Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata - Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura
Commentary by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.84
prabhāte uṭhiyā prabhu kari’ snāna-dāna
pitṛ-gaṇe pūjilena kariyā samāna
After Nimāi woke the next morning, He took bath, gave charity, and respectfully worshiped His forefathers.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.85
nṛtya-gīta-vādye mahā uṭhila maṅgala
catur-dike ‘leha-deha’ śuni kolāhala
Auspicious sounds of singing, dancing, and musical instruments filled the atmosphere. Everywhere excited people were calling out, “Take this! Give that!”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.86
kata vā milila āsi’ pati-vratā-gaṇa
kateka vā iṣṭa mitra brāhmaṇa sajjana
Many chaste women, well-wishers, friends, and respected brāhmaṇas graced the function.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.87
khai, kalā, sindūra, tāmbūla, taila diyā
strī-gaṇere āi tuṣilena harṣa hañā
Mother Śacī happily satisfied the ladies with puffed rice, bananas, vermilion, betel, and oil.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.88
deva-gaṇa, deva-vadhu-gaṇa—nara-rūpe
prabhura vivāhe āsi’ āchena kautuke
Demigods and their wives took the form of humans and also happily attended the Lord’s marriage.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.89
vallabha-ācārya ei-mata vidhi-krame
karilena deva-pitṛ-kārya harṣa-mane
Vallabhācārya joyfully worshiped the demigods and forefathers according to Vedic injunctions.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.90
tabe prabhu śubha-kṣaṇe go-dhūli-samaye
yātrā kari’ āilena miśrera ālaye
At an auspicious time, at dusk, the Lord arrived at the house of Vallabhācārya.
The phrase go-dhūli-samaya refers to the time of sunset when the herds of cows return to the gośālā and the dust from their hooves covers the sky. Generally this is a suitable for auspicious activities like marriage.
This time has three symptoms:
(1) in autumn and winter season when the sun rays are mild and the sun appears to be red ball,
(2) in summer and spring season when the sun is setting and only half of it is visible,
(3) in rainy and fall season when the sun becomes invisible after setting.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.91
prabhu āsileha mātra, miśra goṣṭhī-sane
ānanda-sāgare magna hailā sabe mane
As soon as the Lord arrived, Vallabhācārya and his associates drown in an ocean of bliss.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.92
sambhrame āsana diyā yathā-vidhi-rūpe
jāmātāre vasāilā parama-kautuke
He then respectfully offered a seat to his son-in-law and welcomed Him according to Vedic injunctions.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.93
śeṣe sarva-alaṅkāre kariyā bhūṣita
lakṣmī-kanyā ānilena prabhura samīpa
Vallabhācārya then had his beautifully decorated daughter brought before the Lord.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.94
hari-dhvani sarva-loke lāgila karite
tulilena sabhe lakṣmīre pṛthvī haite
Everyone began to chant the names of Hari as they lifted Lakṣmī off the ground.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.95
tabe lakṣmī pradakṣiṇa kari’ sapta-bāra
yoḍa-haste rahilena kari’ namaskāra
Then Lakṣmī was carried around Nimāi seven times. As they placed her before Him, she offered Him obeisances with folded hands.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.96
tabe śeṣe haila puṣpa-mālā-phelā-pheli
lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa doṅhe mahā-kutūhalī
As they finally exchanged flower garlands, Lakṣmī and the original Nārāyaṇa were both greatly pleased.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.97
divya-mālā diyā lakṣmī prabhura caraṇe
namaskari’ karilena ātma-samarpaṇe
After Lakṣmī offered flower garlands at the feet of the Lord, she offered Him obeisances with full surrender.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.98
sarva-dike mahā jaya-jaya-hari-dhvani
uṭhila paramānanda, āra nāhi śuni
All that could be heard was the ecstatic chanting of “All glories to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Hari!”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.99
hena-mate śrī-mukha-candrikā kari’ rase
vasilena prabhu, lakṣmī kari vāma-pāśe
In this way, after they performed the ceremony of seeing each other’s face for the first time, the Lord sat down with Lakṣmī on His left.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.100
prathama-vayasa prabhu jiniñā madana
vāma-pāśe lakṣmī vasilena seikṣaṇa
The Lord’s fresh youthful beauty defeated that of Cupid, as Lakṣmī then sat at His left side.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.101
ki śobhā, ki, sukha se haila miśra-ghare
kon jana tāhā varṇibāre śakti dhare?
Who has the ability to describe that wonderful scene and the happiness that was experienced at the house of Vallabha Miśra?
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.102
tabe śeṣe vallabha karite kanyā dāna
vasilena yehena bhīṣmaka vidyamāna
At last, Vallabhācārya, who is non-different from Bhīṣmaka, sat down to give away his daughter.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.103-104
ye-caraṇe pādya diyā śaṅkara-brahmāra
jagat sṛjite śakti haila sabāra
hena pāda-padme pādya dilā vipra-vara
vastra-mālya-candane bhūṣiyā kalevara
The same lotus feet that are worshiped by Śaṅkara and Brahmā to obtain the power of creation were now worshiped by the respected brāhmaṇa, Vallabhācārya. He then also decorated the body of the Lord with cloth, flower garlands, and sandalwood pulp.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.105
yathā-vidhi-rūpe kanyā kari’ samarpaṇa
ānanda-sāgare magna hailā brāhmaṇa
After duly offering his daughter to the Lord, the brāhmaṇa became absorbed in an ocean of bliss.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.106
tabe yata kichu kula-vyavahāra āche
pati-vratā-gaṇa tāhā karilena pāche
Thereafter the chaste women performed the various traditional family rituals.
The phrase kula-vyavahāra refers to the activities of women.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.107
se rātri tathāya thāki tabe āra dine
nija-gṛhe calilena prabhu lakṣmī-sane
That night the Lord stayed at the house of Vallabhācārya, and the next day He returned home with Lakṣmī.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.108
lakṣmīra sahita prabhu caḍiyā dolāya
āisena, dekhite sakala loka dhāya
As the Lord and Lakṣmī were carried home in a palanquin, people came running out of their house to see them.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.109
gandha, mālya, alaṅkāra, mukuṭa, candana
kajjvale ujjvala dui lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa
Both Lakṣmī and the original Nārāyaṇa were wonderfully decorated with sandalwood paste, flower garlands, ornaments, crowns, and bright kajjala.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.110
sarva-loka dekhi’ mātra ‘dhanya dhanya’ bole
viśeṣe strī-gaṇa ati paḍilena bhole
Everyone who saw them exclaimed, “How wonderful!” The ladies were all particularly amazed.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.111
“kata-kāla e vā bhāgyavatī hara-gaurī
niṣkapaṭe sevilena kata-bhakti kari
Someone said, “They exactly resemble Śiva and Pārvatī. They must have worshiped the Lord without duplicity for a long time.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.112
alpa-bhāgye kanyāra ki hena svāmī mile?
ei hara-gaurī hena bujhi”—keha bole
“Can a less fortunate girl possibly get such a nice husband?
I conclude that they are Śiva and Pārvatī.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.113
keha bole,—“indra-śacī, rati vā madana”
kona nārī bole—“ei lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa”
Someone else said, “They resemble Indra and Śacī or Madana and Rati.” One girl said, “They are Lakṣmī and Nārāyaṇa.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.114
kona nārī-gaṇa bole—“yena sītā-rāma
dolopari śobhiyāche ati anupama
Another girl said, “By their unparalleled beauty, it appears Sītā and Rāma are seated on that palanquin.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.115
ei-mata nānā-rūpe bole nārī-gaṇe
śubha-dṛṣṭye sabe dekhe lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa
In this way the girls spoke in various ways as they joyfully watched Lakṣmī and the original Nārāyaṇa.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.116
hena-mate nṛtya-gīta-vādya-kolāhale
nija-gṛhe prabhu āilena sandhyā-kāle
When the couple arrived at Nimāi’s house in the evening, they were festively greeted by dancing, singing, and the playing of musical instruments.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.117
tabe śacīdevī vipra-patnī-gaṇa laiyā
putra-vadhū ghare ānilena harṣa haiyā
Śacīdevī with some other brāhmaṇa ladies then jubilantly welcomed her daughter-in-law home.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.118
dvija-ādi yata jāti naṭa bājaniyā
sabāre tuṣilā dhana, vastra, vākya diyā
Thereafter mother Śacī satisfied the brāhmaṇas, musicians, and dancers with money, cloth, and sweet words.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.119
ye śunaye prabhura vivāha-puṇya-kathā
tāhāra saṁsāra-bandha nā haya sarvathā
Whoever hears these auspicious topics of the Lord’s marriage is never entangled in worldly life.
In this material world people become joyful by hearing about the marriage of a boy and a girl. Encouraged by such topics, the conditioned souls become eager to face the miseries of material bondage. But the topics related with the marriage of Śrīman Mahāprabhu, who is the controller of māyā, are not like this. This pastime of the Lord is meant to demonstrate the uselessness of material existence. A living entity who is attached to material enjoyment considers the marriage of a mundane boy and girl to be the ideal example of sense gratification, and if he considers the spiritual pastimes of the Supreme Lord’s marriage as similar to the conditioned soul’s sense gratificatory activities, which are apparently sweet but ultimately poison, he will certainly be entangled in the bondage of material existence. But the Supreme Lord is the only object of all enjoyment, and the servants, maidservants, and wonderful ingredients of service, which are all under His control, cannot produce such inauspiciousness. Wherever the happiness of the Lord is present, the sense gratification of the living entities cannot remain. In this regard one should discuss auspicious nectarean statements such as the following verses from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (11.2.42):
bhaktiḥ pareśānubhavo viraktir
anyatra caiṣa trika eka-kālaḥ
“Devotion, direct experience of the Supreme Lord, and detachment from other things—these three occur simultaneously,”
Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.187):
īhā yasya harer dāsye karmaṇā manasā girā
nikhilāsv apy avasthāsu jīvan-muktaḥ sa ucyate
“A person acting in the service of Kṛṣṇa with his body, mind, intelligence, and words is a liberated person even within the material world, although he may engage in many apparently material activities.”
The Supreme Lord Viṣṇu is the transcendental controller of māyā, so to consider Him material or like an ordinary living entity is a great offense. When a transcendental service attitude towards the Supreme Lord Viṣṇu is awakened, then liberated devotees inclined towards serving the Lord are no longer entangled in material bondage. In other words, if a living entity is eager to please the Supreme Lord, he becomes freed from the bondage of material existence, which is separate from the Lord, and never personally endeavours for sense gratification or material enjoyment.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.120
prabhu-pārśve lakṣmīra haila avasthāna
śacī-gṛha haila parama-jyotir-dhāma
With Lakṣmī at the side of the Lord, the house of Śacī appeared like Vaikuṇṭha, the most effulgent abode.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.121
niravadhi dekhe śacī ki ghare bāhire
parama adbhuta jyotiḥ lakhite nā pāre
Such a wonderful effulgence constantly emanated from the house that mother Śacī could not even see properly.
By the arrival of Śrīmatī Lakṣmīpriyā-devī, who is the direct personification of one of the Supreme Lord’s internal potencies, known as Śrī-śakti, the house of Śrī Śacī actually became the effulgent Vaikuṇṭha abode of the Supreme Lord.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.122
kakhana putrera pāśe dekhe agni-śikhā
ulaṭiyā cāhite, nā pāya āra dekhā
Sometimes Śacī saw flames of fire at the side of her son, but when she looked again they were gone.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.123
kamala-puṣpera gandha kṣaṇe kṣane pāya
parama-vismita āi cintena sadāya
When she sometimes smelled the fragrance of a lotus flower, she was utterly astonished.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.124
āi cinte,—“bujhilāṅa kāraṇa ihāra
e kanyāya adhiṣṭhāna āche kamalāra
Śacī thought, “I can understand the reason for this. This girl is a plenary portion of Lakṣmī-devī.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.125
ataeva jyotiḥ dekhi, padma-gandha pāi
pūrva-prāya daridratā-duḥkha ebe nāi
“That is why I see this effulgence and smell the fragrance of lotus flowers. Now we may not face any poverty like before.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.126
ei lakṣmī-vadhū gṛhe praveśile
kothā haite nā jāni āsiyā saba mile?”
“Otherwise where has everything come from since this daughter-in-law, Lakṣmī, entered my house?”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.127
ei-rūpa nānā-mata kathā āi kaya
vyakta haiyā o prabhu vyakta nāhi haya
In this way mother Śacī had various thoughts, as the Lord almost but not quite manifest Himself.
Although the Supreme Lord appeared in this world, out of His sweet will He did not manifest His covered pastimes to everyone.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.128
īśvarera icchā bujhibāra śakti kā’ra?
ki-rūpe karena kon kālera vihāra?
Who can understand the supreme will of the Lord?
How and when does He perform His pastimes?
The words kālera vihāra mean “enjoying pastimes suitable for a particular time.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.129
īśvare se āpanāre nā jānāye yabe
lakṣmī o jānite śakti nā dharena tabe
Until the Lord Himself allows one to know Him, even Lakṣmī has no power to understand Him.
By the supreme will of the Lord, His covered pastimes are beyond the perception of even His internal potencies.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.130
ei saba śāstre vede purāṇe vākhāne
‘yā’re tā’na kṛpā haya, sei jāne tā’ne
The Vedas, Purāṇas, and other scriptures confirm that only one who is favoured by the Lord can understand Him.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 10.131
śrī kṛṣṇa-caitanya nityānanda-cānda jāna
vṛndāvana dāsa tachu pada-yuge gāna
Accepting Śrī Caitanya and Nityānanda Prabhu as my life and soul, I, Vṛndāvana dāsa, sing the glories of Their lotus feet.
Thus ends this English translation of the Gauḍīya-bhāṣya commentary on Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata, Ādi-khaṇḍa, Chapter Ten, entitled, “The Marriage of Śrī Lakṣmīpriyā.”

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