jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

3JC - Grandes Acaryas ANDAL y RAMANUJA






Creado por juancas  del 09 de Mayo del 2013

3JC - Grandes Acaryas ANDAL y RAMANUJA
May 18, '07 4:44 PM
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Sri Ramanuja was given the title of Thiruppavai Jeeyar by his Acharya, Periya Nambi. He earned this title because of his

(1) intense attachment to the uplifting thoughts enshrined in that Composition and
(2) his practise of frequent recitation of the verses of Thiruppavai especially during the times of BhikshA seeking .

1 .The Bare Foot Thiruppavai Jeeyar described by Swami Desikan

Sri Vedantha Desikan refers to the habit of Ramanuja walking on the streets of Srirangam for his daily biksha (alms ) barefoot, although Yathis are allowed to wear Padhukas during those sancharams. The 69th slokam of Yathiraja sapthathi refers to this practise of Ramanuja travelling bare foot on those occasions and the sacredness of those feet:

"On the pretext of treading the earth at the time of going out for alms, the twin feet of Ramanuja destroy the sins of the world girdled by the oceans, and they adorn the ground by leaving on it lovely imprints (of Conch and disk ). The dust particles raised by those sacred feet are worn by the groups of learned men on their heads as a protection against evil, and they regard themselves fortunate and blessed thereby. I long for those feet of Ramanuja."

One wonders why Ramanuja elected not to wear the Padhukas that he was allowed to wear according to Yathi Dharma .The explanation is hinted by Swami Desikan in the above verse and is connected to the incident narrated in relation to the Thiruppavai verse, " undhumatakalirrin". One day, Ramanuja was going from door to door on barefoot reciting Thriruppavai on the occasion of his Bhiksha collection for his one meal of the day in Thirukkottiyur.

The unchivritthi or Biksha seeking Yathis always recite Divya Namas as Saint Thyagaraja did while he went around the streets of Thiruvaiaru Others recite sacred texts or sthuthis on the Lord and His consort. Infact, a pious neighbor of mine at Oppiliappan Sannidhi street recited for many months Daya sathakam and went around the four raja veethis of the Lord to collect money through Unchivritthi to create and present the Mahalakshmi icon adorning today the chest of the Uthsava moorthy of Oppiliappan Koil revered as Ponnappan.

2 . Bare foot Ramanuja on the streets of Thirukkotiyur

Similarly Ramanuja went around the streets of Thirukkottiyur barefoot reciting the Thiruppavai pasurams. Because of the sacredness of Thiruppavai and his reverence for Andal, he would not wear any Padhukas on such occcasions. As he reached the door of his Acharya, Thirukkottiyur nambi , he was reciting the paasuram, "undhumadhakalirran odatha thol valiyan." Devaki Piratti, the daughter of Ramanuja's Acharya opened the door with her bangles jingling. Ramanuja was reciting the section of this Paasuram, "Senthamarai kaiyal seerar VALAIOLIPPA VANDHU TIRAVAAI. "This extraordinary coincidence made Ramanuja faint . Thirukkottiyur Nambi rightly concluded that " the Thiruppavai Jeeyar " must have been reciting the Paasuram "Undhumadhakalirran" at the time of his swooning. Such is the greatness of Ramanuja's reverence for Thiruppavai and Andal .


Ramanuja is also known as the "elder brother " of Andal or Koil Annar . Ramanuja was reciting paasuram of Nacchiyar Thirumozhi (NT ), Naaru Narum Pozhil, (NT 9.6 ) as he approached Thirumalirumcholai on his way to Srivilliputhur. In that NT pasuram, Andal desires to offer a hundred vessels of butter and a hundred more vessels of Kshirannam (Akkaravadisil ) to Lord Sundararaja of Thirumalirumcholai. Suddenly, Ramanuja got worried whether Andal did indeed fulfil her prarthana. He therefore decided to fulfill her wish and offered the Naivedhyam of Butter and KshirAnnam in hundred vessels each.

Thereafter, Ramanuja continued on his journey to Srivilliputthur. As he entered the ardha Mantapam of Andal's temple , he was surprised to see Andal waiting for him in person to thank him for the services he rendered on Her behalf at Thirumalirumcholai. She moved out of the Inner sanctum (Garbha Graham ) and waited for him at the ardha Mantapam to greet Her "elder brother " for carrying out Her wish across the span of centuries just as a responsible elder brother would fulfill the dear wishes of his younger sister. She broke Her archa silence and called Ramanuja as Her amman. She never went back into the sanctum and stays even today at the Ardha Mantapam with Her consort. Ramanuja is therefore saluted in his ashtottaram as " godhagrajo digvijetha godhabhishta prapuraka : ".

4. Consecration of the Archaas of Andal

Ramanuja out of his reverence for the works of Andal consecrated Her icon in the northwestern corner of many divya desams. At lower Thirumalai, he consecrated Andal's archa murthy and placed Her on the right side of Govindaraja, where Sri Devi normally resides to indicate that Andal was the principal Devi at Keezha Thiruppathi Govindaraja temple. Andal always wanted to enjoy the company of Venkatavan and partake in all the temple festivities as His principal consort in Her NT Paasurams. Ramanuja fulfilled that wish too!

5. Thiruppavai and Gitaa Bhashyam

One more instance of Ramanuja's reverence for GodhA has been pointed out from his Gita Bhashyam on the verse 3.21. Both Madhva and Sankara had intrepreted this verses "Whatever a distinguished man does, that alone other men also do. To whatever extent he does that, the world follows it". Swami Desikan in his Gita Bhashyam known as Taatparya Chandrikaa Points out how Ramanuja differed from the above view of the other two commentators based upon his inspiration from the 26th paasuram line of Thiruppavai ( Melayar seyvanagaL venduvana Kettiyel ) . Ramanuja differed from the other intrepretation based on his insight gained from the above Thiruppavai line. Ramanuja indicated that the learned undertake only those parts which are needed and leave out which are not needed. He leaned upon the word VENDUVANA and intrepreted the GitA word of verse 3.21 Yath Pramanam as two words instead of intrepreting as one word, Yathpramanam.

6 . UpanyAsams on Thiruppavai & Ramanuja's reverential position

Finally, Ramanuja's reluctance to perform upanyAsams on Thiruppavai as opposed to Nammazhwar's and other Azhwar's works is an indication of his special affection and reverence for Andal. Sri Badri Seshadri has described our Azhagiya Singhar"s reference to this aspect of Ramanuja feeling not pure enough to comment on Naachiyar"s aruliccheyal. Such is the magnitude and quality of Acharya Ramanuja's reverence for Soodikkoduttha Sudarkodi.
Andal, Yathrajar Thiruvadigaleh Saranam .











Not yet represented: Madhurakavi Alvar. I will also replace
the poor quality photographs with better ones in the near future.



Su Acharya, Periya Nambi dio el título de Thiruppavai Jeeyar Sri Ramanuja. Obtuvo este título debido a su

(1) intenso apego a los pensamientos edificantes consagrados en esa composición y
(2) su práctica frecuente recitación de los versos de Thiruppavai especialmente durante los tiempos de búsqueda de BhikshA.

1.El Thiruppavai Jeeyar de pie desnudo descrito por Swami Desikan

Sri Vedantha Desikan se refiere a la costumbre de Ramanuja caminando por las calles de Srirangam para su diario biksha (limosna) pies descalzos, aunque Yathis se les permite usar Padhukas durante los sancharams. El 69 slokam de Yathiraja sapthathi se refiere a esta práctica de Ramanuja viajar los pies desnudos en las ocasiones de la sacralidad de los pies:

"Con el pretexto de pisando la tierra en el momento de salir para limosna, los pies de doble de Ramanuja destruyen los pecados del mundo, rodeada por los océanos, y adornan el suelo dejando en él encantadora huellas (de concha y disco). Las partículas de polvo levantadas por los sagrados pies son usadas por los grupos de sabios sobre sus cabezas como una protección contra el mal, y respeto ellos mismos afortunados y bendecidos de tal modo. Añoro esos pies de Ramanuja."

Uno se pregunta por qué Ramanuja elegido no usar el Padhukas que le permitieron ponerse según Yathi Dharma.La explicación es insinuada por Swami Desikan en el versículo anterior y está conectada con el incidente narrado en relación con el verso de Thiruppavai, "undhumatakalirrin". Un día, Ramanuja iba de puerta en puerta en pies descalzo Thriruppavai recitar con motivo de su colección de Bhiksha para su una comida del día en Thirukkottiyur.

El unchivritthi o el Biksha buscando siempre Yathis recitar Divya Namas como Santo Thyagaraja mientras él iba por las calles de Thiruvaiaru otros recitar textos sagrados o sthuthis en el Señor y su consorte. Infact, un piadoso vecino mío en la calle Oppiliappan Sannidhi recitada por muchos meses Daya sathakam y circundó la cuatro raja veethis de Jehová para recaudar dinero a través de Unchivritthi para crear y presentar el icono Mahalakshmi que adornan hoy el pecho de la Uthsava moorthy Oppiliappan Koil venerado como Ponnappan.

2. Pies desnudos Ramanuja en las calles de Thirukkotiyur

Del mismo modo Ramanuja pasó por las calles con los pies descalzos recitando el pasurams de Thiruppavai de Thirukkottiyur. Debido a la sacralidad del Thiruppavai y su reverencia por Andal, él no usaría cualquier Padhukas en tal occcasions. Cuando llegó a la puerta de su Acharya, Thirukkottiyur nambi, él era recitar el paasuram, "undhumadhakalirran odatha thol valiyan." Devaki Piratti, la hija Acharya de Ramanuja abrió la puerta con sus brazaletes tintineo. Ramanuja estaba recitando la sección de este Paasuram, "Senthamarai kaiyal seerar VALAIOLIPPA VANDHU TIRAVAAI." Esta extraordinaria coincidencia hizo Ramanuja débil. Thirukkottiyur Nambi acertadamente concluyó que "la Thiruppavai Jeeyar" debe han sido recitar el Paasuram "Undhumadhakalirran" en el momento de su desfallecimiento. Tal es la grandeza de la reverencia de Ramanuja para Thiruppavai y Andal.


Ramanuja es también conocido como el "hermano mayor" de Andal o Koil Annar. Ramanuja estaba recitando paasuram de Nacchiyar Thirumozhi (NT), Naaru Narum Pozhil, (NT 9,6) como se acercó a Thirumalirumcholai en su camino a Srivilliputhur. En eso pasuram de NT, Andal desea ofrecer un centenar de embarcaciones de mantequilla y un centenar más barcos de Kshirannam (Akkaravadisil) a Sundararaja Señor de Thirumalirumcholai. De repente, Ramanuja consiguió preocupado si Andal hecho cumplir su Prarthana:. Por lo tanto decidió cumplir su deseo y ofrece la Naivedhyam de mantequilla y KshirAnnam en cien barcos.

Después de eso, Ramanuja continúa en su viaje a la Srivilliputthur. Como entró en el templo de Mantapam de Andal ardha, sorprendió ver Andal esperándolo en persona para agradecerle los servicios prestado por su cuenta en Thirumalirumcholai. Se mudó del sagrario interior (Garbha Graham) y lo esperó en el ardha Mantapam para saludar a su "hermano mayor" para la realización de su deseo en el lapso de siglos como un hermano mayor responsable cumpliría los deseos estimados de su hermana. Ella rompió su silencio de archa y llama Ramanuja su amman. Ella nunca regresó en el Sagrario y se mantiene aún hoy en día en el Ardha Mantapam con su consorte. Ramanuja es por lo tanto, saludó en su ashtottaram como "godhagrajo digvijetha godhabhishta prapuraka:".

4. La consagración de la Archaas de Andal

Ramanuja por su reverencia a los trabajos de Andal consagró su icono en la esquina noroeste de muchos divya desams. En Thirumalai inferior, había consagrada murthy de archa de Andal y colocó a la derecha de Govindaraja, donde Sri Devi reside normalmente para indicar que Andal fue la Devi principal en el templo de Keezha Thiruppathi Govindaraja. Andal siempre quería disfrutar de la compañía de Venkatavan y participar en todas las festividades del templo como su consorte principal en su Paasurams de NT. Ramanuja había cumplido ese deseo demasiado!

5. Thiruppavai y Gitaa Bhashyam

Una instancia más de reverencia de Ramanuja para GodhA ha señalado desde su Gita Bhashyam en el verso 3.21. Madhva y Sankara tenían intrepreted que esto versos "todo lo que un hombre distinguido hace, que solo otros hombres también hacen. En cualquier medida que hace que el mundo sigue". Swami Desikan en su Gita Bhashyam conocido como Taatparya Chandrikaa puntos hacia fuera cómo Ramanuja difiere de la visión antedicha de los otros dos comentaristas basado en su inspiración de la línea 26 de paasuram de Thiruppavai (Melayar seyvanagaL venduvana Kettiyel). Ramanuja se diferenció de la otra interpretación basado en su conocimiento de la línea anterior de Thiruppavai. Ramanuja indicó que los sabios comprometen sólo aquellas partes que se necesitan y dejan de lado que no son necesarias. Inclinó sobre la palabra VENDUVANA y intrepreted la palabra GitA del verso 3.21 Yath Pramanam como dos palabras en vez de intrepreting como una sola palabra, Yathpramanam.

6. UpanyAsams en posición reverencial de Thiruppavai & Ramanuja

Por último, renuencia de Ramanuja realizar upanyAsams de Thiruppavai como opuesta a la de Nammazhwar y obras de otros Azhwar son un indicio de su especial afecto y reverencia por Andal. Sri Badri Seshadri ha descrito nuestro aruliccheyal de s Azhagiya Singhar "referencia a este aspecto de Ramanuja no sentirse lo suficientemente puro para Comentario en Naachiyar". Tal es la magnitud y la calidad de la reverencia de Acharya Ramanuja para Soodikkoduttha Sudarkodi.

Andal, Yathrajar Thiruvadigaleh Saranam.

Andal Thoughts

August 1, 1997
The asterism tiru-âḍi-pūram (which falls in July-August) marks a fragrant day in our calendar, as the tiru-nakshatram of Andal. This blessed day is highlighted by Sri Manavala Mamunigal in the Upadesa Ratnamalai stanza (more..)


Abhiti Stava - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
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Achyuta Satakam of Sri Vedanta Desika - Web
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Alvar Mangalasasanam - Tiruvahindrapuram
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Ashtabhuja Ashtakam - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
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aḍaikkalappattu / அடைக்கலப்பத்து - Texts
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Gitabhashya of Bhagavad Ramanuja, part 1 - Texts
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Gitarthasangraha of Sri Yamunacharya - Texts
Goda Stuti - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
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Hayagriva Stotra - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
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saviśeṣādvaita - Web
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Sri Stuti - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
Sri Vedanta Desika - Tiruvahindrapuram
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Stotras of Sri Vedanta Desika - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
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Tirumangai Alvar's Madal Poems - Web
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Tirumangai Āḻvār's Self-Abasement - Journal
Tiruppan Alvar - Web
Tiruppāṇ Alvar - Journal
Tiruvahindrapuram - Web
Tiruvahindrapuram - Tiruvahindrapuram
Trail - Tirumalai-Tirupati
Trail - Tiruvahindrapuram
Vairagya Panchakam - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
Vairagya Panchakam of Swami Desikan - Journal
Varadaraja Panchasat - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
Varadaraja Panchasat of Sri Vedanta Desika - Web
Varadarâja Pañcâśat of Swami Desikan - Journal
Vedanta Desika's Acyuta Satakam - Journal
Vedanta Desika's Hayagriva Stotram - Journal
Vedarthasangraha - Web
Vedarthasangraha - Web
Vedarthasangraha of Sri Ramanujacharya - Web
Vedarthasangraha Text 2 - Web
Vedarthasangraha Text 3 - Web
Vedarthasangraha Text 4 - Web
Vedarthasangraha Text 5 - Web
Vedarthasangraha Text 6 - Web
Vedarthasangraha Text Index - Web
Vegasetu Stotram - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
Vegasetu Stotram of Swami Desikan - Journal
Vegasetu Stotram of Swami Desikan - Journal
Viśishṭādvaita - Web
Yatiraja Saptati - Sri D. Ramaswamy Ayyangar
ḍasâvatâra shtotram of Swami Desikan - Journal
ṇyasa ṭilakam of Swami Desikan - Journal
ṇyâsa Vimshatih of Swami Desikan - Journal
ṇyâsa ḍashakam of Swami Desikan - Journal
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ānanda / आनन्द - Web
ātman / आत्मन् - Web
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śāstra / शास्त्र - Web

MS Suprabatham

MS Suprabatham

Suprabhātam literally auspicious dawn is a Sanskrit poem of the Suprabhātakāvya genre. It is a collection of hymns or verses recited early morning to awaken the deity in Hinduism. The metre chosen for a Suprabhātam poem is usually Vasantatilakā.

The most well-known Suprabhātam work is the Veṅkaṭeśasuprabhātam recited at Tirupati to awaken Veṅkaṭeśa. A rendition of the poem by renowned carnatic vocalist M. S. Subbulakshmi is extremely popular which is played daily in many homes and temples of South India.

The idea of awakening the deity in the morning traces its origins to Tamil bhakti literature. These were called Thiruppalliyelucci (literally, the auspicious awakening). Numerous poems were composed by saints on Shiva and Vishnu, the most popular being Manikkavacakar's poem on Shiva and Andal's poem on Sri Ranganatha (Vishnu). Acharyas who come from the lineage of Ramanuja, adapted this form into Sanskrit in later times.
Singers : P.V.AnantaSayanamIyengar, MS Subbulakshmi

Tags: andal poems, ranganatha wallpapers, sri ranganatha wallpaper, suprabatham, suprabatham in star.



HH JPS arrives to Damodardesh & Shyamadesh




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  9. EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VIII - viernes 27 de enero de 2012

La Bíblia

  1. El Mundo Bíblico 1 - lunes 2 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
  2. El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
  3. El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
  4. El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
  5. El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
  6. El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
  1. La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
  2. La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
  3. La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
  4. La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
  5. La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011


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BIBLIA - LINKS en ivoox.com

  • BIBLIA I - LINKS en ivoox.com - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
  • BIBLIA II - LINKS en ivoox.com - sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012
  • VIDA de los SANTOS - LINKS en ivoox.com

    VIDA de los SANTOS - LINKS en ivoox.com - domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

    BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - ivoox.com

    BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - ivoox.com - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

    EGIPTO - LINKS - ivoox.com

    EGIPTO - LINKS - ivoox.com - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

    Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - ivoox.com

    Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - ivoox.com - martes, 28 de agosto de 2012


    HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS - jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012


    Archivos Akashicos - LINKS - sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

    Documentales Sonoros (misteriosemanal.com)

    Documentales Sonoros (www.misteriosemanal.com) - LINKS - sábado, 5 de enero de 2013

    OTRAS - LINKS - ivoox.com

    AUDIO en ivoox.com - LINKS

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