can we understand the Bhakti if someone defines?

Is Bhakti so simple or will be very difficult like the path of Gyana?

Here, Bhagwan Naradaji is telling the Sutra so He is our Guru in this new journey and when a Guru and supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu Naradaji is our Guru, we can easily understand, feel and realize the Bhakti. Our lives will be filled with the supreme love for the Parameshwar.

And, yes the importance of Mahayoga and Kundalini Awakening, will also be explained in the context of Bhakti.

|| ShriKrishnarpanamastu ||
This is in Sanskrit which means all this is dedicated to Lord Krishna.
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bhakti-utkalaḥ. lleno de emoción extática (C. 8º, Cap. 23, V. 1).






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  4. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
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La Bíblia

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  3. La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
  4. La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
  5. La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011


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