Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata - Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura
Commentary by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura
Chapter Nine: Nityānanda’s Childhood Pastimes and Travels to Holy Places
This chapter describes the various dramas related to Śrī Kṛṣṇa, Rāma, and Vāmana that Śrīmad Nityānanda Prabhu enacted up to His twelfth year and His subsequent travel to the holy places up to the age of twenty.
On the order of Śrī Gaura-Kṛṣṇa, Śrī Anantadeva personally appeared in the village of Ekacākā, in the district of Rāḍha-deśa, from the womb of Padmāvatī, the wife of Hāḍo Ojhā, as Śrī Nityānanda-candra. In the wake of His appearance, all the prevalent inauspicious symptoms were totally uprooted.
In His childhood pastimes, Śrīmad Nityānanda Prabhu and His associate childhood friends remained engaged in imitating various pastimes of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Sometimes He and His friends would form the assembly of the demigods, and someone dressed as mother earth, burdened by the atrocities of the demons, would come before that assembly and offer prayers. At that time Śrīmad Nityānanda Prabhu and the boys who were part of that assembly would go to the bank of a river and pray to Lord Kṣīrodakaśāyī. Thereafter, a boy acting as Kṣīrodakaśāyī would announce from a hidden place, “I will soon appear in Mathurā Gokula in order to diminish the burden of the earth.” At other times they imitated the various Dvāpara pastimes of Kṛṣṇa like the marriage of Vasudeva and Devakī, the birth of Kṛṣṇa in the prison cell, Vasudeva’s taking Kṛṣṇa to the house of Nanda, Vasudeva’s return with Mahāmāyā, the daughter of Yaśodā, the killing of Pūtanā, the breaking of Śakaṭa, Kṛṣṇa’s stealing butter and milk from the house of the cowherds, the killing of Dhenuka, Agha, and Bakāsura, tending the cows, lifting Govardhana, stealing the gopīs’ clothes, Kṛṣṇa’s bestowing mercy on the wives of the sacrificial brāhmaṇas, Nārada’s giving advice to Kaṁsa in a secluded place, and the killing of the elephant Kuvalaya, the wrestlers Cāṇūra and Muṣṭika, and Kaṁsa. Sometimes in the form of Vāmana, He deceived Bali; sometimes while enacting the pastimes of Rāma, He would gather His friends to form an army of monkey soldiers and build a bridge; He would personally play the role of Lakṣmaṇa and approach Sugrīva with bow and arrows in His hands; in the form of Rāma, He would diminish the pride of Paraśurāma; and while enacting the killing of Indrajit, He would fall unconscious in the mood of Lakṣmaṇa having been hit by Indrajit’s powerful arrow until Hanumān brought medicine, under His previous directions, and revived Him. In this way He exhibited pastimes of the various incarnations of the Lord.
In this way Śrīmad Nityānanda Prabhu engaged in enacting various pastimes up to the age of twelve. Thereafter, on the pretext of purifying Himself, He travelled to the holy places of Āryāvarta and Dākṣiṇātya up to the age of twenty. He then came to Navadvīpa and met His own Lord, Śrī Gaurasundara. In the course of visiting the holy places, Nityānanda Prabhu met Śrīman Mādhavendra Purī, Śrīpāda Īśvara Purī, and Śrīla Brahmānanda Purī. In this way Śrīmad Nityānanda Prabhu passed a few days discussing topics of Kṛṣṇa with Śrīman Mādhavendra Purī, who was accompanied by his disciples. Thereafter He proceeded to Setubandha, Dhanus-tīrtha, Māyāpurī, Avantī, Godāvarī, Jiyaḍa-nṛsiṁha, Devapurī, Trimalla, Kūrma-kṣetra, and many other holy places before arriving in Nīlācala. At Nīlācala, He saw Śrī Jagannāthadeva, the source of the catur-vyūha, and became overwhelmed in ecstasy. From Śrī Kṣetra, He returned to Śrī Mathurā. This chapter ends with an explanation of why He did not exhibit the pastime of distributing the holy names and love of God at that time and a glorification of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu, who is non-different from the omnipotent Baladeva.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.1
jaya jaya śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya kṛpā-sindhu
jaya jaya nityānanda agatira bandhu
All glories to Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya, who is an ocean of mercy! All glories to Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu, who is the friend of those who are ignorant of the goal of life.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.2
jayādvaita-candrera jīvana-dhana-prāṇa
jaya śrīnivāsa-gadādharera nidhāna
All glories to He who is the life, wealth, and soul of Śrī Advaita candra. All glories to He who is the shelter of Śrīvāsa and Gadādhara.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.3
jaya jagannātha-śacī-putra viśvambhara
jaya jaya bhakta-vṛnda priya anucara
All glories to Lord Viśvambhara, the son of Śacī and Jagannātha. All glories to the devotees, who are the beloved associates of the Lord.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.4
pūrve prabhu śrī-ananta caitanya-ājñāya
rāḍhe avatīrṇa hai’ āchena līlāya
On the order of Lord Caitanya, Śrī Anantadeva had already appeared in Rāḍha-deśa and was engaged in various pastimes.
In this connection one should refer to the Ādi-khaṇḍa, Chapter Two, verses 31, 38-40, and 228-230.
The word līlāya means “by manifesting His own eternal transcendental pastimes in this material world,” in other words, “by His own sweet will.”
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.5
hāḍo-ojhā nāme pitā, mātā padmāvatī
eka-cākā-nāme grāma gauḍeśvara yathi
His father’s name was Hāḍāi Ojhā, and His mother was Padmāvatī. Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu appeared in the village of Ekacakrā as the Lord of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavas.
The surname Ojhā is a corruption of the name Upādhyāya, which is used by the Maithila brāhmaṇas. For descriptions of Hāḍāi Paṇḍita and Padmāvatī one may refer to Ādi-khaṇḍa, Chapter Two, verse 39.
For a description of Ekacākā, one may refer to Ādi-khaṇḍa, Chapter Two, verse 38.
The word gauḍeśvara refers to Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu, who is the Lord and master of the Gauḍīyas. Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu destroys the living entities’ anarthas, or unwanted things, and awards to the Gauḍīyas the supreme destination of service in the pure transcendental rasas of vātsalya, sakhya, and dāsya.
The word yathi refers to Maureśvara Yathi. The village Maureśvara, or Mayureśvara, was a famous trade center for silk cocoons and silk thread. In some persons’ opinion this place was famous for its Śiva-liṅga. Another reading for the word yathi is tathi, which is derived from the word tatha or tathāya [meaning “there”] and is commonly used in ancient Bengali prose.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.6
śiśu haite susthira subuddhi guṇavān
jiniñā kandarpa koṭi lāvaṇyera dhāma
From His childhood, Lord Nityānanda was sober, intelligent, and the abode of all good qualities. His charming loveliness defeated that of millions of Cupids.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.7
sei haite rāḍhe haila sarva-sumaṅgala
durbhikṣa-dāridrya-doṣa khaṇḍila sakala
The entire district of Rāḍha-deśa was filled with auspiciousness and devoid of famine and poverty from the time of His birth.
One should refer to Ādi-khaṇḍa, Chapter Two, verse 133 and Ādi-khaṇḍa, Chapter Four, verses 47-48. On the appearance of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu, the absence of kīrtana and destitution in the form of materialistic pride were destroyed and the chanting of Kṛṣṇa’s holy names and the propensity for His service were awakened in the hearts of people.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.8
ye dine janmilā navadvīpe gauracandra
rāḍhe thāki’ huṅkāra karilā nityānanda
The day that Lord Gauracandra appeared in Navadvīpa, in Rāḍha-deśa Lord Nityānanda roared loudly.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.9
ananta-brahmāṇḍa vyāpta haila huṅkāre
mūrchāgata haila yena sakala-saṁsāre
His roar spread throughout innumerable universes, and people of the entire world were practically rendered unconscious.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.10
katho loka balileka,—“haila vajrapāta”
katho loka mānileka parama utpāta
Some people said it was a thunderbolt, while others thought it was a great calamity.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.11
katho loka balileka,—“jāniluṅ kāraṇa
gauḍeśvara-gosāñira haila garjana”
Other people said, “We know the cause. It was the loud roaring of Nityānanda Gosvāmī, the Lord of the Gauḍīyas.”
The word gauḍeśvara-gosāñi is explained as follows:
Dāmodara Svarūpa, Mahāprabhu’s dvitīya-svarūpa, or second form, along with his two friends, Rūpa and Sanātana, were the proprietors of service to Kṛṣṇa in the conjugal rasa. They are also Gauḍeśvara, or Gauḍīyeśvara; that is why Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu has been properly addressed as Gauḍeśvara Gosvāmī.
CB Ādi-khaṇḍa 9.12
ei-mata sarva loka nānā-kathā gāya
nityānande keha nāhi cinila māyāya
In this way people had different opinions about what had happened, but no one could recognize Lord Nityānanda due to the influence of His illusory energy.
The word māyāya refers to the influence of the illusory external energy of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu—who is non-different from Śrī Baladeva, the source of all Viṣṇu expansions—that bewilders the marginal living entities. Those who are under the control of the covering and throwing propensities of Lord Viṣṇu’s illusory energy cannot understand the truth regarding Śrī Nityānanda. Some illusioned living entities say that Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu was a Maithila brāhmaṇa; some say that He married into the house of Bengali Rāḍha brāhmaṇas, and others say that He was born in a low-class family. By such deceptive propositions created by māyā, the truths regarding Śrī Nityānanda are not understood. Moreover, others who are controlled by material intelligence also say that the seminal descendants of Nityānanda Prabhu’s son, Vīrabhadra, are as powerful as Śrī Nityānanda, and therefore on the basis of their seminal birth they are on the same level as the Supreme Lord.
If this were the fact, then why did this line come under the control of materialistic fruitive smārtas who are engaged in enjoying the fruits of temporary activities?
Yet others say that the three sons of Vīrabhadra were simply His disciples, because their sons were born in the villages of Bāruḍigāiṅ and Baṭavyālīgāiṅ and therefore by worldly consideration they cannot be considered seminal sons of Vīrabhadra. Persons with material conceptions, being covered and thrown by the illusory external energy of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu, endeavour to establish a mundane relationship with Him. Such people try to include and count Nityānanda Prabhu among the conditioned living entities and thus invite severe offense. This is Śrī Nityānanda-Baladeva’s mysterious pastime of deceiving the demons.

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