Creado por juancas del 02 de Febrero del 2013
de Gyanswami por los devotos: hay miles de monjes en todo el mundo, muy
pequeño porcentaje de ellos son iluminados, la mayoría de los monjes
iluminados decide mantenerse alejado del mundo y la gente mundana. Muy pocos de ellos elegir permanecer en el mundo y ayudar a aspirante espiritual. Gyanswami
es uno de esos monjes iluminados que han decidido permanecer en este
mundo, trabajar y ganarse el pan propio, ser una persona de la familia y
ayudar a la gente a cruzar el océano de la ilusión. Como
de ahora gurú Gyan Swami está trabajando con una empresa llamada RSB
transmisiones (I) Ltd en Pune, India y vive con su familia.
Lunes, 28 de junio de 2010
Lal Baba nació en el año 1715 cerca de Gorakhpur (UP), India, en una familia Brahmin muy rico. Era un yogui nato. Él no podría permanecer en familia durante mucho tiempo y se convirtió en un monje y llegó al templo de Kamrup Kamakhya en estado de Assam. El templo de Kamakhya conocido es muy famoso por Tantrik Sadhana. Permaneció allí durante 14 años y realiza prácticas rigurosas del Tantra Yoga.
Luego dejó Kamrup y llegó a los valles de los Himalyas donde durante 14 años
practicó Raj Yoga con varios maestros cerca de un lago y sobrevivía sólo de Jalkumbhi Sag, una planta frondosa, encontradas en el agua sobre
todo en el Norte India y Tailandia, donde lo llaman campanilla.
vez durante los siguientes 14 años practicó muchos tipos de técnicas de Yoga
con maestros avanzados y sobrevivió sólo de Noni Sag, un vehículo frondoso
en India del norte y comido en su mayoría por gente pobre.
Después de alcanzar un alto estatus en Yoga comenzó moviendo alrededor de cada parte de la India.En 1857 cuando comenzó el primer movimiento de independencia de la India, fue un crecido Sanyasi. Conoció
a Baji Rao Peshwa en Pune, Maharani Lakshmi Bai en Jhansi y Vir Kunwar
Singh en Jagdeeshpur, Bihar y alentó a cada cuerpo.
Tiempo y Baba estaba moviendo y moviendo. No había hecho ningún Ashram donde él podría permanecer por algún tiempo.
En el movimiento libertad India bendijo Pt Madan Mohan Malaviya, Pt Moti Lal Nehru y muchos otros. Cuando Pt Moti Lal Nehru no tenía ningún problema, llegó a Baba con Shree Malaviyaji para su bendición; Baba llevó a su gurú en el Himalaya.
Lal Baba solía contar esta historia muchas veces a sus devotos. Su
gurú dijo Pt Moti Lal, "debido a sus Karmas pasados que no se supone
que cualquier niño pero ya que usted ha venido con mi discípulo amado,
no puedo enviar vacío le entregó".
Entonces calló por algún tiempo; entró
en Samadhi y vino de atrás y con los ojos muy brillantes, Miró Pt Moti
Lal y dijo, "debo hacerme tu hijo?..., bueno venir mañana."
Todos tres se fueron al día siguiente y lo encontraron acostado muerto; el
gran gurú había dejado su cuerpo y después de nueve meses Pt Moti Lal
fue bendecida por un hijo que más tarde fue nombrado como Jawahar y se
convirtió en el primer primer ministro de la India independiente el
famoso Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru.
Cuando me uní a M/S Tata Motors Jamshedpur en el año 1977, naturalmente muchas personas espirituales empezaron a llegar a mí. Uno de ellos era el Señor R P Sinha (Sr. Ram Padarath Sinha) quien fue discípulo de Lal Baba. Me contó muchas cosas sobre Baba. En su último nacimiento también Señor R P Sinha fue discípulo de Baba, Baba, permaneciendo en el mismo cuerpo.Uno más fue Señor Harinder Singh que Lal Baba había sido familia Guru por últimas cinco generaciones. Lal
Baba había dicho Señor R P Sinha, "cuando quieras conocerme vas a
cualquier templo de Shiva y Dile Shiva acerca de sus deseos; él me dejará saber inmediatamente y vengo a ti".
Lal Baba no vino a Jamshedpur durante ocho años; mucha gente pensó que él podría han dejado su cuerpo. Era el mes de Shravan (julio-agosto) cuando la gente vaya a los templos de Shiva y ofrecer oraciones.
Señor R P Sinha fue a la famosa Jyotirlinga Baidyanath Dham Deoghar ahora en el estado de Jharkhand para ofrecer su oración. Tienen
que llenar sus macetas con el agua de la Gangaji en Sultanganj en Bihar
y luego caminan a una distancia de unos 82 km por ofrecer esta agua
bendita al Señor; allí dijo a Señor Shiva que quería cumplir su gurú Lala Baba. Y cuando regresaba a Jamshedpur en tren, se sorprendió al ver su posición de gurú Shree Lal Baba en la puerta de su casa.
Baba le dijo: "Mira, iba pasando a través de Motihari (una ciudad cerca
de la frontera de Nepal, unos 750 KM de Jamshedpur) y Lord Shiva me
dijo que quería conocerme, así llegué corriendo".
Al día siguiente me informó sobre la llegada de Baba y me fui a recibirlo. Por verme Baba se levantó y dijo, "ven, ven, Estás aquí, que es bueno, so nice to meet you mi hijo".
Cerca de 30 personas estaban sentados delante de él en el salón. Le dijo a cada cuerpo salir por algún tiempo y sólo me quede con él dijo que. Entonces me dijo para cerrar las puertas y ventanas. Pude conocer que él me había reconocido. Llegó
cerca de mí y de repente había transformado su cuerpo en una cósmica
llena de luz con muy alto nivel de vibraciones espirituales. Comenzó
transmitiendo muchos poderes divinos en mí y por fin me dijo: "personas
vengan a mí, sólo para los deseos mundanos, pero es sólo la persona que
me entiendan por lo que le estoy dando cada cosa divina estoy teniendo
pero tenga cuidado; no dañar cualquier cuerpo con este poder, sólo ayudar a la humanidad de mi hijo bendito. Cuando alguna vez iré a Jamshedpur, usted debe cumplir al menos una vez en un día."
Desde entonces me convertí en su persona más en este mundo. Cuando alguna vez conocimos discutimos asuntos espirituales muy altos.
Lal Baba was born in the year 1715 near Gorakhpur (UP), India, in a very rich Brahmin family. He was a born Yogi. He could not remain in family for a long time and became a monk and came to Kamrup Kamakhya temple in state of Assam. The well known Kamakhya temple is very famous for Tantrik Sadhana. He stayed there for 14 years and performed rigorous practice of Tantra Yoga.
Then he left Kamrup and came to the valleys of the Himalyas where for another 14 years he practsed Raj Yoga with various masters near a lake and survived only on Jalkumbhi Sag, a leafy plant, found in water mostly in north India and Thailand where they call it morning glory.
Again for next 14 years he practised many types of Yoga techniques with advanced masters and suvived only on Noni Sag, a leafy vegetable found in north India and eaten mostly by poor people.
After attaining a high status in Yoga he started moving around every part of India. During 1857 when first Indian independence movement started, he was a grown up Sanyasi. He met Baji Rao Peshwa in Pune, Maharani Lakshmi Bai in Jhansi and Vir Kunwar Singh in Jagdeeshpur, Bihar, and encouraged every body.
Time passed by and Baba was moving and moving. He had not made any Ashram where he could stay for some time.
In Indian freedom movement he blessed Pt Madan Mohan Malaviya, Pt Moti Lal Nehru and many others. When Pt Moti Lal Nehru was not having any issue, he came to Baba with Shree Malaviyaji for his blessing; Baba took them to his Guru in the Himalayas .
Lal Baba used to tell this story many times to his devotees.
His Guru told Pt Moti Lal, “Due to your past Karmas you are not supposed to have any child but since you have come with my beloved disciple, I cannot send you empty handed.”
Then he kept quiet for some time; went in Samadhi and came back and with very bright eyes, looked at Pt Moti Lal and told, “Should I become Your son ?...,ok come tomorrow.”
All of three went there next day and they found him lying dead; the great Guru had left his body and after nine months Pt Moti Lal was blessed by a son who was later named as Jawahar and he became the first Prime Minister of independent India the famous Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru.
When I joined M/S Tata Motors Jamshedpur in the year 1977, naturally many spiritual persons started coming to me. One of them was Mr R P Sinha (Mr Ram Padarath Sinha) who was a disciple of Lal Baba. He told me many things about Baba. In his last birth also Mr R P Sinha was disciple of Baba, Baba remaining in same body.One more was Mr Harinder Singh whose Lal Baba had been family Guru for last five generations.
Lal Baba had told Mr R P Sinha, “ When ever you want to meet me you go to any Shiva Temple and tell Shiva about your desires; he will let me know immediately and I will come to you.”
Lal Baba did not come to Jamshedpur for eight years; many people thought that he might have left his body. It was the month of Shravan (July-August) when people go to Shiva temples and offer prayers.
Mr R P Sinha went to the famous Jyotirlinga Baidyanath Dham Deoghar now in the state of Jharkhand for offering his prayer. People have to fill up their pots with the water of the Gangaji at Sultanganj in Bihar and then they walk a distance of about 82 miles for offering this holy water to the Lord; there he told Lord Shiva that he wanted to meet his Guru Lala Baba. And as he returned to Jamshedpur by train, he was surprised to see his Guru Shree Lal Baba standing at the gate of his house.
Lal Baba told him, “Look, I was passing through Motihari(a town near Nepal border, about 750 KM from Jamshedpur) and Lord Shiva told me that you wanted to meet me,so I came rushing.”
Next day I was informed about Baba’s arrival and I went to meet him. By seeing me Baba stood up and told, “Come, come,you are here, that is good, so nice to meet you my child.”
About 30 persons were sitting in front of him in the drawing room. He told every body to go out for some time and he told me only to stay with him. Then he told me to close the doors and windows. I could know that he had recognized me. He came near me and all of a sudden transformed his body into a cosmic one full of light with very high level of spiritual vibrations. He started transmitting many divine powers in me and at last told me,“People come to me only for worldly desires but you are only person who can understand me so I am giving every thing divine I am having but be careful; do not harm any body with this power,only help mankind my blessed child. When ever I will come to Jamshedpur, you must meet at least once in a day.”
Since then I became his closest person in this world. When ever we met we discussed very high spiritual matters.
In December 1997 he had come to Jamshedpur; I saw his aura and told Mataji that Lal Baba would leave this world very soon, the time had come for his departure. And within a few days he left his body on way to Varanashi from Jamshedpur.
Although he is no more in his physical body but in astral way he is constantly connected with me. I use the divine power he gave me for well being of devotees.(Picture created by Shareall)
Tomado de:
Lal Baba was born in the year 1715 near Gorakhpur (UP), India, in a very rich Brahmin family. He was a born Yogi. He could not remain in family for a long time and became a monk and came to Kamrup Kamakhya temple in state of Assam. The well known Kamakhya temple is very famous for Tantrik Sadhana. He stayed there for 14 years and performed rigorous practice of Tantra Yoga.
Then he left Kamrup and came to the valleys of the Himalyas where for another 14 years he practsed Raj Yoga with various masters near a lake and survived only on Jalkumbhi Sag, a leafy plant, found in water mostly in north India and Thailand where they call it morning glory.
Again for next 14 years he practised many types of Yoga techniques with advanced masters and suvived only on Noni Sag, a leafy vegetable found in north India and eaten mostly by poor people.
After attaining a high status in Yoga he started moving around every part of India. During 1857 when first Indian independence movement started, he was a grown up Sanyasi. He met Baji Rao Peshwa in Pune, Maharani Lakshmi Bai in Jhansi and Vir Kunwar Singh in Jagdeeshpur, Bihar, and encouraged every body.
Time passed by and Baba was moving and moving. He had not made any Ashram where he could stay for some time.
In Indian freedom movement he blessed Pt Madan Mohan Malaviya, Pt Moti Lal Nehru and many others. When Pt Moti Lal Nehru was not having any issue, he came to Baba with Shree Malaviyaji for his blessing; Baba took them to his Guru in the Himalayas .
Lal Baba used to tell this story many times to his devotees.
His Guru told Pt Moti Lal, “Due to your past Karmas you are not supposed to have any child but since you have come with my beloved disciple, I cannot send you empty handed.”
Then he kept quiet for some time; went in Samadhi and came back and with very bright eyes, looked at Pt Moti Lal and told, “Should I become Your son ?...,ok come tomorrow.”
All of three went there next day and they found him lying dead; the great Guru had left his body and after nine months Pt Moti Lal was blessed by a son who was later named as Jawahar and he became the first Prime Minister of independent India the famous Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru.
When I joined M/S Tata Motors Jamshedpur in the year 1977, naturally many spiritual persons started coming to me. One of them was Mr R P Sinha (Mr Ram Padarath Sinha) who was a disciple of Lal Baba. He told me many things about Baba. In his last birth also Mr R P Sinha was disciple of Baba, Baba remaining in same body.One more was Mr Harinder Singh whose Lal Baba had been family Guru for last five generations.
Lal Baba had told Mr R P Sinha, “ When ever you want to meet me you go to any Shiva Temple and tell Shiva about your desires; he will let me know immediately and I will come to you.”
Lal Baba did not come to Jamshedpur for eight years; many people thought that he might have left his body. It was the month of Shravan (July-August) when people go to Shiva temples and offer prayers.
Mr R P Sinha went to the famous Jyotirlinga Baidyanath Dham Deoghar now in the state of Jharkhand for offering his prayer. People have to fill up their pots with the water of the Gangaji at Sultanganj in Bihar and then they walk a distance of about 82 miles for offering this holy water to the Lord; there he told Lord Shiva that he wanted to meet his Guru Lala Baba. And as he returned to Jamshedpur by train, he was surprised to see his Guru Shree Lal Baba standing at the gate of his house.
Lal Baba told him, “Look, I was passing through Motihari(a town near Nepal border, about 750 KM from Jamshedpur) and Lord Shiva told me that you wanted to meet me,so I came rushing.”
Next day I was informed about Baba’s arrival and I went to meet him. By seeing me Baba stood up and told, “Come, come,you are here, that is good, so nice to meet you my child.”
About 30 persons were sitting in front of him in the drawing room. He told every body to go out for some time and he told me only to stay with him. Then he told me to close the doors and windows. I could know that he had recognized me. He came near me and all of a sudden transformed his body into a cosmic one full of light with very high level of spiritual vibrations. He started transmitting many divine powers in me and at last told me,“People come to me only for worldly desires but you are only person who can understand me so I am giving every thing divine I am having but be careful; do not harm any body with this power,only help mankind my blessed child. When ever I will come to Jamshedpur, you must meet at least once in a day.”
Since then I became his closest person in this world. When ever we met we discussed very high spiritual matters.
In December 1997 he had come to Jamshedpur; I saw his aura and told Mataji that Lal Baba would leave this world very soon, the time had come for his departure. And within a few days he left his body on way to Varanashi from Jamshedpur.
Although he is no more in his physical body but in astral way he is constantly connected with me. I use the divine power he gave me for well being of devotees.(Picture created by Shareall)
Tomado de:
- BIBLIA I - LINKS en - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
- BIBLIA II - LINKS en - sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012
- BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
- EGIPTO - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
- Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - - martes, 28 de agosto de 2012
- HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS - jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012
Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS -
- JESUCRITO I - viernes 13 de enero de 2012
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- Mundo Religioso 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Mitología Universal 1 (Asturiana) - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- El Narrador de Cuentos - UNO - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- El Narrador de Cuentos - DOS - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Medicina Natural - Las Plantas Medicinales 1 (Teoría) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Medicina Natural - Plantas Medicinales 1 y 2 (Visión de las Plantas) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 1 - viernes 6 de enero de 2012
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 2 - sábado 7 de enero de 2012
- KRSNA - RAMA - VISHNU - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- Gopal Krishna Movies - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- Yamuna Devi Dasi - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA I - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA II - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- KUMBHA MELA - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- AVANTIKA DEVI DASI - NÉCTAR BHAJANS - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- GANGA DEVI MATA - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SLOKAS y MANTRAS I - lunes 13 de febrero de 2012
- GAYATRI & SHANTI MANTRAS - martes 14 de febrero de 2012
- Lugares Sagrados de la India 1 - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Devoción - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 1 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 3 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 4 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduría de los Maestros 5 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Universalidad 1 - miércoles 4 de enero de 2012
- Biografía de los Clasicos Antiguos Latinos 1 - viernes 30 de diciembre de 2011
- Swami Premananda - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Emperadores Romanos I - domingo 1 de enero de 2012
- Ajenaton, momias doradas, Hatshepsut, Cleopatra - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO I - jueves 12 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO II - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO IV - martes 17 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VII - martes 24 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VIII - viernes 27 de enero de 2012
La Bíblia
- El Mundo Bíblico 1 - lunes 2 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011
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- Greek font: BibliaLS Normal
- Greek font: BibliaLS Bold
- Greek font: BibliaLS Bold Italic
- Greek font: BibliaLS Italic
- Hebrew font: Ezra SIL
- Hebrew font: Ezra SIL SR
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Planet ISKCON - 2010 · Planet ISKCON - 2011
Maestros Espirituales
VIDA de los SANTOS - LINKS en - domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS -
BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012EGIPTO - LINKS -
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Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - - martes, 28 de agosto de 2012HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS
HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS - jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012ARCHIVOS AKASHICOS
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Documentales Sonoros ( - LINKS - sábado, 5 de enero de 2013OTRAS - LINKS -
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