iṣṭagoṣṭhī ---- Holyland --- 5/06/00
Oṁ viṣṇupāda paramahaṁsa parivrājakācārya aṣṭottara-śata Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Mahārāja
Just before leaving for Holland on July 5, Śrīla Mahārāja held a special iṣṭagoṣṭhī, and the current of that iṣṭagoṣṭhī was like a platform for his other talks: both those based on līla, and those based in the consideration of tattva. In this iṣṭagoṣṭhī he gave strong instructions on how to balance one's day -- a balance of sādhana-bhajana and temple services, a balance of sādhana-bhajana and preaching activities, a balance of sādhana-bhajana and family responsibilities, and a balance of sādhana-bhajana and earning money. He began by saying that those who are not demons but are not doing bhajana are like very ignorant donkeys, kicked by the hind legs of the she-donkeys and taking all the burden of the washer-man. Persons favourable to devotion are of two kinds, and those who are not following the process, the rules of devotees and devotion are greater in number. Real devotees are few, and even among that small number there are many divisions. Most are initiated by unqualified, false gurus, and even those with bona fide gurus are of many types. Some think:
"My fire sacrifice has been performed and I have a sacred thread; therefore I am initiated.”
Such persons wear big tilaka, but there is no dīkṣā in the true sense, and they are continuing their unfavourable or sinful activities. They are greater in number, and we may be also in this category. There is no thick relation with Kṛṣṇa and no real knowledge of tattva -- not of Jīva-tattva, Bhagavat-tattva, Guru-tattva, Māyā tattva, or Prema-tattva. Even if they remember a mantra like:
“aiṁ gurave namaḥ”
Their minds are elsewhere. After ten minutes they think:
"What am I doing?"
They were sleeping or just drifting. Then, while chanting:
“klīṁ kṛṣṇa vidmahe”
The mind is absent for 1/2hour. Most of us are in this category of struggle.
Worldly affairs come, our job or the like, and we are always very careful and cautious in these affairs. The mind is always there -- in computers and here and there -- and not in the Guru-gāyatrī and the Hare Kṛṣṇa Maha-mantra. A pure devotee comes and inspires them, but as soon as he leaves -- nothing in there. Their numbers are greater. Others cannot follow:
'tṛṇād api sunīcena',
Or even Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī’s instructions in Upadeśāmṛta:
“vāco vegaṁ manasaḥ krodha vegaṁ “
Some wear neck beads of only one strand, which do not even touch the neck. Even in the military there are some rules and etiquettes, and the soldiers are punished if they do not follow them.
If we cannot follow these things, how can we follow Vraja-prema?
Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His associates were all paramahaṁsas, but they all followed Vaiṣṇava etiquette. If we follow their rules and regulations, a taste will come. In school there is daily reading and completing the task given by the teacher.
“vāco vegaṁ”
Control your tongue. The Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata battles took place because Sītā and Draupadī did not control their tongues. Promise from today:
"I will not quarrel with my wife or husband, children, Gurudeva, and other devotees."
Without this you cannot control your anger. Don’t take rich foodstuffs. The fault of overeating is not only the fault of the tongue. All five senses are guilty, including the eyes. Looking brings attachment. Don't try to be astrologers, and don't read books other than bhakti books. There is no harm if you have not studied in school and colleges. By chanting, remembering, and serving Gurudeva you will be happy. Nothing else will make you happy.
Don’t criticise all the Kaṁsas and Jarāsandhas. Spend your time in always glorifying Nanda, Yaśodā, the Gopas, Gopīs, Kṛṣṇa and the devotees. Don’t care much for your life's maintenance. A lower-class devotee can do so, but when you are mature you have nothing to do in this regard. What you need will easily come. Don’t talk prajalpa. Chant one lākha of holy names. If this is not possible, then chant fifty thousand names. If not, then thirty-two rounds. If not, then go to the ocean and at once jump in. You should certainly go to the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean. Chant, but if your bona fide guru has come to give a lecture, then go and hear. Then your chanting will become high-class. Be confident that by doing all this, surely kṛṣṇa–prema will come. First finish these things. THEN do anything to maintain your life. The holy name will arrange everything for you.
Don’t associate with friends or family members if they are not devotees. They are all cheaters. If you are ugly, with two or three children, your husband will reject you and take a new wife. So give up all your other jobs and come to śaraṇāgati, full surrender to Kṛṣṇa.
Some of the 300 devotees present were meeting Śrīla Mahārāja for the first time; some had been waiting since the year before, counting the seconds. Some, although meeting with him in one or two countries each year, for the past three, four, or five years, were just now realising the magnitude of their fortune in getting the most rare and precious association of such a high class Śuddha Vaiṣṇava. Many within the various categories of devotees were now in the process of changing all their priorities in life and were preparing to leave their money and position to remain with Śrīla Mahārāja.

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