miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

45JC - S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami - Acaryadeva






Creado por juancas  del 08 de Mayo del 2013

45JC - S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami - Acaryadeva
May 23, '07 4:14 AM
para Todos

Biografía de Acaryadeva

S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami (Dr. Howard J. Resnick) es uno de los más destacados líderes espirituales de la Sociedad Internacional para la Conciencia de Krishna. En los tiempos modernos, entre las tareas más esenciales de los maestros espirituales conscientes de Krishna, ha sido la de traducir las escrituras védicas de la India a las lenguas modernas y distribuirlas profusamente en todo el mundo. S.S. Hridayananda dasa Goswami ha aceptado esta misión como su vida y alma.

S.S. Hridayananda dasa Goswami apareció en este mundo el 5 de noviembre de 1948 en Los Ángeles, California. Debido a sus méritos académicos obtuvo una beca de estudios en la Universidad de California donde presenció una conferencia dada por Su Divina Gracia A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, fundador-acharya del movimiento para la Conciencia de Krishna. Impresionado por la erudición y santidad de Srila Prabhupada, se hizo miembro del movimiento Hare Krishna en Berkeley y, poco tiempo después, el 8 de febrero de 1970 fue iniciado como discípulo de Srila Prabhupada.

Desde el comienzo, S.S. Hridayananda dasa Goswami se destacó por su elocuencia, devoción y dedicación en el estudio de los escritos de su maestro espiritual; a través de los mismos adquirió un profundo conocimiento del sánscrito. En 1972 aceptó la orden de vida de renuncia, sannyasa, para dedicarse totalmente a cumplir la misión de su maestro espiritual: difundir la conciencia de Krishna en todo el mundo. En los dos años siguientes viajó extensamente dando clases y conferencias en facultades y universidades de los Estados Unidos.

En 1974 fue nombrado miembro del Cuerpo Administrativo de ISKCON, siendo encargado del desarrollo de la conciencia de Krishna en América Latina. En los siguientes tres años estableció veinticinco centros de la Sociedad y atrajo a miles de latinos a la conciencia de Krishna. En sus viajes por América Latina, se encontró con muchas autoridades políticas y líderes religiosos, dialogando en portugués y español fluidos. Además fundó las divisiones en portugués y español de Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, las cuales ya distribuyeron más de veinticinco millones de libros en toda Latinoamérica.

En noviembre de 1977 un poco antes de su partida de este mundo, Su Divina Gracia A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada le pidió a S.S. Hridayananda dasa Goswami, así como a otros diez prominentes discípulos, que aceptara la función de maestro espiritual para dar continuidad a la sucesión discipular originada por el Señor Supremo, Krishna. Sin embargo el mayor desafío de su carrera como líder espiritual llegó cuando los líderes de ISKCON, reconociendo su gran erudición devocional le encomendaron completar la monumental traducción y comentario de Srila Prabhupada al Srimad-Bhagavatam, el más importante clásico de la literatura védica.

Por miles de años en la India, grandes maestros espirituales presentaron sus comentarios sobre el Bhagavatam para esclarecer su importante mensaje a las personas de todas las épocas. S.S. Hridayananda dasa Goswami es el primer occidental a quién le es confiada tan laboriosa tarea, y su éxito en comunicar la esencia de la herencia espiritual de la India a los lectores modernos ya ha sido notado por eruditos y religiosos de todo el mundo.

En 1996 S.S. Hridayananda dasa Goswami recibió su doctorado en Sánscrito y Estudios de la India de la Universidad de Harvard.

Su proyecto actual es la traducción y adaptación del poema épico hindú, el Mahabharata; como también está terminando su primer novela, un drama excitante de actualidad con la intención de cautivar al público en general mientras se le transmite la filosofía y los valores de la conciencia de Krishna. Srila Acaryadeva actualmente vive en Los Angeles, frecuentemente viajando por todo el mundo, predicando y supervisando los trabajos de sus muchos discípulos.

Máximas de Srila Acaryadeva
• Filosofía: apego a la sabiduría. En ese sentido, la filosofía no puede ser simplemente occidental u oriental, porque la verdad no puede ser oriental u occidental. Si estamos hablando de un apego a las verdades relativas, entonces podemos decir que existen personas apegadas a verdades relativas orientales y personas apegadas a verdades relativas occidentales. Sin embargo, este no sería el sentido más serio y profundo de la filosofía puesto que, desde su origen, la verdadera meta de la filosofía en el mundo occidental y en Bharata Varsa, India, fue esencialmente encontrar la Verdad Absoluta.

• En relación al hijo, usted es el padre; en relación a su padre, usted es el hijo. Así, la verdad de que usted es un padre es relativa, así como en relación al enemigo usted es el enemigo, y al amigo usted es el amigo. Surge entonces la necesidad de encontrar nuestra identidad absoluta -lo que nosotros siempre somos en todo lugar -, en toda circunstancia, en todos los tiempos, para cada persona.

• La cualificación de ser La Verdad Absoluta sería exactamente la de no ser una verdad oriental u occidental, del Norte o del Sur, etc. Lo que podemos designar como oriental u occidental son precisamente los abordajes, los modos de buscar la verdad. Hay diferentes estilos, tendencias, métodos para buscar la verdad y podemos evaluar los resultados. Srila Prabhupada decía que una diferencia entre la metodología occidental y la cultura védica es que en Occidente existe la tendencia a depender más de la especulación mental, creer más en los poderes del individuo sin ayuda de otras fuentes superiores, mientras que en la cultura védica existe la convicción de que hay verdades más allá de nuestro poder.

• Quien está interesado en explicaciones está buscando a Dios. Pero si intentamos comprender a Dios a través de nuestra propia inteligencia, sin aceptar la ayuda de las fuentes espirituales, desde el comienzo de nuestra búsqueda estaremos suponiendo ciertas proposiciones sobre la existencia de Dios que, de hecho, no tenemos derecho ni lógica para suponer. Podemos decir que en el universo existen entidades superiores e inferiores a nosotros. Para comprender a las entidades inferiores, obviamente, nosotros podemos manipular, controlar, hacer experimentos como hace un científico con un cobayo, etc. Sin embargo, para cosas superiores, ¿Cómo podremos controlarlas si son superiores a nosotros? ¿Cómo podemos hacer una comprobación empírica con algo superior? En tal caso, los fanáticos materialistas alegan que no podemos aceptar nada que no sea empírico. Pero esta propuesta es bastante irracional porque, sin ninguna base, parte de la presuposición de que dentro del universo, ni teóricamente, puede existir algo superior a nosotros. Y así, tales personas con problemas emocionales evidentes están actualmente más o menos controlando nuestro planeta y dispuestos a explotarlo.

• En el proceso para la conciencia de K rsna , adoptamos satisfacer directamente al Señor Supremo Krsna cantando Sus nombres, danzando, ofreciéndole todo y dedicando nuestra vida a El. Ese amor puede atraer al Señor Supremo. Entonces, si queremos definir filosofía como una comprensión de la Verdad Absoluta, filosofía no puede ser oriental u occidental. Podemos hablar, sin embargo, de metodología. Esta comprensión es necesaria: que nosotros, a través de nuestra rendición, a través de nuestro amor, podemos comprender a la Verdad Absoluta, y no de otra manera. Lógicamente, ¿Por qué el Señor Supremo sería atraído por otros procesos?

• Lo que nosotros llamamos leyes naturales son en realidad la voluntad de Dios manifestada sistemáticamente, así como la ley de tránsito es simplemente la voluntad de la Policía de Tránsito. La ley es la voluntad de personas y por esto existe un proceso para hacer que todos la sigan. Así como las leyes que nosotros tenemos en este mundo son la voluntad de personas, de la misma forma, las leyes naturales, biológicas, químicas, físicas, son todas la voluntad de Dios. Pero Dios es tan experto, tan inteligente, que no necesita de una policía para hacer que todo mundo siga esas leyes. Nosotros si precisamos de ella porque somos seres humanos limitados, pero el Señor Supremo creo el universo de tal manera que la ley automáticamente actúa y no podemos evitar su acción.

• Todos tenemos una determinada cantidad de belleza, de fuerza, de inteligencia, de riqueza, de fama, de tranquilidad. ¿Por casualidad? Nada es por casualidad, no es científico decir " por casualidad" . Ciencia quiere decir saber la causa. Por la ley de Dios usted tiene una vida pasada, y según su comportamiento, usted obtuvo una nota, un cuerpo. Si tiene un cuerpo bello, obtuvo una buena nota; si tiene un cuerpo feo, fue un fracaso en su comportamiento. Por lo menos somos afortunados por ser seres humanos. Realmente obtener una nota baja quiere decir caer, pasar a las formas inferiores, nacer como un cerdo, por ejemplo.

• Viendo el resultado de una investigación reciente en los E. U. sobre la actitud de la población respecto a la reencarnación, puedo decir como americano que, a pesar del contexto de país protestante, casi sesenta millones de americanos creen en la reencarnación, y la mayoría de los otros ni piensa en el tema. Es obvio que si usted no acepta este punto, es casi imposible desenvolver una filosofía lógica que realmente explique la variedad de este mundo. Si usted quiere explicarla sólo en términos físicos, empíricos, es muy difícil porque al adoptar como punto de referencia sólo " la casualidad" , la idea de crear una ciencia de causalidad con factores variables es casi contradictoria y la solución será la probabilidad. Mas nosotros no sabemos si la moneda caerá cara o cruz. La probabilidad no es completamente científica en un caso específico. Es sólo probabilidad, no es necesidad. Y si queremos aplicar ese factor, la casualidad, en temas más complicados que monedas tal como, por ejemplo, una mujer que antes de procrear quiere saber cómo va a ser el niño -si bonito, feo, enfermo, inteligente o tonto - , el factor casual es tan complejo que ni podemos hablar de probabilidad, y eso se vuelve algo totalmente anticientífico.

• Si yo deseo saber por qué soy como soy, por qué nací en esa familia y no en otra y doy una explicación, digamos, química -que antiguamente yo era un ovulito en el vientre de mi madre o que era un alma que estaba dentro del semen del padre y entró en la madre, creció en un tipo de semillita, etc. -, esa no es realmente una explicación. Este fue el reclamo de Sócrates, el primer filósofo de importancia en occidente. Antes que él hubo muchos filósofos que intentaron dar explicaciones casi científicas sobre factores materiales. Sócrates no quería saber " cómo" , quería saber el " porqué" . Saber en un sentido superior espiritual por qué el mundo es así. El no podía contentarse con una explicación mecánica, pues no se sentía mecánico, una máquina, sino una persona y por eso él quería una explicación personal. Yo quiero saber por qué, quién me arrojó aquí, por qué soy como soy, qué debo hacer, por qué las leyes que me controlan están allí, manipulando mi vida.

• La ley es la manifestación de la voluntad de una persona, entonces las leyes que dictaron, que decidieron quien debía nacer en esa familia, pasar la vida en ese cuerpo y atravesar ciertas circunstancias en mi vida, tales leyes son la voluntad de Dios. Pero según mi comportamiento previo, no un capricho, algo arbitrario, o como Einstein dijo: " No puedo creer que Dios esté practicando un juego de azar con el universo" . Krsna , Dios, está seria y perpetuamente controlando las cosas y por eso, si nosotros queremos libertad real y no una farsa, esa será la libertad de la muerte.

• Todos vamos a morir; luego y dentro de esta prisión, estamos queriendo formar partidos políticos y conseguir diferentes tipos de derecho, pero un prisionero más inteligente está buscando la posibilidad de salir, escapar de la prisión. Uno piensa que dado que va a morir, muy bien, pero antes quisiera pintar la prisión, o tal vez ser electo jefe de los prisioneros, del sindicato de los condenados a muerte. Pero otro está buscando la salida y sale. Entonces, ¿Quién es libre, quién tiene libertad real? El condenado a muerte que fue electo jefe del sindicato de los condenados a muerte o quien salió de la prisión? De esa manera, debemos pensar seriamente en el significado de la libertad. Morimos porque hay una ley que dice que moriremos, que está dictando nuestra muerte, esa ley es la voluntad de Dios. Y ¿Por qué? Porque debido a nuestra mala voluntad no obedecemos Su ley y como castigo, estamos girando en este mundo sufriendo nacimientos, muertes y muchas cosas indeseables. Más si pudiéramos rendirnos otra vez al Señor Supremo, superaríamos fácilmente esas leyes que dictan nuestro sufrimiento y nuestra muerte.

• Queremos ser buenos, sin embargo es difícil ser bueno ¡las cosas malas son tan agradables! he ahí el problema de este mundo, pensamos así únicamente porque no sabemos del placer de la verdadera bondad. No estamos hablando simplemente de la piedad, de la bondad mundana, sino de la existencia trascendental, de la vida espiritual más allá de la religión, de la piedad, de la bondad. Estamos hablando de una conciencia trascendental que supera las leyes materiales y que encuentra el placer infinito de Dios, no piense que Dios es una persona aburrida que no tiene nada que hacer, vive en la iglesia y... No, El está disfrutando mucho, ¡placer infinito! Krsna , Dios, posee placer infinito y usted puede hacer contacto con ese placer, estamos hablando de placer, no simplemente de que como Dios es más importante que el placer, entonces vamos a olvidar el placer y a volvernos buenos, el verdadero placer no es así. Quien no está entregando su vida a Krsna es el "simulador" , sin placer real.

• Lo que llamamos placer en este mundo no es nada más que el ansia de querer destacar, atraer la atención y admiración de los otros, disfrutar, conseguir dinero, prestigio. Hasta el emperador de los placeres prohibidos, el sexo libre, es simplemente un tipo de nerviosismo de lujo. Así como quien está urgido de orinar, cuando consigue una oportunidad es un placer, a pesar de toda la propaganda, el placer sexual es más o menos algo semejante a eso. Se hace mucha propaganda, todo el mundo se siente muy increíble, pero en realidad, viendo las cosas tal como son, quitando toda la propaganda en la que fuimos criados y entrenados para pensar así, es simplemente un tipo de nerviosismo, un fuego interno; soltar ese fuego es un alivio pasajero, una necesidad, un problema, un malestar, una ansiedad, hasta poder satisfacer al cuerpo, quedar en paz; después la misma necesidad vuelve a perseguir. .

• En los años 60, la revolución sexual fue justificada con el argumento principal de que el sexo era natural, a partir de allí hubo un tipo de hipocresía grosera, cuando el sexo libre fue justificado como un acto natural y después se emplearon medios artificiales para impedir la consecuencia natural del sexo, que es la reproducción. La ciencia social también comprobó que para un niño que nace es más natural, más benéfico tener a los dos padres juntos. Si el sexo es natural y si nosotros en vez de alterar las leyes naturales cesamos con todos los estragos que la sociedad humana está creando en este siglo enredándose con procesos naturales reproductivos, si aceptamos las consecuencias naturales del sexo, tarde o temprano vendrá una criatura. Crear un sistema social, en el cual las personas que hacen sexo y se reproducen normalmente creen familias sólidas, resulta ser tan natural como el acto físico del sexo. Después de la revolución sexual, volvieron a indagar y a estudiar este asunto y el resultado fue la mayor frustración, fue casi un tipo de bomba psicológica que creó una generación que según las estadísticas fue la generación más neurótica, más susceptible a enfermedades mentales y físicas y que ahora está intentando volver a una vida más sana.

• Recordando que nosotros no somos el cuerpo, somos el alma, debo vivir para mi alma y no para este saco biológico. El propósito de la vida es quedar autosatisfecho, un ser humano que no tiene conocimiento del alma está perdiendo la mejor parte de la vida, la manera real de vencer a la lujuria es aprender a ofrecer todo el respeto a las mujeres, si los hombres reverencian a las mujeres como madres y viceversa, ellos conquistarán la lujuria. No se puede respetar a alguien y simultáneamente explotarlo. Cantando Hare Krsna, podemos desenvolver la conciencia de que somos eternos y de que debemos buscar placer eterno, digno de nosotros.

• Krsna afirma en el Bhagavad Gita ( 17.3) que la fe aparece en todo mundo según el estado de existencia específico de cada uno, todos tendrán fe en algo, varía el objeto de la fe, pero el proceso de creer es constante en todo mundo. Si alguien dice que no cree en nada, inmediatamente tendríamos que preguntarle: " ¿Usted cree eso? " y concluir con: " Usted cree que no cree en nada; usted cree que nada vale la pena; usted cree que es verdad que usted no cree en nada" . Decir no creer en nada sin creer en el significado constante y común de las cinco palabras " yo no creo en nada" ¿Cómo es posible intentar comunicar ese concepto con tales palabras? . Por lo tanto: " Yo no creo en nada" es el tipo de afirmación hecha por personas que no tienen una inteligencia muy desarrollada, no conocen muy bien los principios de la lógica y dicen cosas sin raciocinio, dentro de la filosofía, una afirmación que se contradice se vuelve nula y es rechazada como una afirmación sin sentido, sin importancia.

• La fe es algo que afecta todos los aspectos de la vida, sin creer nadie hace nada. Cualquier acción voluntaria, incluso bajo presión, es siempre un acto de fe; esto es lo que Krsna está explicando, un punto muy sofisticado no es filosofía simple, aparentemente es simple, pero si estudiamos seriamente lo que Krsna dice, es filosofía muy compleja.

• Sarvasya, para todo el mundo. Krsna está siempre usando esta palabra porque El Bhagavad- Gitaes relevante para todo el mundo, Krsna está explicando cosas universales, éste es el valor del libro, K rsna no está perdiendo Su tiempo diciendo cosas que se aplicaban a personas que vivían en la India hace cinco mil años, sino a todas las almas. Sarvasya, todos los tiempos, todos los países, todos los planetas, para todo el mundo.

• En sánscrito, para afirmar, para aceptar en ocasiones sagradas, el " sí" es dicho también como om. Algunos eruditos dicen que de esta palabra provino la palabra " amén" , que es una afirmación sagrada cuando usted está diciendo " sí" , pero en una ocasión solemne.

• Comer es un acto sagrado porque el alimento es dado por Dios, proviene de Dios; por eso cuando usted acepta alimento, lo está aceptando de las manos de El, también porque al comer usted está recreando el cuerpo y éste pertenece a Dios. El cuerpo es creado y mantenido por Dios y por Su ley también acabará, el cuerpo está destinado a servir al Señor Supremo y así, el acto de reconstituir, de recrear el cuerpo, es un acto sagrado porque el mismo es un instrumento para tal servicio.

• Y existe el prasadam, el punto más importante: Antes de comer agradecemos y ofrecemos los alimentos a Krsna , por eso comemos no sólo el alimento que vino de la mano de Dios -quien hizo todo: creó la Tierra, dió todas las condiciones y la gracia para que los alimentos crecieran - sino que así estamos comiendo los remanentes del Señor Supremo, entonces en el acto de reconstituir el cuerpo estamos creando un cuerpo espiritualizado, digno de servir a Dios; cuando comemos estamos refinando el cuerpo, si usted come alimentos espirituales, su cuerpo pasa a ser un instrumento constituido de elementos espirituales y a actuar según las leyes divinas y al contrario, si para nosotros comer es un acto profano, el cuerpo tendrá la tendencia a actuar materialmente, sin considerar esas leyes.

• Nosotros somos almas, entidades espirituales, y por eso cuando el cuerpo queda espiritualizado, actúa en armonía con el alma, no hay conflicto; toda nuestra ansiedad proviene de ese conflicto, de esa desarmonía entre la persona eterna y el cuerpo material. Sin embargo, como usted es espiritual, al comer prasada crea un cuerpo espiritualizado que actuará en perfecta armonía con usted mismo, con el alma.

• De un modo general, todos podemos comprender que toda criatura es hija de Dios, creada por El y que cualquier sufrimiento que causamos vuelve a nosotros mismos; hasta Newton, el físico inglés, dijo que cada acción provoca una reacción igual y en sentido contrario, de esa forma, si creamos sufrimiento donde no existía, sin duda ese sufrimiento volverá a nosotros. Eso es lo que deberíamos ver -la ley de Dios -.

• En el marxismo creen que todo mundo debe vivir bien, no obstante, Marx y sus seguidores fueron un poco atrasados cuando hubo marxismo en Rusia y otros países; ese dogma no purifica el corazón y fue históricamente probado que no funciona. La causa de la explotación es el egoísmo, el problema es colocar la ideología por encima del mundo real, creer que: Si " debería ser así" entonces " es así" , Srila Prabhupada siempre decía que nosotros estamos presentando el comunismo espiritual, la diferencia es que nuestro proceso purifica el corazón, leer El Capital no purifica el corazón. Podemos observar en todas partes del mundo donde los marxistas toman el poder que ellos también se vuelven egoístas y explotan porque no purifican su corazón. El problema está en el corazón y ellos no tienen el proceso para purificarlo.

• Las instituciones más comunistas en el mundo son las familias, porque el padre y la madre comparten debido al apego por lo hijos, el problema de Marx es que intentó reinventar la rueda en lugar de estudiar la situación en que el comunismo realmente funcionara, él quiso crear algo que no funcionó. En una familia, los padres no dudan en compartir con los hijos ¿Por qué? Porque ellos los ven como sus hijos, en una situación en la cual usted aprende a ver a todos los ciudadanos como camaradas, ver a todo mundo como pariente, entonces naturalmente usted comparte. Es curioso ver que en realidad Marx destruyó la base del comunismo o el sentimiento de que somos todos una familia, de que somos hermanos puesto que Dios es el mismo padre. Hablando contra la religión él no entendió la diferencia entre una iglesia corrupta y la religión, no logró distinguir entre una institución que se decía representante de Dios y Dios, así, él mismo acabó con la base del comunismo.

• Hice un curso de sociología en la Universidad de California, en el '67, sociología era la sede de los comunistas. En el texto obligatorio que era el Manifiesto Comunista rápidamente observé que los héroes eran los barrenderos, yo había trabajado en el mundo real, conocido a muchos trabajadores y sabía cómo eran ellos en verdad; entonces la idea de que esas personas salvarían al mundo me parecía absurda, un punto interesante es que la cultura védica lo tiene todo: Para los sudras , los trabajadores, hay comunismo, en el sentido de que reciben todo del Estado y viven bien; para los vaisyas , la clase mercantil y agrícola, capitalismo; para los ksatriyas , guerreros y administradores, monarquía; y para los brahmanas, miembros intelectuales y clase sacerdotal, hay anarquía. En la cultura védica, ya tenemos el Estado al que Marx quería llegar.
• Si una persona se vuelve brahmana -no ese brahmana oficial, formal, sino un brahmana a real, de corazón, de conciencia -no precisa de nadie para cumplir el propio deber. Dado que tiene a Krsna por encima, exactamente a Krsna , y se rinde voluntariamente al maestro espiritual que es Krsna , esa persona quiere ser guiada, acepta seriamente la ley de Dios. Entonces, para ella no hay gobierno realmente, pues los gobiernos no interfieren o perturban a los verdaderos brahmanas. Así, ese Estado utópico de una sociedad sin fuerza, sin presión, en la cual todos espontáneamente actúan bien, eso ya existe en la cultura védica, no es algo futuro. Sin embargo, Marx no sabía cómo entrenar, purificar a las personas para que pudiesen llegar al status de actuar bien, sin hipocresía, sin engaño. La cultura védica tiene la anarquía en un sentido positivo, sin la violencia implícita del gobierno porque los brahmanas ya son educados.

Hridayananda das Gosvami Acaryadeva

Hare Krishna en Uruguay - Hare Krishna en Uruguay Blog

SS Jaya Pataka Swami Maharaja Todo esfuerzo posible, hecho con la inspiración ...... by Hridayananda das Gosvami Acaryadeva. California, USA, February 2005 ...
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    Diccionario Enciclopédico Vaishnava 1º - Los Grandes Acaryas Vaisnavas

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    Diccionario Enciclopédico Vaishnava 1º - Bhakti Balabha Puri Maharaja

    Bhakti Balabhha Puri Goswami es un Discípulo de Srila Prabhupada. Anteriormente se llamaba Balabhadra ... Next: S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami - Acaryadeva ...
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    http://www.harekrishnamalaga.com/ss-prahladananda-swami%20g.jpg (imagen de él). Tags: biografías. Prev: S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami - Acaryadeva ...

  • Diccionario Enciclopédico Vaishnava 1º - Diccionario Enciclopédico ...

    S.S. Hridayananda Dasa Goswami - Acaryadeva"Biografías" 3 · Los Grandes Acaryas Vaisnavas"Biografías" 2 http://adayinthelight.com/main.html (Hinduismo) ...

    Os recuerdo que MULTIPLY se ha cerrado, pero esto lo pongo por referencia, pues sus distintos autores lo habran trasladado a otro lugar.

    Hridayananda Das Goswami attacks Srila Prabhupada’s position as Acharya of ISKCON

    Back to Prabhupada, Issue 22, Winter 2008/9

    By Krishnakant

    In an unprecedented attack on Srila Prabhupada’s position as ISKCON’s Acharya, his disciple and leading ISKCON guru and GBC, His Holiness Hridayananda Das Goswami (“HD”), has put forward the theory that Srila Prabhupada is only speaking the absolute truth some of the time, whilst on other occasions we now need HD’s learned insight to make the necessary “adjustments” by presenting these “lapses” in his own language! We document these astonishing claims here, with all the statements in the panelled boxes taken from a lecture that HD gave, which can be found on the following video:www.ustream.tv/recorded/622063
    Not full-time guru
    Question: “You said when we are young we should follow the teacher at the elementary school, but when you get older you think for yourself. So is it similar in ISKCON?”
    HD: “Uh, in certain things. […] So on important spiritual matters, Prabhupada is my eternal spiritual master.”
    HD claims that only in “important spiritual matters” does he consider Srila Prabhupada his “eternal spiritual master”, whereas on “certain things” he instead ‘thinks for himself’. Every morning, every devotee in ISKCON is supposed to worship Srila Prabhupada in the Guru-puja ceremony with the following words:
    “My only wish is to have my consciousness purified by the words emanating from his lotus mouth.”
    HD has instead invented a new system. He wishes to only accept words coming from the lotus mouth of Srila Prabhupada if they refer to what he considers “important spiritual matters”. And who will decide which words constitute “important spiritual matters”? Well, HD himself of course! Which means HD is basically deciding when Srila Prabhupada is speaking the truth and when he is not. Which means that HD has declared he is the Acharya, not Srila Prabhupada, since he will adjudicate on which of Srila Prabhupada’s statements he needs to accept.
    Only correct some of the time
    “So when there are statements which a) are about the material world, not spiritual things, and b) are not from scripture, are those statements infallible and absolute? Personally, I don’t think they are.”
    HD has declared that only statements which he decides are “spiritual” are to be considered infallible. Up until now the false successor guru hoaxers in ISKCON had satisfied themselves only with usurping Srila Prabhupada’s position in ISKCON, but they had at least accepted that Srila Prabhupada was ISKCON’s supreme authority in all matters, and his words were absolute. Now HD has gone a step further, and decided to replace Srila Prabhupada with himself as ISKCON’s new supreme authority, who will decide which statements of Srila Prabhupada we should accept as true, and which ones we should reject as false or “fallible”.
    Only “quoting scripture” ok
    “And I believe Prabhupada is speaking absolutely and infallibly when, in fact, he is quoting scriptures.”
    Above HD gives the standard by which he will decide if Srila Prabhupada is to be believed or not. Every statement from Srila Prabhupada would have to be a quote from scripture. Presumably, this would require that at the very least, one first becomes an expert in Sanskrit, so one is acquainted with the content of all the scriptures. This tendency to try and become superior to Srila Prabhupada by desiring to become expert in Sanskrit is, as it turns out, nothing new. Even whilst Srila Prabhupada was still physically present this very issue came up:
    “I am also practically finding that if any of our students artificially try to become scholars by associating with unwanted persons they become victimized, for a little learning is dangerous, especially for the Westerners. I am practically seeing that as soon as they begin to learn a little Sanskrit immediately they feel that they have become more than their guru and then the policy is kill guru and be killed himself.”
    (Srila Prabhupada Letter, September 18th, 1976)

    There was one particular western disciple of Srila Prabhupada who had also wanted to become an expert in Sanskrit, and who received the following stern warning:
    “You have studied the Sanskrit language for some years, that is sufficient of study, there is no more need. Now you read our books, not that lifelong you have to study Sanskrit. Simply read our Sanskrit wherever it appears in our books and teach theseslokas to the devotees, do not waste time by studying Sanskrit independently of our books.”
    (Srila Prabhupada Letter, August 6th,1972)

    Many years later, after Srila Prabhupada had departed, this same disciple defied the above warning he had been given, went back to college, and “wasted his time” by “studying Sanskrit independently of Srila Prabhupada’s books.” This person was none other than our newly self-declared Acharya,Hridayananda Das Goswami! Presumably he now feels he has acquired sufficient mastery of Sanskrit to enable him, where necessary, to compare Srila Prabhupada’s words with scripture, and thus decide if these words should be considered truthful or not.
    Srila Prabhupada
    Srila Prabhupada:
    The real Acharyadeva
    Hridayananda Das Goswami:
    His website is called“Acharyadeva”.
    Srila Prabhupada defines the term as follows:
    “The Acharyadeva [...] is the Jagatguru or the Guru of all of us. [...]That is, the
    Acharya has been identified with Godhead Himself.”
    (Srila Prabhupada
    Lecture, 1936) 
    Do your thing
    “Prabhupada wrote me a letter and said, “Read my books and present it in your own language.” And language means culture. Language means culture. Also, Prabhupada told me to do that [...] He said, “Yeah, I’m presenting Krsnaconsciousness this way and you read my books and go out and do your thing.”
    HD reveals his Acharya tendency further by claiming he can re-present Srila Prabhupada’s teachings according to his own culture, since language is culture, which would mean he can adjust Srila Prabhupada’s teachings to make them culturally appropriate. HD claims Srila Prabhupada told him to do this, but this is what Srila Prabhupadaactually told him to do:
    “And you must all study very scrutinizingly all of the books so that when the need arises you can repeat in your own words their purport.”
    (Srila Prabhupada Letter to Hridayananda, January 6th, 1972)
    Note the word “repeat”. You can only “repeat” something if the meaning and message is completely unaltered. Presenting exactly the same thing in one’s own words is clearly, therefore, not the same as being authorised to “do your thing”. This is further confirmed by the following letter regarding academic preaching, the very field for which HD claims he needs to be able to present the teachings in his own culture (language) and do his “thing”:
    “I am very pleased to learn that both you and your wife have been lecturing on Krishna Consciousness at the George Washington University and there was good response to your program. You simply read our books and if you simply reproduce the purport of Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita, people will take it very seriously. So, of course, you must understand the purport and reproduce it in your own language. “
    (Srila Prabhupada Letter, January 22nd, 1970)
    Again please note, presenting something in one’s own language means to “simply reproduce”. So it could not be clearer. Presenting in one’s
    own language means to “repeat” and “simply reproduce”, not to go out and “do your thing.” Only a successor Acharya has the right to make such adjustments. Disciples must simply repeat and reproduce.
    Contradicts GBC

    In addition, HD’s idea that only some of Srila Prabhupada’s statements can always be considered bona fide, based on whether it is a direct quotation from scripture, is rejected by his supposed authority, the GBC. They have given a blanket endorsement of everything Srila Prabhupada taught, not discriminating between when he is, and is not, “quoting scripture”; and further, consider his teachings to have actually been presented appropriately for the modern age, rather than requiring adjustment in any way due to the “language/culture” of the modern age:

    “a. Srila Prabhupada is the foundational siksa guru for all ISKCON devotees because he has realized and presented the teachings of the previous acaryas of the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya appropriately for the modern age.
    b. Srila Prabhupada’s instructions are the essential teachings for every ISKCON devotee.”
    (GBC Resolutions, 1994, ‘Founder-Acarya’ statement)

    Not even a standard Acharya
    “Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says there are certain illusory stories in the scripture and there are Vaisnava commentaries that say, for example, Rahu swallowing the sun and the moon, and there’s Acharyas that say, “That didn’t really happen. That’s just a story.”
    Having already told us that we can only be sure Srila Prabhupada is speaking correctly when he directly quotes scripture, HD states that Acharyas actually tell us when these scriptures themselves may be in error.
    1) So Srila Prabhupada can only definitely be right when he quotes scriptures.
    2) Acharyas tell us when the scriptures may not be correct.
    3) And HD sits above it all, telling us who and what is right and wrong.
    So rather than Srila Prabhupada being an Acharya through whom we understand the scriptures, which is the function an Acharya normally performs, according to HD Srila Prabhupada’s statements must actually be understood by checking scripture (presumably by a Sanskrit expert like HD who specifically went to college to become such, in direct defiance of Srila Prabhupada’s orders).
    Know more than Prabhupada
    “Because if it turns out that it is not the case that Prabhupada is infallible when he is not quoting scripture, then Prabhupada is wrong. […] And of course I, I think that      um, obviously you can get yourself in a lot of trouble. You can very easily ruin your      spiritual life by thinking you know more than Prabhupada.”

    Ironically, after having effectively claimed he knows more than Srila Prabhupada, he concludes that such an attitude can lead one to ruin one’s spiritual life!

    HD then reveals his devastating agenda:
    “People want to know what’s scientific. Frankly, I want to know what’s scientific. […] Prabhupada says generally it’s the woman’s fault if there’s divorce, I really would want to know what social science says about that. […] My motive is [...] to present Krsna consciousness to educated people. […] And I feel I have to be able to present Krsna consciousness in a reasonable way to other people.”
    We have continuously documented how the original deviation of removing Srila Prabhupada as the Guru of his own society has led to further mass deviations via the introduction of secularisation, commercialisation, Hinduisation, demigod worship, the payment of salaries etc. Thus, the proof that this guru hoax was indeed a huge offence against Srila Prabhupada is seen by the fact that it has opened the floodgates to ever more deviations from Srila Prabhupada’s teachings. 
    Now we are at the final frontier – having already usurped Srila Prabhupada’s position as Guru and then deviated wholesale from his teachings, now Srila Prabhupada’s authority itself is being challenged openly and directly:

    “He is not always right, and I am needed to ‘do my own thing’ to correct him”.

    Above, HD gives the reason for why he has taken this stance - to supposedly satisfy those who are “educated”, to make the teachings appear “reasonable”, and to be in accordance with the whims of ever changing “science” where necessary. If HD and all those who agree with him do not have faith in everything Srila Prabhupada taught, and feel unable to defend his words, they and his mute guru hoaxer and GBC pals who are supporting HD via their silence, are welcome to leave ISKCON. The IRM is more than capable of defending Srila Prabhupada’s teachings, and we have been singularly doing this all along against all manner of deviations and distortions perpetrated in his name.

    Please chant: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare,
    Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare.
     And be Happy!

    Q&A with Hridayananda Maharaja on “Approaching Krishna”

    Question: At the beginning of the purport of SB 1.6.21, Srila Prabhupada talks about not being able to approach Krishna if there is any tinge of material affection. I guess the question would be, what does he mean by approach?
    Answer by Hridayananda Maharaja:
    Prabhupada is using ‘approach’ here in a special sense, of actually coming directly into the association of Krishna with full consciousness.
    The general rule is ‘ye yatha mam prapadyante…’ As I often explain, the verb prapad[yante] literally means ‘approach.’ In English, approach can mean ‘to come near’ or ‘to come nearer’. Generally, we use the 2nd sense, but Prabhupada in this special case uses the 1st sense.
    With best wishes,
    Hridayananda das Goswami
    Filed under HDG Uvaca

    Srila Acharyadeva in Govardhana Lila Ashram

    After leaving Nova Gokula, on Monday, the 21st, Srila Acharyadeva went to Campos de Jordão, to the beautiful Govardhana Lila Ashram. Campos de Jordão is a famous tourist destination in the mountains, about 2.5 hours from São Paulo.
    Govardhana Lila Ashram is very impressive. Good taste abounds and it’s beautifully maintained. Everything is very classy. It’s the result of decades of work by the couple Govardhana Das and Krishna-lila DD, both disciples of Srila Acharyadeva.
    The surrounding area is charming, set in a remote valley in the mountains, at an altitude of 1300 m. (4000 ft).
    They maintain 46 cows, 4 horses and 6 dogs. They grow their own rice and beans, as well as all kinds of vegetables and fruits (including strawberries, blackberries and blueberries).  Everything is organic, of course.
    With the milk of the cows, they produce delicious types of cream cheese, semi-hard cheese and milk sweets. They also produce celestial jams with their fruits.
    They have a beautiful yoga space, with breathtaking views of the valley. They also have dozens of suites, with charming decoration.
    About 130 devotees came from Nova Gokula to spend the day with Srila Acharyadeva. They were given lunch, spent the day doing kirtan and, at night listened to a talk by Srila Acharyadeva. Unfortunately, many of the devotees had to leave at night, after the talk, under a torrential downpour.  The lights also went out (because of the storm). Things got a little chaotic, but, in the end, everyone got back on the highway safely.
    The famous yoga teacher and devotee, Regina Shakti, was also there. She runs a very successful yoga business, sells thousands of her DVDs, books, CDs, etc. She always comes to visit Srila Acharyadeva when he visits Brazil. Despite her great success, she is very humble and likeable.
    About 30 devotees, including Chandramukha Swami, spent the night there. The following day Srila Acharyadeva japa-strolled around the farm and talked with the devotees. He was finally able to get some rest and relax a bit, after 3 intense weeks of preaching in Brazil. We had some very sweet and humorous moments – it was quite special.
    From there Srila Acharyadeva went to Pindamonhangaba for his last program in Brazil, before setting off to Chile (he travelled on the 23rd). Unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to him in Campos de Jordão, as I headed back to Brasília.
    Srila Acharyadeva was very pleased with his Brazil tour. Devotees organized his trip very well and everything pretty much went according to plan.
    Click here to see more pictures of Govardhana Lila Ashram and Srila Acharyadeva.
    Filed under HDG UvacaRealizations on Krishna Consciousness

    Srila Acharyadeva Visits Nova Gokula

    I had the good fortune of being able to accompany Srila Acharyadeva on his visit of Nova Gokula, this last weekend.
    Over 500 devotees travelled to Nova Gokula to get Srila Acharyadeva’s rare and transformative association. Nova Gokula is the most important rural community and temple in Brazil. It was started 31 years ago and is situated in a beautiful valley of the Mantiqueira mountain range, about 30 minutes away from the city of Pindamonhangaba, in the state of São Paulo.
    Srila Acharyadeva and Dhanvantari Swami
    He arrived on Friday, the 18th of September. As usual, he got out of the car well before the entrance, so as to enter Nova Gokula on foot. The devotees went down the road to receive with great fanfare, a garland and kirtan.
    A local news team from one of the major TV channels was also there, to report on his arrival and interview him.
    Deities Nova Gokula
    He first paid his obeisances to Srila Prabhupada and the beautiful deities of Nova Gokula. In Nova Gokula we have deities of Radha-Gokulananda, Sita-Rama-Lakshmana-Hanuman and Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai. It’s the most beautiful altar in ISKCON Brazil.
    He then gave a talk in the temple. He spoke a little about his trip through Brazil. After that he emphasized the importance of ISKCON being a movement and not just a religion, in the sense of the members of ISKCON prioritizing the diffusion of Krishna consciousness (KC), the expansion of the Society, as opposed to merely taking care of their private spiritual lives.
    Later that same day, at night, he gave a darshan in his house, answering questions. Amongst other things, he spoke about the many different endeavors necessary to distribute KC and about the dangers for a devotee entering politics.
    On Saturday morning devotees with academic careers met with Srila Acharyadeva to present their lines of research to him and the assembled devotees. As in other countries, Acharyadeva has emphasized in Brazil the importance of having qualified devotees in the academic world.
    In the afternoon, he spoke at a wedding that took place in Nova Gokula. The wedding attracted quite a bit of media attention, because all things “Indian” are in vogue here due to a successful soap opera set in India by the country’s top TV station. In his talk, Acharyadeva pointed out that the position of a married devotee (grihastha ashram) is superior to that of a celibate student (brahmacari ashram).
    Sunday was quite intense for Srila Acharyadeva. He started out by giving a phenomenal Srimad Bhagavatam class, which is already being considered a historic lecture here in Brazil. It was over two hours long. He explained the importance of adjusting the details of the presentation of Krishna consciousness, while preserving the fundamental aspects. He also spoke about the dangers of misinterpreting Srila Prabhupada, ignoring Srila Prabhupada’s own descriptions of himself.
    We’ll be posting all of his lectures in Brazil online, but here is a link to the video of this particular class (all in Portuguese, of course). Later, I intend to post some excerpts of this class, translated into English.
    After the class, he had a private meeting with the disciples of Param Gati Swami. It lasted for over two hours (and this was just after a two hour class!).
    Initiation in Krishna Consciousness
    In the evening there were initiations. Here we see Bn. Rosângela being initiated as Rasanandi Devi Dasi. After receiving her beads and new name, she asked for the microphone. She told the assembled devotees that she was 50 years old and that people should know that it’s never too late to take up their spiritual lives.
    After the initiations he had to go to an administrative meeting with all the Nova Gokula residents. In Brazil we have just re-instated a National Council for Nova Gokula, composed of senior devotees, to manage this important project better.
    On Monday, Acharyadeva had several private darshans. Then he said good-bye to the deities and the devotees and set off to Campos de Jordão, a famous tourist destination in the mountains of São Paulo, to visit the impressive Govardhana-lila Ashram, set up by a couple who are disciples of his. In my next post I’ll describe his visit there.
    You can see over a hundred pictures of Srila Acharyadeva and Nova Gokula from the past weekend here.
    Filed under HDG UvacaRealizations on Krishna Consciousness

    Srila Acharyadeva Visits Pandavas Paradise

    Srila Acharyadeva
    Srila Hridayananda das Goswami Acharyadeva’s visit to Pandavas Paradise this last weekend was a historic occasion. Pandavas Paradise was started by me because, 10 years ago, my spiritual master, Srila Acharyadeva, requested that I set up a rural project in that region. It was a one line email, just saying he wanted me to “bring Krishna to High Paradise”. (The nearest town is called Alto Paraíso, which means “High Paradise”).
    There were no further consultations. I did not ask from him, nor did he give me, any other details on the project. What to do? Where to do it? What to build? How big, how many, when??? But I just set off to do it, constantly praying for guidance and inspiration from Krishna.
    So, ten years later, when the time finally came for him to see what had been done, I confess I was quite anxious! What if he didn’t like it? What if he thought I had spoiled it?
    We organized a retreat there with Srila Acharyadeva, as part of his Brazil Tour. People came from all over the country. It was our biggest retreat yet, with some 50 people there. We had to buy extra pots, pans, plates, cups and cutlery for it.
    We got there before most other guests had arrived, so Acharyadeva could look around in peace, have a quiet lunch and get ready for the evening program. To my great relief, he immediately liked it! He loved the beautiful scenery, the distant horizons, the deep blue of the sky, and the grassy plains. He loved the crisp pure 4000 ft (1300 m) altitude mountain air. He liked our guest rooms, our log buildings and our vegetable garden. Phew! I couldn’t believe my good fortune!
    Throughout the retreat he remarked on what had been done there. He said it was very inspiring and it had been very important for him to have gone there. He said that he had all kinds of realizations there. One point that struck him most was that we had created a bubble of transcendental reality. Because the place is so big (800 acres, 397 hectares) and far away from everything (from all sides you can only see in the distance a few other farm houses), the outside world is left behind and one becomes absorbed in the prevailing Krishna conscious atmosphere.
    Acharyadeva gave two main lectures during the retreat. One covered the existence of the personal soul and personal God concept in different religions. The other was a Gita lecture on verse 10.10 were he stressed the need for understanding God in order to understand oneself and the importance of the holy names.
    For the second lecture, we had some guests come from the local town. We started off with aratik and kirtan, led by my wife, Carana Renu DD.
    Acharyadeva danced in ecstasy!
    We also had a special guest there, Jagad Vicitra Prabhu. He was one of the first Prabhupada disciples in Brazil and is the brother of Dhanvantari Swami (also a Prabhupada disciple and one of the pioneers of KC in Brazil). Jagad Vicitra Prabhu opened dozens of temples in the North and Northeast of Brazil in the early days, under the command of Srila Acharyadeva. He deeply loves and appreciates Srila Acharyadeva. He gave two classes, one was just glorifying Acharyadeva, the other was on the glories of the Srimad Bhagavatam. His second lecture was so effective one of the retreat guests bought a whole collection! People laughed and cried at his lectures – he’s an amazing story-teller and a very captivating speaker.
    On Saturday we walked to the waterfalls. It was a beautiful day and people had a great time.
    Early on Sunday, we had to leave for the airport (3 hours away), as Acharyadeva was off to Porto Alegre.
    I was very grateful for his visit, for Prabhupada’s mercy and for Krishna so kindly letting me take part in such sweet transcendental adventure.
    Click here to see more pictures of the retreat with Srila Acharyadeva.
    Click here to see pictures of the lecture he gave in Brasilia, the day before we travelled to Pandavas Paradise.
    Filed under Realizations on Krishna Consciousness

    Understanding Srila Prabhupada

    I believe that Srila Hridayananda das Goswami Acharyadeva has presented the most lucid, rational and authentic way to understand the teachings of Srila Prabhupada in these words:
    “I accept Srila Prabhupada as a pure devotee of Krishna who came to this world to powerfully establish Lord Caitanya’s movement in every town and village. As Prabhupada tirelessly taught us, he speaks infallibly because he repeats the words of Lord Krishna and shastra. He did not invent or concoct anything. He is my eternal spiritual master and I have dedicated my life to serving his mission.  Prabhupada did not claim material omniscience or infallibility, and the scriptures do not claim it for him. Indeed he many times denied that he was materially omniscient or infallible. Thus I see Prabhupada as spiritually perfect, and accept his own clear claim that he is not materially omniscient or infallible.  I sincerely hope ISKCON does not follow the path of the ancient Church that persecuted those who accepted the words of Jesus when he spoke of himself, insisting rather that Jesus was more than he himself claimed to be.”
    This is repeatedly confirmed by Srila Prabhupada himself. One such example (of hundreds), is:
    “So we are preaching that “Here is God, Krsna.” Our preaching is simple. Krsna says, “I am the Supreme.” We say, “Krsna is the Supreme.” That’s all. We repeat. We don’t manufacture. What is the use of manufacturing? I am imperfect. Whatever I manufacture, that is imperfect. So better to repeat the words of the perfect. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission. He said, “Every one of you become guru and deliver your surrounding persons, either you are in family or in neighborhood or in society or in nation, as much as you can.” Amara ajnaya guru hana tara’ ei desa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. So whatever limited circle, you just become guru and deliver them. Deliver means deliver from the ignorance. Everyone is in ignorance, dehatma-buddhih. Yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke, sa eva go-kharah [SB 10.84.13]. So we have to teach them that “You are not this body. You are pure soul. Your business is different.” And that is enlightenment. That is the business of guru. So we can do that business. And how to do it? That is… Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, yare dekha tare kaha krsna-upadesa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. You haven’t got to manufacture anything. What Krsna has already said, you repeat. Finish. Don’t make addition, alteration. Then you become guru. Very simple thing. If I say that “My father said, ‘This is a bell,’ ” I am correct because I have learned it from my father, authority. I may be fool, rascal. It doesn’t matter. But because I have learned it from the authority and presenting it that “This is a bell,” this is perfect. Similarly, I cannot become guru because I am imperfect. My senses are imperfect. I cannot see even what is beyond this wall, although I am very much proud of my eyes. I want to see. What you can see? Imperfect, all senses. But if some authority says that “Beyond this wall this is the…, like this,” it is all right. So we have to follow this path, that you become guru, deliver your neighborhood men, associates, but speak the authoritative words of Krsna. Then it will act. So our, this Krsna consciousness movement is like that. We do not manufacture ideas. That has spoiled the whole world. Just like you said about Christ. That he never said “Supreme Lord.” He said, “I am son of God. I have brought message of Him.” Similarly, our position is that “We have got a message from Krsna. Take it.” So we have no difficulty. Anyone can say. If you study Bhagavad-gita nicely, assimilate and repeat it, it will act. Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru [Bg. 18.65]. We are teaching that “You always think of Krsna. You become a devotee. You worship Him and offer your obeisances.” It doesn’t require that you become very learned scholar. Anyone can do. A child can do. That’s it.”
    >>> Ref. VedaBase => Evening Darsana — May 11, 1977, Hrishikesh
    Filed under HDG UvacaRealizations on Krishna Consciousness

    Guru Down to Earth

    Extract from a lecture given by Srila Hridayananda Das Goswami, in Atlanta, 2003:
    A bonafide spiritual master doesn’t create a new way of Krishna Consciousness – that is done by the great Acharyas. There is Acharya (with a capital “A”) and acharya (with a small “a”). We all should be acharya, but the great Acharyas are the ones who are guiding the whole direction of Vedic civilization. The Acharya is the one who establishes the way to serve Krishna in a particular age, in a particular circumstance. A bonafide guru is helping the disciples to do what the guru is doing: to follow the Acharya. So everyone is following the great Acharyas and those who are more experienced help those who are less experienced. That’s it, that’s my simple understanding. As I sometimes say, “I just work here.”
    All of us, everyone here, helps other devotees, who may be not as experienced as you in certain areas, to understand Krishna Consciousness better. So everyone is acting as a guru. Prabhupada referred about 200 times to the verse:yare dekha, tare kaha ‘krishna’-upadesa (Cc. Madhya 7.128). “Whomever you meet, tell them Krishna’s instruction and by My order become a guru”.
    Prabhupada really insisted that every man and woman – even children – should be guru. What kind of guru, shiksha- or diksha or vartmapradarshaka-guru, that just depends upon your situation and the circumstances, but everyone should be a guru. Prabhupada considered that if you don’t become a guru you are being selfish. In other words, being a guru is not a trophy, it is not a status symbol. It is about being willing to sacrifice a little bit of my selfish time when I do what I want to do and help other people. So it is an act of giving. Prabhupada concluded that if you are a good person then you should help other people. And if you do that, you are a guru.
    Click here for the entire transcript and audio of this class.
    Filed under HDG Uvaca

    Pentecostal Fury

    One of the main themes my spiritual master, Srila Hridayananda Das Goswami Acharyadeva, has been speaking on is the need to intelligently expose the fallacy of some Christian dogmas. He points out the irrationality of the dogmas and how the distorted image of God they portray has led to unimaginable violence on Earth.
    If you want to check it out, you can listen to several of his lectures on this subject here.
    I mention this, because I had a very interesting experience in this regard last week. One of my main services is answering e-mails of the official Brazilian BBT website. People get in touch wanting to know more about KC and I help them out. So, this young lady, a very intelligent engineering student, started to study KC with my help. It turns out, however, that her boyfriend is a radical pentecostal, who was just horrified with the thought of his girlfriend reading up on other religions. She tried to explain to him that she was just studying it, not that she has decided to become a devotee, but he was very much opposed.
    After a few days studying KC, she sent me an excerpt from and e-mail he had sent her (and she gave me permission to share this story here). In it, he wrote, “If I was God, I’d exterminate you…”. I was shocked! He was basically saying that God should “exterminate” her because she was studying pure devotional philosophy! Not that she’d done anything wrong, not that she’d even so much as changed her religion, but just for studying something different. And he is still her boyfriend!
    It’s what my spiritual master calls, “a thought crime”. Being punished for a “thought crime”. Being sent to hell forever, for a “thought crime”. This is very, very dangerous philosophy. Truly evil. And here it was, happening right in front of me.
    It just made me understand how important it is that we speak up on this, for we have to do our part to rid the world of these evil ideas, which have brought so much suffering and are still out there, causing violence and fear.

    Filed under Preaching Tools

    Advancing our Understanding of Srila Prabhupada

    In this brilliant Srimad Bhagavatam class, broadcasted live by Srila Hridyananda Das Goswami, a very delicate subject was discussed: how to properly understand the words of the guru, what to speak of the founder-acharya.
    One approach is to not distinguish and simply accept every word, every statement with equal emphasis.
    Another approach is to distinguish between those statements which are based on scripture and those which are not. Those which are based on scripture should be accepted as the perfect absolute truth. Those which are not, must be accepted in the proper context of other verifiable sources.
    Srila Hridayananda Maharaja points out that since Srila Prabhupada emphasized that his words are important only because he is repeating shastra, we must take that seriously and thus use the second approach.
    He went on to show that Prabhupada was more than willing to change his mind or his views on subjects of the material world, when given a better source of information. He explained that some subjects (not spiritual of course) are simply appropriately studied and analyzed by science, and thus, should be accepted as is and should take preference over the statements of the spiritual master. He gave a simple example: if the disciple is driving his guru to a certain destination and the guru says “turn left”, when the correct route is to turn right, it is appropriate and correct for the disciple to point this out and actually turn right.
    This sober, down to earth, interpretation of Srila Prabhupada’s comments allows us to truly present a spiritual science.
    Enjoy the class!
    Filed under Realizations on Krishna Consciousness,Uncategorized

    New Frontiers of Preaching

    Today we will start broadcasting classes by my spiritual master, Srila Hridayananda Das Goswami (see www.acharyadeva.com), live, using ustream:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/acharyadeva-darshans. Though living in Los Angeles, he will give morning class in Sydney. Thus a whole temple-full of devotees will have, practically speaking, all the benefits of his personal presence there, so far away. Two hours before starting that class, he will give class in Curitiba, Brasil, in Portuguese (he’s fluent in seven languages!). In order to see his audience and thus better interact with it, he simultaneously uses Skype or Oovoo.
    Though broadcasting or recording classes is something that has been done for many years, this specific kind of interactive distance preaching, using full audio and video, is something I had not yet seen or experienced. I can see the vast possibilities of it.
    Brazil, where I live and preach from, is huge. There are so many cities with interested people, yet no devotee programs for hundreds of kilometers. With this technology, we can now do regular classes in all these cities. All that is needed is a good Internet connection, a computer and a webcam.
    With the rising cost of air travel and the increasing number of small pockets of interested devotees, I can see this form of preaching will play an important part in the upcoming years. I look forward to trying this out here soon.

  • juancas



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