Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata - Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura
Commentary by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.46
kichu-mātra dekhi’ āi putrera yauvana
vivāhera kārya mane cinte anukṣaṇa
When mother Śacī saw her son’s first symptoms of maturity, she began to make plans for His marriage.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.47
sei navadvīpe vaise eka subrāhmaṇa
vallabha-ācārya nāma—janakera sama
There was one qualified brāhmaṇa in Navadvīpa named Vallabhācārya, who was equal to Janaka Mahārāja.
In the Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā (44) it is stated:
“Janaka, the great King of Mithila, has now appeared as Vallabhācārya. He is also accepted as Bhīṣmaka, the father of Rukmiṇī. Śrī Jānakī, Rukmiṇī, and Lakṣmī were all his daughters.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.48
tā’na kanyā āche—yena lakṣmī mūrti-matī
niravadhi vipra tāṅ’ra cinte yogya pati
He had a daughter who appeared to be the personification of Lakṣmī. That brāhmaṇa was constantly searching for a qualified husband for her.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.49
daive lakṣmī eka-dina gelā gaṅgā-snāne
gauracandra henai samaye seikhāne
By providence, one day when Lakṣmī went to take bath in the Ganges, Gauracandra was there at the same time.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.50
nija-lakṣmī ciniyā hāsilā gauracandra
lakṣmī o vandilā mane prabhu-pada-dvandva
Gauracandra smiled when He recognized His beloved Lakṣmī, and Lakṣmī mentally offered her obeisances to the Lord’s lotus feet.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.51
hena mate doṅhe cini’ doṅhe ghare gelā
ke bujhite pāre gaurasundarera khelā?
After recognizing each other in this way, they both returned to their homes. Who can understand the pastimes of Lord Gaurasundara?
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.52
īśvara-icchāya vipra vanamālī nāma
sei dina gelā teṅho śacīdevī-sthāna
By the Lord’s will, that very day a brāhmaṇa named Vanamālī went to the house of mother Śacī.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.53
namaskāri’ āire vasilā dvija-vara
āsana dilena āi kariyā ādara
That respected brāhmaṇa offered mother Śacī his obeisances, and she respectfully offered him a seat.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.54
āire bolena tabe vanamālī ācārya
“putra-vivāhera kene nā cintaha kārya?
Vanamālī Ācārya then asked Śacī:
“Why aren’t you thinking about arranging your son’s marriage?”
Vanamālī Ghaṭaka is described in Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā as follows:
“The matchmaker Śrī Viśvāmitra, who arranged the marriage of Śrī Rāmacandra and who was the brāhmaṇa messenger that Rukmiṇī sent to Keśava, has now appeared as Vanamālī Ācārya.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.55
vallabha-ācārya kule śīle sadācāre
nirdoṣe vaisena navadvīpera bhitare
“In Navadvīpa resides one Vallabhācārya, who is born in an exalted family. He is pure, well-behaved, and decorated with many good qualities.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.56
tā’na kanyā—lakṣmī-prāya rūpe śīle māne
se sambandha kara yadi icchā haya mane”
“He has a daughter whose beauty, qualities, and temperament are as good as Lakṣmī. If you wish I will arrange their marriage.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.57
āi bole,—“pitṛ-hīna bālaka āmāra
jīuka, paḍuka āge, tabe kārya āra”
Mother Śacī replied:
“My son is fatherless. Leave Him alone to study for some time. Later I will consider.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.58
āira kathāya vipra ‘rasa’ nā pāiyā
calilena vipra kichu duḥkhita haiyā
The brāhmaṇa was not satisfied with Śacī’s answer and therefore left disappointed.
It is stated by Hemacandra:
“The word rasa refers to water, semen, the five superior rasas such as śṛṅgāra, the seven inferior rasas such as vīra, as well as the poison of creatures like snakes, the sentiments by which one’s heart melts, rāgas (tunes), the art of painting, the constituents of the body, the six tastes such as bitter, and mercury.”
According to mundane alaṅkāra-śāstra:
When the happiness of the mind, sthāyi-bhāva, or permanent ecstasy (or rati), is nourished by ingredients such as vibhāvas, or special ecstasies, it produces an indescribable ecstatic transformation called rasa. Rasas are of nine varieties—sṛṅgāra or ādi (conjugal), vīra (chivalry), karuṇa (compassion), adbhuta (wonder), hāsya (laughter), bhayānaka (fear), bībhatsa (disaster), raudra (anger), and śānta (neutrality). According to another opinion there are ten varieties—the above, plus vātsalya, or parenthood. One should also consider the meanings of the heart’s desire, the confidential meaning or purport, happiness, ecstasy or loving sentiments, as well as the word rasa in the words svarasa or svārasya, which refers to the intention or desire.
According to the transcendental alaṅkāra-śāstra, Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu:
vyatītya bhāvanā-vartma yaś camatkāra-bhāra-bhūḥ
hṛdi sattvojjvale bāḍhaṁ svadate sa raso mataḥ
“That which is beyond imagination, heavy with wonder, and relished in the heart illumined with goodness—such is known as rasa.”
sthāyī bhāvo ‘tra sa proktaḥ śrī-kṛṣṇa-viṣayā ratiḥ
“Continuous ecstatic love for Kṛṣṇa is called permanent ecstasy.”
Mother Śacī neglected or ignored the proposal for Nimāi’s marriage suggested by the best of the matchmakers, Vanamālī Ācārya, and changed the topic of conversation. Therefore Vanamālī did not get any rasa from Śacī’s words, rather he perceived an absence of rasa or dry śānta-rasa, that is, he perceived an indifferent unchangeable mood. That is why in ordinary alaṅkāra literature dry śānta-rasa is not actually accepted as rasa, because it is devoid of the reciprocation of feelings, as stated:
śamasya nirvikāratvān nāṭya-jñair naiṣa manyate
“Due to the unchanging nature of śama-bhāva (śānta-rasa), learned persons do not accept it as a rasa.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.59
daive pathe dekhā haila gauracandra-saṅge
tā’re dekhi’ āliṅgana kailā prabhu raṅge
As he left, by providence he met Gauracandra, who happily embraced him.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.60
prabhu bole,—“kaha, giyāchile kon bhite?”
dvija bole,—“tomāra jananī sambhāṣite
The Lord inquired, “Tell me, where have you been?”
The brāhmaṇa replied, “I was speaking with Your mother.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.61
tomāra vivāha lāgi’ balilāṅa tā’ne
nā jāni’ śuniyā śraddhā nā kailena kene?”
“I offered her a proposal for Your marriage, but for some reason I don’t understand, she refused.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.62
śuni’ tā’na vacana īśvara mauna hailā
hāsi’ tā’re sambhāṣiyā mandire āilā
Hearing his words, Nimāi remained silent for a moment. He then smiled and spoke a little more with the brāhmaṇa before returning to His house.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.63
jananīre hāsiyā bolena seikṣaṇe
“ācāryere sambhāṣā nā kaile bhāla kene?”
When the Lord got home, He asked His mother:
“Why didn’t you respect the brāhmaṇa’s proposal?”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.64
putrera iṅgita pāi’ śacī haraṣitā
āra dine vipre āni’ kahilena kathā
Mother Śacī was pleased to receive an indication from her son. The next day she called the brāhmaṇa to her home.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.65
śacī bole,—“vipra, kāli ye kahilā tumi
śīghra tāhā karāha,—kahinu ei āmi”
Śacī said, “O brāhmaṇa, I’ve decided that you may immediately arrange what you proposed yesterday.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.66
āira caraṇa-dhūli laiyā brāhmaṇa
seikṣaṇe calilena vallabha-bhavana
The brāhmaṇa took the dust from mother Śacī’s feet and immediately left for the house of Vallabhācārya.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.67
vallabha-ācārya dekhi’ sambhrame tāhāne
bahu-māna kari’ vasāilena āsane
On seeing the brāhmaṇa, Vallabha offered him a seat with great respect.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.68
ācārya bolena,—“śuna, āmāra vacana
kanyā-vivāhera ebe kara’ su-lagana
Vanamālī Ācārya said, “Please hear me. Choose an auspicious day for the marriage of your daughter.”
The word su-lagana means “an auspicious time.” The portion of the zodiac that appears on the eastern horizon at a particular time is called the udaya-lagna, or rising sign. Since the zodiac is divided into twelve, each part is known as a lagna.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.69
miśra-purandara-putra—nāma viśvambhara
parama-paṇḍita, sarva-guṇera sāgara
“The son of Jagannātha Miśra, Śrī Viśvambhara, is highly learned and an ocean of good qualities.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.70
tomāra kanyāra yogya sei mahāśaya
kahilāṅa ei, kara yadi citte laya
“This great personality is the proper match for your daughter. Now you decide what you would like to do.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.71
śuniyā vallabhācārya bolena hariṣe
“sehena kanyāra pati mile bhāgyavaśe
Vallabhācārya joyfully replied, “Such a husband for my daughter is achieved by great fortune.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.72-73
kṛṣṇa yadi suprasanna hayena āmāre
athavā kamalā-gaurī santuṣṭā kanyāre
tabe se se hena āsi’ milibe jāmātā
avilambe tumi ihā karaha sarvathā
“If Kṛṣṇa is pleased with me and Lakṣmī and Pārvatī are pleased with my daughter, then I will be blessed with such a husband for my daughter. You may arrange everything without delay.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.74
sabe eka vacana balite lajjā pāi
āmi se nirdhana, kichu dite śakti nāi
“But I have one request that I am embarrassed to disclose. I am poor and have no means to offer a dowry.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.75
kanyā-mātra diba pañca-haritakī diyā
sabe ei ājñā tumi ānibe māgiyā”
“I can offer only five haritakī [myrobalan] fruits along with my daughter. Please beg their consent.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.76
vallabha-miśrera vākya śuniyā ācārya
santoṣe āilā siddhi kari’ sarva kārya
Hearing the words of Vallabha Miśra, Vanamālī Ācārya happily completed all the formalities.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.77
siddhi-kathā āsiyā kahilā āi-sthāne
“saphala haila kārya kara’ śubha-kṣaṇe”
He then returned to mother Śacī’s house and informed mother Śacī, “The formalities have been completed. Now you may choose an auspicious time for the ceremony.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.78
āpta loka śuni’ sabe haraṣita hailā
sabei udyoga āsi’ karite lāgilā
When the Lord’s relatives heard the news, they joyfully began to make arrangements.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.79
adhivāsa-lagna karilena śubha-dine
nṛtya, gītā, nānā vādya vā’ya naṭa-gaṇe
On an auspicious day they held the Adhivāsa ceremony, during which people danced and sang while musicians played various instruments.
The rituals in which sandalwood pulp and flower garlands are offered the day before an auspicious ceremony is called Adhivāsa.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.80
catur-dike dvija-gaṇa kare veda-dhvani
madhye candra-sama vasilena dvija-maṇi
All around the brāhmaṇas recited Vedic hymns as Nimāi, the jewel of the twice-born, appeared like the moon in their midst.
While performing the ritualistic ceremonies and purificatory rites prescribed in the gṛha-sūtras, Vedic mantras are recited. Udvāha, or the marriage ceremony, is one of the forty-eight, sixteen, or ten saṁskāras.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.81
īśvarere gandha-mālya diyā śubha-kṣaṇe
adhivāsa karilena āpta-vipra-gaṇe
At an auspicious moment the relatives and brāhmaṇas offered sandalwood pulp and flower garlands to the Lord, thereby completing the Adhivāsa ceremony.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.82
divya gandha, candana, tāmbūla, mālā diyā
brāhmaṇa-gaṇere tuṣilena harṣa haiyā
The relatives also satisfied the brāhmaṇas by offering them sandalwood pulp, betel nuts, and flower garlands.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.83
vallabha-ācārya āsi’ yathā-vidhi-rūpe
adhivāsa karāiyā gelena kautuke
Following tradition, Vallabhācārya also came and joyfully took part in the Adhivāsa ceremony.

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