Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata - Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura
Commentary by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.13
hena mate āpanā’ lukāi’ nityānanda
śiśu-gaṇa-saṅge khelā karena ānanda
Nityānanda remained hidden as He enjoyed childhood pastimes with the other children.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.14
śiśu-gaṇa-saṅge prabhu yata krīḍā kare
śrī-kṛṣṇera kārya āra nāhi sphūre
The pastimes that the Lord enjoyed with His childhood friends were all related to the activities of Lord Kṛṣṇa.
While Śrī Nityānanda Rāma Prabhu sported with His boyfriends, they would enact the pastimes of Gokula, Mathurā, and Dvārakā. In this way He fulfilled the desires and assisted in the pastimes of His Lord, Śrī Gaura-Kṛṣṇa.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.15-17
deva-sabhā karena miliyā śiśu-gaṇe
pṛthivīra rūpe keha kare nivedane
tabe pṛthvī laiyā sabe nadī-tīre yāya
śiśu-gaṇa meli’ stuti kare ūrdhvarāya
kona śiśu lukāiyā ūrdhva kari’ bole
“janmibāṅa giyā āmi mathurā-gokule”
He and His friends formed an assembly of demigods, and one of them acting as mother earth offered prayers to them. They then led mother earth to the riverbank, and the children all began to offer prayers. Then one of the boys hidden from view loudly declared, “I will soon take birth in Mathurā, Gokula.”
The word deva-sabhā refers to the assembly of the demigods known as Sudharmā.
The word nadī-tīre means “on the shore of the Milk Ocean.”
In the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.1.17-23) Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī speaks to Parīkṣit Mahārāja as follows:
“Once when mother earth was overburdened by hundreds of thousands of military phalanxes of various conceited demons dressed like kings, she approached Lord Brahmā for relief. Mother earth assumed the form of a cow. Very much distressed, with tears in her eyes, she appeared before Lord Brahmā and told him about her misfortune. Thereafter, having heard of the distress of mother earth, Lord Brahmā, with mother earth, Lord Śiva and all the other demigods, approached the shore of the ocean of milk. After reaching the shore of the ocean of milk, the demigods worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Viṣṇu, the master of the whole universe, the supreme God of all gods, who provides for everyone and diminishes everyone’s suffering. With great attention, they worshiped Lord Viṣṇu, who lies on the ocean of milk, by reciting the Vedic mantras known as the Puruṣa-sūkta. While in trance, Lord Brahmā heard the words of Lord Viṣṇu vibrating in the sky. Thus he told the demigods:
‘O demigods, hear from me the order of Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, the Supreme Person, and execute it attentively without delay.’
Lord Brahmā informed the demigods:
‘Before we submitted our petition to the Lord, He was already aware of the distress on earth. Consequently, for as long as the Lord moves on earth to diminish its burden by His own potency in the form of time, all of you demigods should appear through plenary portions as sons and grandsons in the family of the Yadus. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who has full potency, will personally appear as the son of Vasudeva.’”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.18
kona-dina niśā-bhāge śiśu-gaṇa laiyā
vasudeva-devakīra karāyena viyā
One evening the Lord and His friends enacted the marriage of Vasudeva and Devakī.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.19
bandi-ghara kariyā atyanta niśā-bhāge
kṛṣṇa-janma karāyena, keha nāhi jāge
Then, late one night, while everyone slept, they made a prison and enacted the birth of Lord Kṛṣṇa.
The phrase kṛṣṇa-janma karāyena—“enacted the birth of Lord Kṛṣṇa,” is elaborated in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.3.8) as follows:
“Then the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, who is situated in the core of everyone’s heart, appeared from the heart of Devakī in the dense darkness of night, like the full moon rising on the eastern horizon, because Devakī was of the same category as Śrī Kṛṣṇa.”
The phrase keha nāhi jāge—“while everyone slept,” is explained in the following passage of Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.3.48):
“By the influence of Yogamāyā, all the doorkeepers fell fast asleep, their senses unable to work, and the other inhabitants of the house also fell deeply asleep.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.20
gokula sṛjiyā tathi ānena kṛṣṇere
mahāmāyā dilā laiyā bhāṇḍilā kaṁsere
They created a Gokula, and Kṛṣṇa was taken there and exchanged with Mahāmāyā, thereby tricking King Kaṁsa.
The pastimes mentioned in this verse are described in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.3.51-52) as follows:
“When Vasudeva reached the house of Nanda Mahārāja, he saw that all the cowherd men were fast asleep. Thus he placed his own son on the bed of Yaśodā, picked up her daughter, an expansion of Yogamāyā, and then returned to his residence, the prison house of Kaṁsa. Vasudeva placed the female child on the bed of Devakī, bound his legs with the iron shackles, and thus remained there as before.”
The words dilā laiyā—“gave and took” refer to the point of view of Yaśodā, the resident of Vraja. In this drama the child playing Yaśodā gave the child playing Mahāmāyā to the child playing Vasudeva and took the child playing Kṛṣṇa from him.
Another reading of this passage is laiyā diyā—“took and gave,” which would then refer to the point of view of Vasudeva, the resident of Mathurā prison. In that case the child playing Vasudeva took the child playing Mahāmāyā from the child playing Yaśodā and gave the child playing Kṛṣṇa to her.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.21
kona śiśu sājāyena pūtanāra rūpe
keha stana pāna kare uṭhi’ tā’ra buke
Another time they dressed someone as Pūtanā, and someone climbed on her chest to suck her breast.
Regarding Kṛṣṇa’s drinking milk from Pūtanā’s breast, the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.6.10) states:
“On that very spot, the fiercely dangerous Rākṣasī Pūtanā took Kṛṣṇa on her lap and pushed her breast into His mouth. The nipple of her breast was smeared with a dangerous, immediately effective poison, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, becoming very angry at her, took hold of her breast, squeezed it very hard with both hands, and sucked out both the poison and her life.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.22
kona-dina śiśu-saṅge nalakhaḍi diyā
śakaṭa gaḍiyā tāhā phelena bhāṅgiyā
One day Nityānanda and His boyfriends made a śakaṭa, or handcart, out of reeds and then broke it.
The word nalakhaḍi refers to a type of tall grass in the form of hard hollow sticks, also known as reeds.
Breaking the handcart is described in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.7.7-8) as follows:
“Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa was lying down underneath the handcart in one corner of the courtyard, and although His little legs were as soft as leaves, when He struck the cart with His legs, it turned over violently and collapsed.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.23
nikaṭe vasaye yata goyālāra ghare
alakṣite śiśu-saṅge giyā curi kare
Another day the Lord and His friends stole from the houses of the neighbouring cowherd men.
The word goyālā comes from the word goala, which is a corruption of the Sanskrit word gopāla.
Regarding Kṛṣṇa’s stealing butter from the houses of the cowherd men, in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam (10.8.29) the gopīs complain to Mother Yaśodā about Kṛṣṇa in the following words:
steyaṁ svādv atty atha dadhi-payaḥ kalpitaiḥ steya-yogaiḥ:
“Sometimes He devises some process by which He steals palatable curd, butter and milk, which He then eats and drinks.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.24
tāṅ’re chāḍi’ śiśu-gaṇa nāhi yāya ghare
rātri-dina nityānanda-saṁhati vihare
The boys never left Nityānanda’s association to go home, but continued sporting with Him day and night.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.25
yāhāra bālaka, tā’rā kichu nāhi bole
sabe sneha kariyā rākhena laiyā kole
The children’s parents did not complain, rather they would affectionately embrace Nityānanda.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.26
sabe bole,—“nāhi dekhi hena divya khelā
kemane jānila śiśu eta kṛṣṇa-līlā?”
They said, “We have never seen such transcendental sports. How does this child know so many of Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes?”

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