Narottam Das Thakur has written this song “Nitai Pada Kamala”. The official name of this song is Prarthana (Section: Nityananda Nistha Song 1). This song is taken from the book Prarthana. In this song, Narottam Das Thakur glorifies the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, which are the shelter for the whole world.
Nikunj is a place in Vrindavan which is surrounded by vrinda or tulsi shrubs. In these grooves of creepers the divine jori or couple loves to spend their pastime. This place exists in Nidhivan from where Shri Banke Bihari appeared by hearing the sangeet of Swami Shri Haridasji some 500 hundred years ago. Some of his le...
Spoken by Lord Shiva to Parvati in the Tantra named Urdhvamnaya-Tantra
This is the most famous stotra in Sri Vrindavana; all the sadhus and devoted matajis [ladies] know it by heart, and it is recited daily in most temples and nearby villages; indeed, this prayer is regarded as the very heart of Vrindavana. It is also ...
Madan Mohana means “one who can even enchant the Cupid.” The Deity of Madan Mohana (formerly Madan-Gopal) was made by Krishna's great grandson - Vajranabha and for many years He was lost. Advaita Acarya discovered the original Deity of Madan Mohana under a Banyan tree in Vrindavana on the bank of river Yamuna and serve...
Sanatana Goswami was a principal disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sanatana Goswami wrote a number of important works in the bhakti tradition of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and was the senior most of the influential Six Goswamis of Vrindavan, among whom was his brother Rupa Goswami.
In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana, in a conversation with Ganga Devi, Lord Krishna describes that after 5,000 years of Kali-yuga have passed, His mantra upasaka, the great sage and worshiper of Krishna's holy names, will appear and spread the chanting of Krishna's names (in the form of the Hare Krishna mantra) not only in ...
In 1965, at seventy years of age, he ventured outside India for the first time to fulfill the order of his spiritual master. During his voyage at sea, he suffered two severe heart attacks. He reached the shores of America with the equivalent of seven dollars to his name.
In the fifth wave of Sri Bhakti Ratnakara, Narahari Chakravarti Thakur glorifies the birthplace of Srimati Radharani. In this first excerpt, he quotes Raghava Pandit’s discussion with Srinivas Acharya when he took Narottama das Thakura and Srinivasa Acarya on Vraja mandal parikrama
Faith means unflinching trust in something sublime. By rendering transcendental service to Krsna, one automatically performs all subsidiary activities. This confident, firm faith, favorable to the discharge of devotional service, is called sraddha. Sraddha, faith in Krsna, is the beginning of Krsna consciousness. Faith means strong faith. Faith means ...
Brahmananda, November 2, 1975, Nairobi: [...] The quality of the chanting he’s asking. How can we make the quality the best?
Prabhupada: Quality, you’ll understand first of all come to the quality. Without having quality, how he’ll understand the quality? You follow the instruction of your spiritual master, of the sastra. ...
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written five beautiful prayers in "Sri Navadvipa Bhava Taranga" for receiving the mercy of Lord Narasimha. These prayers are certainly assurance to all sincere devotees that the worship of Lord Narasimha is purely in the line of aspiring love and devotion to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. Those prayers are as follows.....
The seed to the devotional creeper comes via the mercy of the Lord and his devotee. The creeper of spontaneous ecstatic devotion does not flower anywhere within this world, not even in Vaikuntha in the spiritual world, but only in Vrndavan at Krishna's lotus feet. Krishna's feet are like the wish-fulfilling tree around which the vine of devotion wr...
The lord is most eager to meet us. He is much more eager than we are. He has been waiting and waiting for millennia and we are standing him up. Every minute he is looking to see whether there is anybody coming home at last, and finally, after millions of years of evolution, when all our toys are broken, we decide reluctantly to turn back. When we go back like this after millions of years of separation ,the lord tells us out of his infinite love, " What good boys and girls to have come on your own"
Once Akbar taunted Birbal by saying that your God (Krsna) is so powerless that He had to come on His own to save His devotee elephant from the jaws of a crocodile. Had it been the same case with me, I would have sent some of my soldiers to save my friend. Birbal asked for some time so that he can practically show him the reason for that.
There are (four) classifications: "Lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool, and busy fool." So at the present moment (laughs) the whole world is full of busy fools. But the first-class man is "lazy intelligent." The second-class man is "busy intelligent." Third class means "lazy fool" and fourth class means "busy fool." Nowadays people are bu...
The saintly king Yudhishthira Maharaj said, "Oh Keshava, what is the name of that Ekadasii that occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Ashadha (June - July)? Who is the worshipable Deity for the auspicious day, and what is the process for observing this event? Lord Sri Krishna replied, "Oh caretaker of this ...
The term "juggernaut" entered the English language long before Lord Jagannatha came to British shores. Describing an "irresistible force" or procession, "juggernaut" eventually became identified with mighty battleships - and now means a large lorry.
But the original Lord Jagannatha truly embodies an irresistibl...
The world famous Rathayatra of Lord Jagannath is also known as Yatra and Ghosha Yatra. These Festivals are held on "ASHADHASUKLADWITIYA" ie..the second day of the bright fortnight of ashadha (June-July) every year. This Rathayatra symbolises that after a long time of the separation Lord Shri Krishna is going ...
"Some devotees are in such an intense compact of love with the Lord that they forget His exalted position and regard themselves as His equals or even His superiors. These eternal associates of the Lord relate with Him in the higher statuses of friendship, parenthood, and consorthood. Devotees in a transcendental parental relationship with the Lord ...
1) "I worship Sri Radhika, Whose beautiful eyes flicker in all directions like restless playful wagtail birds, Who is the Malli-flower for the honeybee-heart of the son of the cowherd king (Krsna) and Who is deep with all attributes."
2) "I worship Sri Radhika, Who spreads the fame of Her father Vrsabhanu Maharaja's well thoughout the world and Who...
Baladeva is just next to Krsna in the category of object of worship. In the Maha-Vaikuntha He is manifest as, Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. The topics of the fourth dimension lie beyond the threefold specification of the Linear, superficial and cubical magnitudes of this world.
The topics of the 5th dimension are still higher. They are words spoken by the flute of Krishna
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