Creado por juancas del 11 de Octubre del 2012
for everyone
Kenopanishad - Sri Aurobindo Translation First Part 1. By whom commissioned falls the (arrow of the) mind shot to its mark? By whom yoked moves the first life-breath forward on its paths? By whom impelled is this word that men speak? What god set eye and ear to their workings? 2. THAT which is hearing of our hearing, mind of our mind, speech of our speech, THAT too is life of our lifebreath and sight of our sight. The wise are released beyond and they pass from this world and become immortal. 3. There sight travels not, nor speech, nor the mind. We know It not nor can distinguish how one should teach of It: for It is other than the known; It is there above the unknown. It is as we have heard from men of old who declared THAT to our understanding. 4. THAT which is unexpressed by the word, THAT by which the word is expressed, know THAT to be the Brahman--the great Ultimate Reality--and not this which men follow after here. 5. THAT which thinks not by the mind, THAT by which the mind is thought, know THAT to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. 6. THAT which sees not with the eye, THAT by which one sees the eye's seeings, know THAT to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. 7. THAT which hears not with the ear, THAT by which the ear's hearing is heard, know THAT to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. 8. THAT which breaths not with the breath, THAT by which the life-breath is led forward in its paths, know THAT to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. Part 2 1. If thou thinkest that thou knowest It well, little indeed dost thou know the form of the Brahman. That of It which is thou, that of It which is in the gods, this thou hast to think out. I think It known. 2. I think not that I know It well and yet I know that It is not unknown to me. He is of us who knows It, knows THAT; he knows that It is not unknown to him. 3. He by whom It is not thought out, has the thought of It; he by whom It is thought out, knows it not. It is unknown to the discernment of those who discern of It; by those who seek not to discern of It, It is discerned. 4. When It is known by perception that reflects It, then one has the thought of It, for one finds immortality; by the self one finds the force to attain and by the knowledge one finds immortality. 5. If here one comes to that knowledge, then one truly is; if here one comes not to the knowledge, then great is the perdition. The wise distinguish THAT in all kinds of becomings and they pass forward from this world and become immortal. Part 3 1. The Eternal conquered for the gods and in the victory of the Eternal the gods grew to greatness. (This is what they saw--in their illusion of self-sufficiency): "Ours the victory, ours the greatness." 2. The Eternal knew their thought and appeared before them; and they knew not what was this mighty Daemon. 3. They said to Agni--the god of material fire and knower of form, "O thou that knowest all things born, learn of this thing, what may be this mighty Daemon," and he said, "So be it." 4. He rushed toward the Eternal and It said to him, "Who art thou?" "I am Agni," he said, "I am he that knows all things born." 5. "Since such thou art, what is the force in thee?" (He replied), "Even all this I could burn, all that is upon the earth." 6. The Eternal set before him a blade of grass, "This burn." And he made toward it with all his speed, but he could not burn it. There he ceased, and turned back, (saying): "I could not know of It, what might be this mighty Daemon." 7. Then they said to Vayu, the god of the life-breath and the knower of growth and vitality, "O Vayu, this discern, what is this mighty Daemon." He said, "So be it." 8. He rushed upon THAT; It said to him, "Who art thou?" "I am Vayu," he said, "and I am he that expands in the Mother of things." 9. "Since such thou art, what is the force in thee?" And he replied: "Even all this I can take for myself, all this that is upon the earth." 10. THAT set before him a blade of grass, "This take." He went toward it with all his speed and he could not take it. Even there he ceased, even thence he returned, (saying): "l could not discern of THAT, this mighty Daemon." 11. Then they said to Indra, the god of divine mind and the knower of thought forms, "Master of plenitudes, get thou the knowledge, what is this mighty Daemon." He said, "So be it." He rushed upon THAT. THAT vanished from before him. 12. He, (Indra), in the same ether came upon the Woman--the Mother Space, the Celestial Virgin--even upon Her who shines out in many forms, Uma daughter of the snowy summits. To Her he said, "What was this mighty Daemon?" Fourth Part 1. She said to him, "It is the Eternal. Of the Eternal is this victory in which you shall grow to greatness." Then alone he came to know that this was the Brahman, the Ultimate Reality. 2. Therefore are these gods, as it were, beyond all the other gods, even Agni and Vayu and Indra, because they came nearest to the touch of THAT . . . 3. Therefore is Indra, as it were, beyond all the other gods because he came nearest to the touch of THAT, because he first knew that It was the Brahman. 4. Now this is the indication of THAT,--as is this flash of lightning upon us or as is this falling of the eyelid, so in that which is of the gods. 5. Then in that which is of the Self,--as the motion of this mind seems to attain to THAT and by it afterward the will in the thought continually remembers It. 6. The name of THAT is "That Delight"; as That Delight, one should follow after It. He who so knows THAT, toward him verily all existences yearn. 7. Thou hast said, "Speak to me Upanishad--the Inner Knowledge." Spoken to thee is Inner Knowledge. Of the Eternal verily is the Upanishad that we have spoken. 8. Of this knowledge austerity and self-conquest and works are the foundation, the Vedas--the books of knowledge--are all its limbs, truth is its dwelling place. 9. He who knows this knowledge smites evil away from him, and in that vaster world and infinite heaven finds his foundation, yea, he finds his foundation. Kenopanishad - Eknath Easwaran Translation Part 1 1. The student inquires: "Who makes my mind think? Who fills my body with vitality? Who causes my tongue to speak? Who is that Invisible one who sees through my eyes And hears through my ears?" 2. The teacher replies: "The Self is the ear of the ear, The eye of the eye, the mind of the mind, The word of words, and the life of life. Rising above the senses and the mind And renouncing separate existence, The wise realize the deathless Self. 3. "Him our eyes cannot see, nor words express; He cannot be grasped even by the mind. We do not know, we cannot understand. 4. Because he is different from the known And he is different from the unknown. Thus have we heard from the illumined ones. 5. "That which makes the tongue speak but cannot be Spoken by the tongue, know that as the Self. This Self is not someone other than you. 6. "That which makes the mind think but cannot be Thought by the mind, that is the Self indeed. This Self is not someone other than you. 7. "That which makes the eye see but cannot be Seen by the eye, that is the Self indeed. This Self is not someone other than you. 8. "That which makes the ear hear but cannot be Heard by the ear, that is the Self indeed. This Self is not someone other than you. 9. "That which makes you draw breath but cannot be Drawn by your breath, that is the Self indeed. This self is not someone other than you." Part 2 THE TEACHER 1. If you think, "I know the Self," you know not. All you can see is his external form. Continue, therefore, your meditation. THE STUDENT 2. I do not think I know the Self, nor can I say I know him not. THE TEACHER There is only one way to know the Self, And that is to realize him yourself. 3. The ignorant think the Self can be known By the intellect, but the illumined Know he is beyond the duality Of the knower and the known. 4. The Self is realized in a higher state Of consciousness when you have broken through The wrong identification that you are The body, subject to birth and death. To be the Self is to go beyond death. 5. Realize the Self, the shining goal of life! If you do not, there is only darkness. See the Self in all, and go beyond death. Part 3 1. Once upon a time the gods defeated The demons; and though the victory Was brought about through the power of Brahman, The gods boasted, "Ours is the victory, And ours the power and glory." 2. Brahman saw their foolish pride and appeared Before them. But they recognized him not. 3. They said to Agni, God of fire, "Find out Who this mysterious being is." "I will," 4. Promised Agni and approached the being. "Who are you?" asked the mysterious one. "I am Agni, god of fire, known to all." 5. "Are you powerful?" "I can burn all on earth, said Agni." 6. Brahman said, "Burn this" and placed a straw in front. of Agni The god of fire attacked the straw, but failed To burn it. Then he ran back to the gods And confessed, "I have failed to discover Who this mysterious being is." 7. They said to Vayu, god of air, "Find out Who this mysterious being is." "I will," 8. Promised Vayu and approached the being. "Who are you?" asked the mysterious being. "I am Vayu, god of air, king of space." 9.Brahman said "Are you powerful?" I can blow all away. said Vayu" 10. Brahman said "Blow this away." and placed a straw in frontn of Vayu. The god of air attacked the straw, but failed To move it. Then he ran back to the gods And confessed, "I have failed to discover Who this mysterious being is." 11. They begged Indra, leader of gods, "Find out Who this mysterious being is." "I will," Promised Indra and approached the being, 12. Brahman disappeared instantly. In his place Appeared the lovely goddess of wisdom, Uma, daughter of the Himalayas; And Indra asked her, "Who was that being?" Part 4 1. Uma replied, "That was Brahman, from whom Comes all your power and glory." The gods Realized at last (that) the Self is Brahman. 2-3. Agni, Vayu, Indra--these three excel Among the gods because they realized Brahman. 4. The light of Brahman flashes in lightning, The light of Brahman flashes in our eyes. 5. It is the power of Brahman that makes The mind to think, desire, and will. 6. Therefore use this power to meditate on Brahman. He is the innermost Self of everyone; He alone is worthy of all our love. Meditate upon him in all. Those who Meditate upon him are dear to all. THE STUDENT 7. Teach me more of this spiritual wisdom. THE TEACHER I shall share with you fully what I know. 8. Meditation, control of the senses And passions, and selfless service of all Are the body, the Scriptures are the limbs, And truth is the heart of this wisdom. 9. Those who realize Brahman shall conquer All evil and attain the supreme state. Truly they shall attain the supreme state! O M shanti shanti shanti Kenopanishad - R. C. Zaehner Translation Part 1 1. By whom sent forth, [by whom] impelled soars forth the mind? By whom enjoined does the breath go forth, the first? By whom impelled do men make loud this utterance? Eye--ear: what god enjoins them? 2. Ear of the ear, mind of the mind, Voice of the voice, He too is the breath of breath, Eye of the eye: transcending [all] the wise, Departing from this world, become immortal. 3. There no eye can penetrate, No voice, no mind can penetrate: We do not know, we do not understand How one should teach it. Other it is, for sure, than what is known, Beyond [the scope of] the unknown too. So have we heard from men of old who instructed us therein. 4. That which cannot be expressed by speech, By which speech [itself] is uttered, That is Brahman--know thou [this]-- Not that which is honored here as such. 5. That which thinks not by the mind, By which, they say, the mind is thought, That is Brahman--know thou [this]-- Not that which is honored here as such. 6. That which sees not by the eye, By which the eyes have sight, That is Brahman--know thou [this]-- Not that which is honored here as such. 7. That which hears not by the ear, By which this ear is heard, That is Brahman--know thou [this]-- Not that which is honored here as such. 8. That which breathes not by the breath, By which breath is drawn in, That is Brahman--know thou [this]-- Not that which is honored here as such. Part 2 [The teacher speaks:] 1. Shouldst thou think, "I know [It] well," now little indeed thou knowest,--a form of Brahman,--what of It is thou, what of It is among the gods. Think then upon It seriously. [The pupil:] I think I know It. [The teacher:] 2. I do not think, "I know It well," I do not know, "I do not know"; He of us who knows It, knows It, He does not know, "I know It not." 3. Who thinks not on It, by him It's thought: Who thinks upon It, does not know,-- Un-understood by those who understand, By those who understand not understood. 4. Known by an awakening It is seized upon by thought, And so a man finds immortality: By the Self one valor wins, By wisdom immortality. 5. If one has known [It] here, then is there truth; If one has here not known [It], great is the destruction: Discerning It in each contingent being, Wise men, departing from this world, become immortal. Part 3 1. Now Brahman won a victory for the gods, and the gods were exulting in the victory of that Brahman. They thought: "This victory belongs to us, this majesty belongs to us." 2. Brahman was well aware of what they [were thinking], and so he made himself visible to them. They did not recognize Him. "What is this strange creature (yaksha)?" they said. 3. They said to Agni, [the fire god]: "Jatavedas ['all-knowing' or 'all-possessing'], look into this right away [and find out] what this strange creature is." "All right," said [Agni]. 4. He ran off to Him, and He said to him, "Who are you?" "I am Agni," he replied; "I am Jatavedas." 5. "Well, if that is so, what powers have you?" "I could burn up everything here in this [whole wide] world!" 6. [Brahman] put a straw down in front of him and said, "Burn that." He rushed at it at full speed, but could not burn it. So he returned and said, "I could not find out what this strange creature was." 7. Then they said to Vayu, [the wind-god]: "Vayu, look into this right away [and find out] what this strange creature is." "All right," said [Vayu]. 8. He ran up to Him, and He said to him, "Who are you?" "I am Vayu," he replied, "I am Matarishvan" ['He who extends himself in the Mother or the Container,' Master of life]." 9. "Well, if that is so, what powers have you?" "I could carry off everything here in this [whole wide] world." 10. [Brahman] put a straw down in front of him and said, "Carry it off." He rushed at it at full speed but could not carry it off. So he returned and said, "I could not find out what this strange creature was." 11. Then they said to Indra: "Naghavan ['bountiful'], look into this right away [and find out] what this strange creature is. " "All right," said [Indra]. He ran up to Him, but He disappeared from his sight. 12. In that very place he happened to meet a woman of great beauty,-- Uma [Shiva's consort in later tradition], Himavat's [Himalaya's] daughter; and he asked her what that strange creature might be. Part 4 1. She said: "It is Brahman, and it is in Brahman's victory that you have been exulting." And straightway [Indra] understood that it was Brahman. 2. That is why these [three] gods, Agni, Vayu and Indra, rank rather higher than the other gods, for they came nearest to touching Him, and it was they [and especially Indra] who first understood that it was Brahman. 3. That is why Indra ranks rather higher than the other gods, for he came nearest to touching Him and was the first to understand that it was Brahman. 4. Now there is this description of Him: "Ah!"--[what people say] when the lightning flashes,--"Ah!" as they blink their eyes. So much for the sphere of the gods. 5. Now for the sphere of the [individual] self. When [a thought] occurs to the mind and the mind recollects repeatedly,--[this is] conceptual thought (Samkalpa). 6. [Brahman] is called tadvanam ["one who desires it"], and as such should He be revered. All beings pine for the man who has this knowledge. 7. [The pupil :] "Sir, tell me the secret doctrine (Upanishad)." [The teacher:] "You have been told the secret doctrine. We ourselves have told you the secret doctrine concerning Brahman. 8. "Its basis is ascetic practice, self-restraint, and works (karma), the Vedas and all the treatises that depend on them (vedanga, or, 'the Vedas are all its limbs'). Truth is [its] dwelling place." 9. Whoever knows this [doctrine] in this way will vanquish evil and find his home in the infinite, unconquerable (alveye) world of heaven--[there] will he find his home. |

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- La Sabiduría de los Maestros 5 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
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- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO I - jueves 12 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO II - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO IV - martes 17 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VII - martes 24 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VIII - viernes 27 de enero de 2012
La Bíblia
- El Mundo Bíblico 1 - lunes 2 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011

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- Via Crucis desde Roma - 10/04/2009 (Completo) ( Oficiado por su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI). Papa Juan Pablo II (Karol Wojtyla). (Rosarium Mysteria Gloriosa | Rosarium Mysteria Doloris
- Rosarium Mysteria Gaudii)
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- Misa del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en la Beatificación del Papa Juan Pablo II
- Juan Pablo II, nuevo beato
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